Year 2 - DT
Year 2 have made their own finger puppets in DT.
Year 3 Art and Design.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed their Art lesson today. They had to create positive and negative prints.
National Online Safety #WakeupWednesday - Horror Games
Terrific entertainment … or just plain terrifying? Our #WakeUpWednesday guide checks the doors are locked, turns on all the lights, and tells a chilling tale of #OnlineSafety threats that children could encounter in horror games. .
Changes to Covid Regulations.
As of Monday 17th January there will be a further change to the COVID-19 isolation rules From Monday, if you are self-isolating you will have the option to reduce your isolation period to 5 FULL days. If you test negative with a lateral flow test on both day 5 and day 6 (and you do not have a temperature), you can end your isolation immediately after your day 6 test. For example, if you test negative on the morning of day 5 and the morning of day 6, you can immediately end isolation. For pupils, they would be able to return to school straight away on day 6. Please note that the first test must be taken no earlier than day 5 of the self-isolation period, and the second must be taken the following day. If the result of either of tests is positive, you should continue to self-isolate until you get negative results from two LFT tests on consecutive days or until you have completed 10 full days of self-isolation, whichever is earliest. Please contact the school office if you have any questions. Thank you.
Year 6 - Science
Year 6 are studying Light in science, and created investigations to prove that light travels in a straight line. Can you see the torchlight shining through all the holes in the cards? We discovered that the holes have to be lined up for this to occur - light doesn’t travel around corners!
Year 6 - Fire and Road Safety Visit.
Year 6 had a fantastic fire and road safety visit from the Darwen Fire Service this afternoon, and were lucky enough to get a guided tour around the fire engine afterwards!
Year 3 - Science
In Science today we have been comparing different types of soil to see how much water they absorb for a farmer. The clay loam was the best at absorbing water. We used our measuring skills to work out the volume in millilitres.
Reception Class - Teamwork and Problem Solving.
Reception Class have been accessing activities to get their brains busy and to test their problem solving skills.
Nativity Video Link - Jesus' Christmas Party.
We are very proud of all of our children that have taken part in the KS1 nativity last week, As promised here are links for you to watch the performance. I am sure you will enjoy them as much as we did. Well done to them all!
KS2 Carol Service
We are very proud of all of our children that have taken part in the KS2 Carol service today. As promised here are links for you to watch the performance. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as we did. Well done to them all!
Year 6 Design Technology
This afternoon Year 6 are making suspension bridges in their Design and Technology lesson.
Year 6 Science
Year 6 have been carrying out a scientific investigation to test their predictions that the heart rate will rise even if you are doing a stationary exercise like the plank or a yoga balance pose.