Image of Wear Yellow Day!
14 Oct

Wear Yellow Day!

On Friday 14th October we held a #HELLOYELLOW day in aid of the 'Young Minds' Charity. We wore yellow on a non uniform day and held a cake sale after the Celebration Assembly for parents. Thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising. We raised a wonderful £163.69

Image of Chat, Play and Read Together
14 Oct

Chat, Play and Read Together

Every chat you have with your child helps them develop their social skills, so they can make friends more easily. Here are some simple things you can try to get your child talking: #ChatPlayRead

Image of Pre School - Exploring Autumn
13 Oct

Pre School - Exploring Autumn

We have had lots of fun this week learning all about Autumn and the wonderful things that happen during this time. We have talked about what animals hibernate and then we have painted these. We have been on a leaf hunt and collected lots of leaves to then make pictures with.

Image of Y3 - Science - Shadows
13 Oct

Y3 - Science - Shadows

Today Year 3 have been investigating that happens to our shadows through the day. Thank goodness the sun came out today!

Image of Start for Life
13 Oct

Start for Life

When you play with your child, you give their brain a boost. Get easy ideas for working more play-time into your day: #ChatPlayRead

Image of Reading with your Child
13 Oct

Reading with your Child

Kids brains are like sponges, soaking up everything around them. And when you play with them, you give their brains a boost. Get support at Start for Life #ChatPlayRead

Image of Year 1 Science - Signs of Autumn
12 Oct

Year 1 Science - Signs of Autumn

In Science today Year 1 went into the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn. We found trees that were changing colour and leaves that had fallen to the ground.

Image of Wake Up Wednesday - Fifa 23
12 Oct

Wake Up Wednesday - Fifa 23

Be on the ball with FIFA. Does the ever-popular football simulation keep a clean sheet of #OnlineSafety risks in its latest appearance? This week’s #WakeUpWednesday guide has our essential scouting report on FIFA 23

Image of Year 1 - Counting to Ten in French
11 Oct

Year 1 - Counting to Ten in French

In french this week we played find the missing numbers, the children are fantastic at counting to 10 in french.

Image of Story Time
10 Oct

Story Time

Each day in reception the children will be voting for the story they would like to listen to at snack time. They will choose their photo and put it into the corresponding pot. This gives the children an opportunity to listen to some new texts alongside some classic stories!

Image of Two’s Room - Motor Skills
8 Oct

Two’s Room - Motor Skills

In the two’s room this week we have been working on our fine and gross motor skills. We have been doing lots of funky fingers activities such as painting with ear buds, using the peg and peg boards, making marks in the icing sugar and many more! We have also had lots of fun exploring the outdoor area and building on our gross motor skills.

Image of Year 5 - Archaeology
6 Oct

Year 5 - Archaeology

Today Year 5 have become part of Basil Browns archaeologist team and investigated the empty grave. They dug through the graves to find clues and tried to work out who the grave could have belonged to. It was great fun and the children showed off their teamwork skills.