Year 6 - Science - Testing Bird Feet
Year 6 have had a “splashing” time testing which bird foot is best for swimming in science this afternoon!
Year 4 - National Poetry Day
Today for National Poetry Day, we read and performed a poem called The Lifecycle of a Flower. We enjoyed using actions and liked the rhyming words too!
Pre School - Letters to the Bear
Pre-School have been reading We’re Going on a Bear Hunt this week. Some of the children created some invitations to give to the bear because he is lonely and the children asked him to come and play at nursery. The children left the invitations in the garden and this morning we had a reply, the bear had left a note and some biscuits to share with the children.
Wake Up Wednesday - BeReal
A social media app based on authenticity? It’s been dubbed ‘the anti-influencer platform’ – but does that mean that BeReal has fewer #OnlineSafety risks than its glamour-focused rivals? Read our #WakeUpWednesday guide to find out
Year 6 - Science - Fossils
Year 6 enjoyed our science lesson about fossils. We explored a number of different fossils, and then learnt about why fossils are so important for the understanding of evolution. We all agreed that we wished we could learn about fossils every day!
Pre School - The 3 Bears
This morning in pre school the children were looking the different sizes of the bears, big, small and medium. They had to place the big, small and medium bears in size order. We created our own bears using paints and paper plates and then we explored the outdoor area.
Two’s Room - Gross Motor Skills
In the two’s room this morning we had so much fun exploring the outdoor area. We practiced our running, jumping and balancing skills.
Y1 and Y2 Literature Festival
Year 1 and 2 had a great time at Darwen Library this morning. We met a real author called Christina Gabittas and listened to her stories. Your child will bring a voucher home today that you can swap for a free book in Darwen library from 10 am to 12 noon on Saturday.
Two’s Room - Messy Fun!
In the Two’s room this afternoon we have been exploring icing sugar and how gloopy it is when you add water to it! Lots of messy fun.
Pre-School - Exploring Autumn
In Pre school this afternoon we have been exploring the outdoor area and enjoying the Autumn weather. We have collected leaves to create pictures with tomorrow. We had so much fun!
Y2 - Visit to Darwen Library
Y2 had a wonderful time exploring Darwen library this morning. The children thought of some fantastic vocabulary that will help them with their writing this week.
Year 2 - Drumming
Year 2 have been enjoying learning drumming with Mr Navekar this half term. They have learnt lots of new skills, including keeping a beat, taking it in turns to repeat the pattern they have heard.