Reception - Playdough Christmas Trees
This morning we have been creating some christmas trees at our playdough table. The children have moulded their playdough into tree shapes and used lots of materials to decorate them, including gems, beads, pompoms and pipe cleaners. They did a great job and have created some Fabulous trees!
Nursery Nativity
A huge well done to our Nursery superstars who have worked so hard on their nativity. They acted out the Nativity story and sang sone Christmas songs.
Pre School - North and South Pole
This week in Understanding the world, we learnt about the North and South pole and what we would find there. We discovered lots of ice and different animals to what we would see in Darwen. We put the polar bears and reindeer in the North pole and whales and penguins in the south pole. The children then explored ice and what happens to the ice when it starts to get warm.
Online Safety - Disney +
‘Tis the season for family movie nights Many parents will be turning to Disney+ for exactly that reason – but how free from #OnlineSafety risks is the House of Mouse’s streaming service? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide delves into Disney+
Year 5 French - Snakes and Ladders
Year 5 enjoyed playing Snakes and Ladders in French today. When they landed on certain squares they had to make up french sentences connected to our topic on musical instruments. It was wonderful to hear such lovely French accents around the room!
Reception - RE - Diwali
In R.E this week we have been looking at Diwali, the Hindu festival of light! We spoke about the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Even the smallest light cannot be dimmed by the darkness. We used glow sticks and torches to test this theory, the result was beautiful and the children thoroughly enjoyed our own mini festival of light.
Nursery - Decorating the Tree
We have had so much fun today decorating our Christmas trees! We decorated one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The children learnt lots of skills including turn taking and teamwork. They developed their fine motor skills hanging up the baubles. I think you will agree that they both look amazing!
Reception - Scavenger Sort
Yesterday we went on a scavenger hunt around the school grounds to see what we could find in nature! The children found an array of items including leaves, berries and ice. The children sorted all of the objects into groups before we took a look at our haul! We spoke about why the leaves were on the ground instead of in the trees. What animals may need the berries as a food source. How the ice was formed. Why it is important to put our rubbish in the bin. Reception class did a great job working scientifically and they had lots of ideas and comments about what we had found.
Online Safety - The Online Safety Act
After a lengthy gestation period, the UK Government’s wide-ranging changes to the legislation around digital safeguarding have become enshrined in law as the Online Safety Act. The first of its kind in Britain, the act aims to improve protection for children online and clamp down on illegal material. Regulated by Ofcom, it will primarily impact social media platforms and companies which host user-generated content. The new legislation, however, also carries implications for schools and their staff. Although further developments are expected, our #WakeUpWednesday guide summarises the main points of the act that schools need to be aware of so far – outlining some specific areas that the new laws address and what effect, in practical terms, this will have on education providers.
2’s Room - Dinosaur Art
We have been very creative today making big dinosaurs together, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. We used natural materials to create our dinosaurs.
Nursery PE - Throwing and Passing
This week in P.E the children have been developing their throwing and catching skills, passing the bean bags to each other and developing our core strength.
Year 4 Science - Sounds and Vibrations
In science this afternoon we have been exploring how sounds are made and associating them with vibrations.