Year 5 Geography
Year 5 have been working hard with Mrs Mountain this afternoon learning all about contour lines. They have made models showing how the contour lines on a ordinance survey map demonstrate the gradient of the mountain. Well done everyone!
Year 4 Science
Today we looked at sound waves in science. We can demonstrate a sound wave by acting it out. What happened when Alfred banged the drum?
Y3 - Making Fossils
Year 3 have been making their own fossils during science.
Y3 - Adventure Stories.
Year 3 have been writing their own adventure stories and sharing them with thier classmates.
Year 2 - Re-Telling a Story.
The children began the week re-telling the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ to a partner. They then planned their own story on a story map, changing the name of the main character (e.g Little Pink Riding Hood), who she met in the woods (e.g a bear) and then thought about what the new character said to her (e.g ‘Oh Granny, what big paws you have’. The children will use this plan to help them write their own story. We look forward to reading them next week.
Y2 Art
In Art, we listened to the story of 'The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark' then created our own owl painting. We experimented using different tools to try and get the texture of the feathers.
Year 6 - Writing a New Chapter for the Wizard of Oz.
We have had a lot of fun this morning making a new chapter for the Wizard of Oz story come to life with role plays and freeze frames in Year 6!
National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday Pokemon GO!
Don’t fall when you're catching ‘em all! ⚡️
Year 3 - Connections Work
Year 3 have been learning dance in ther PE lessons this half term, here they are learning about connections.
Nursery - Learning Through Play
The 2's room and Pre School have been learning new skills through play, including turn taking, learning new vocabulary and developing their physical skills.
Nursery - People Who Help Us
We have had a fantastic week in nursery. We have been learning all about people who help us. We have looked at police, doctors, postal workers and dentist. The children have had lots of fun doing different activities.
Year 2 Drumming
The children have enjoyed their first drumming lesson with Mr Navekar this morning.