Year 2 Art and Design - Sketching Natural Objects By the Way They Feel
Today in art we collected some more natural objects and made drawings thinking about the way they feel.
Year 2 PSHE - Being Kind
In PSHE we talked about kind and unkind behaviour. We listened to a story about Harold and how he was being unkind to his friends. We then passed the microphone around to say kind things to each other.
Year 2 Computing - Magic Squares
In Computing today we learned how to use the totalling tool and created our own Magic Squares.
Reception - Computing - Colouring Christmas Pictures
Reception Class have been using 2 Paint a Picture to create their own festive pictures. They were able to select different patterns and textures to decorate their pictures.
Reception Class - Art and Design - Painting and Decorating Christmas Trees
Reception used paint for the base of their Christmas tree. Once it had dried the children used different media, such as ribbon, glitter, pom-poms and sequins to decorate them. They used PVA glue to make sure all of their decorations were secure.q
Reception Class - PE - Ball Skills
This week, Reception have been practising their ball skills. Working with a partner they had to throw, bounce, roll and catch.
Year 1 - Art and Design - Using Water Soluble Felt Tips and Water To Enhance A Drawing.
Year 1 built on their drawings of shells from last week by using felt tips and water. They drew their shell in their books and then chose two complimentary colours. They used the felt tips to highlight dark and light on their shell and then applied water with a brush.
Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!
Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!
Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!
Year 6: English - Persuasive Writing
In English, year 6 have been analysing examples of persuasive texts. We have been spotting the language features authors use to persuade the reader. LO: to discuss techniques used to persuade the reader.
Year 6: Communion
This week Year 6 had the chance to visit our local church to attend communion. Some of the class were able to share their prayers with the congregation, which related to the theme of hope and God's light shining on us.