Image of Y2 - Computing Lesson
19 Oct

Y2 - Computing Lesson

The children started by working in pairs during our Computing lesson this week and spent time using google to search the answer to a number of questions about dinosaurs. They then signed on to Purple Mash and completed a quiz based on the information they found.

Image of Nursery - Exploring Autumn
19 Oct

Nursery - Exploring Autumn

Nursery have had lots of fun exploring Autumn this half term. There has been lots of outdoor learning.

Image of Nursery Places Available!
19 Oct

Nursery Places Available!

Nursery Places Available Now for 2,3 and 4 year olds. 2 year funding is available. 15 hours free education for ALL 3 and 4 year olds. 30 hours funding for 3 and 4 year olds available for working parents. High quality teaching through play in our fantastic Nursery environment. Please contact us on 01254 703260 for more information or to arrange a viewing.

Image of Reception Class Outdoor Fun!
19 Oct

Reception Class Outdoor Fun!

Today the children finally got to experience our fantastic outdoor area and what fun they had!

Image of Y4 Swimming
18 Oct
Image of Year 3's Library Visit.
18 Oct

Year 3's Library Visit.

Year 3 have been selecting books from our school library to take home.

Image of Y3 Art and Design
11 Oct

Y3 Art and Design

In Art and Design the children in Year 3 have explored Islamic patterns and then selected a pattern for them to develop. They really enjoyed the lesson, some superstar artists!

Image of Y4 Art - Kandinsky
11 Oct

Y4 Art - Kandinsky

In art today, Year 4 have started working in the style of Kandinsky.

Image of Y6 PE
6 Oct


Year 6 were lucky enough to have a visiting PE teacher from D.A.C.A., Miss Billington, come into our lesson to teach us how to move like gymnasts. We learned that gymnasts make themselves taller and wider, and that they move gracefully. We all had a lot of fun!