Image of Y1 - Collaborative Art - Fireworks
4 Nov

Y1 - Collaborative Art - Fireworks

In art and design year one have been creating a collaborative picture of the night sky on bonfire night. They used chalk, crayon and oil pastels to create the effect.

Image of Reception Class - Creating Rockets
4 Nov

Reception Class - Creating Rockets

Reception Class have been creating rockets by cutting out 2D shapes and sticking them together.

Image of Reception - Class Worship
3 Nov

Reception - Class Worship

During class worship we have been looking at the biblical story of Ruth and Naomi. We worked together in two teams to 'stick together' as Ruth and Naomi did. Our task was to carry a balloon around the classroom without using our hands. The children came up with some very good ideas on how to transport the balloon.

Image of Nursery - Toddle Tots
3 Nov

Nursery - Toddle Tots

This morning both pre school and two’s class walked up to church to attend the playgroup. We had lots of fun meeting new friends and playing with the different toys.

Image of Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip
1 Nov

Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip

What an exciting first day back at school year 4 have had today, visiting two places of worship, Blackburn Cathedral and Jaame Masjid (Central Mosque). We have learnt so many interesting facts and have definitely been “wowed” by lots of things. Well done year 4, you have made us very proud today.

Image of Reception - Colours in French
1 Nov

Reception - Colours in French

Reception have had their first French lesson of this term today and they have been learning how to say different colours! So far we have worked on rouge, bleu and jaune.

Image of Progressive Active Camps
23 Oct

Progressive Active Camps

Holiday Camp Announcement!!! After the successful launch of our 1st Holiday camp we are pleased to finally announce that we have confirmed a 2nd venue to run our camps from. starting from October half term. Starting from October half term we will be working at Darwen St James CE Primary Academy along with West End Primary school were we are excited to reach out to more children and continue to inspire and encourage children to be physically active over the holiday periods. If you would like to book onto either venues please follow our booking page link below: If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you soon

Image of Reception Class - Pompom Spiders
19 Oct

Reception Class - Pompom Spiders

We have made some pompom spiders this afternoon! The children did a great job at following the instructions. Once we had finished the children decided where they wanted to hang their spiders.

Image of Y2 Science - Identifying and Comparing Materials
19 Oct

Y2 Science - Identifying and Comparing Materials

After listening to the song 'There's a hole in my bucket' we received a text message from Henry asking for our help. He wanted us to find something to fill the hole in his bucket. We thought about different materials we could investigate and found that blue-tack didn't let any water through, whereas playdough let 59 drops of water through in 30 seconds. The children then wrote a text message back to Henry with their advice.

Image of Wake Up Wednesday - Sendit
19 Oct

Wake Up Wednesday - Sendit

Ready to receive some info? … because we’re ready to Sendit This #WakeUpWednesday, we highlight the #OnlineSafety risks in Sendit – a Snapchat add-on which is meant for older teens but is proving popular with younger users.

Image of Reception Class - French
18 Oct

Reception Class - French

Today during our french lesson the children have been practising how to ask for something and also how to say thank you! They have all done really well and have been able to ask 's'il vous plaît' and say 'mercé'

Image of Toddle Tots is Back!
17 Oct

Toddle Tots is Back!

Toddle Tots is back! Every Thursday starting 3rd November at St James Church, Over Darwen. 9.30 - 11am.