Year 4 - An Action Packed Week.
Year 4 have had another busy and action packed week. Some of our highlights this week include: identifying and finding plants, spending our tokens in our first ever visit at the school's shop, being a human boat in a storm (!) and finding historical evidence to decide whether Theseus and the Minotaur really did happen.
Darwen St James Pop Up Shop
The Darwen St James’ shop is ready for tomorrow! Children can buy exciting goodies using the tokens they have earned for good attendance, punctuality and home reading. They can buy smaller toys or save up for some bigger items, books and games. Look out for some “star” items in the shop later in the term. We can’t wait to see the children spend their tokens tomorrow! The shop will be open every Friday throughout the year.
Super proud of our football team tonight who played in their first match of the season! Despite not winning, they showed great resilience and a growth mindset! Well done!
Wake Up Wednesday - Reddit
This #WakeUpWednesday, do we give credit to Reddit? It’s a space for free speech, which also means it’s not always suitable for children. Our guide to Reddit finds trolling, adult content and fake news among the #OnlineSafety risks
Y1 Science - Rain Gauge
In Science in year one we have been looking at all types of weather, The children all worked in teams to make a Rain Gauge, which will help us measure how much rain falls over a period of time.
How to be Green with your Tech
Make a positive impact that lasts for years, by getting involved in #GreatBigGreenWeek! Our special #WakeUpWednesday guide explains how recycling your unwanted phones, computers and tablets can help the environment.
Reception - Phonics
This afternoon in phonics Reception have been practising writing their graphemes and names, this is something they will do every day. They will be talking about print going from left to right, using the dot on our board to help them. They will also be looking at holding their pens properly.
Y5 - Art, Enlarging Images
In Art this afternoon, Y5 have been enlarging images they created last week through our study of Hundertwasser. The children focused on the shapes, lines and bold colours he used. They then enlarged their work to A4 size and chose a method of colouring- watercolour, chalk, pastel or graphite. Their work is beautiful!
Y2 RE - The Bible
In RE this term Y2 are learning about the Bible. Rev Kev visited class yesterday and showed the children a selection of different types of Bibles and allowed the children to explore them. He taught them a lot of interesting Bible facts and read different stories for them to enjoy.
Reception - Self Portraits
Today Reception have been creating self portraits, looking at our features in the mirror and drawing what we could see.
Wake Up Wednesday - Roblox
Roblox is one of the most popular video games on the market. By 2020, the game’s makers were claiming that more than half of children in the USA play it. As a ‘sandbox’ title, Roblox offers a huge amount of creative freedom: it lets players create their own gaming experiences with the Roblox Studio to build custom levels and games, which can then be shared with other players online. Roblox fosters creative thinking and enjoys a robust online community of fans. In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as online daters, in-app purchases and contact with strangers. #WakeUpWednesday
Y3 Science - Investigating Shadows
Year 3 have been investigating which objects make light or dark shadows.