Year 1 Art and Design - Using Chalk To Develop Our Spiral Drawings
Year 1 enjoyed developing their spiral drawings with chalk and pastels.
Year 1 - Music - Tapping a Steady Beat
Year 1 enjoyed using percussion instruments to tap a steady beat to a variety of songs.
Nursery - Computing - Can You Fill The Fruit Bowl?
In Nursery class this week we have been reading 'Kitchen disco'. The children have been learning the names and characteristics of the different fruits in the story. During story time the children were tasked with identifying the fruit and drawing their representation on the interactive screen. They thought about the colour they may need to select, the shape of the fruit and the size of the fruit. The children worked together to complete our fruit bowl, great teamwork, Nursery class.
Reception Class - Writing
The children in Reception Class have been developing their motor control through a range of different activities. The children have been writing their graphemes in the sand today, being encouraged to use the Letter-join formation, moving from left to right.
Reception Class - Art and Design - Firework Pictures
Reception Class have been learning all about bonfire night. Using different coloured paint and toilet roll tubes cut with patterned scissors, the children have created their own fireworks. Using a dabbing skill, the children explored mixing colours and printing on to black paper.
Reception- Class Worship - David Prays & Sings to God
In Class Worship today, Reception Class read the story of David, the Shepherd. They explored the different feelings David felt and talked about the kind of music we thought he might have played.
Year 6 - Prefect Roles
Year 6 received their prefect badges in Worship this morning. It was a real celebration and we were so pleased that many parents could join us. Our Y6 children have many different roles including head boy and head girl, office prefects, nursery prefects and librarians. As our oldest pupils, the children have lots of responsibility and are role models to the rest of school. We know they will be fantastic and continue to aim high!
Year 3 History - Recognising The Chronology And Significance Of Prehistory
Year 3 have been looking at ordering events from history on a timeline. They worked in groups to lay out a timeline and then discussed between themselves what events they knew had happened and placed them on the line using post it notes. They thought of events such as the Coronation of King Charles, World War 1 and 2, The Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale.
Year 3 PSHE - Planning A Healthy Meal
In PSHE, Year 3 received an email from Derek the Penguin. He wanted their advice about making healthy food for his friend's birthday party. In groups the children talked about the different food groups and then designed their own healthy menus.
Year 2 Maths Subtracting 10s
In maths we have been learning how to subtract multiples of ten from a two digit number using base 10.
Year 3 P.E. - Gymnastic Shapes
Year 3 have been practicing different shapes in gymnastics and worked with a partner to create a short 'point' and 'patch' balance routine.
Year 3 English - Aesop's Fables - Asking Questions
This week Year 3 have started their new topic in English all about Aesop's Fables. Today's fable was The Tortoise and the Hare. They took turns to hot seat at the front of the class as one of the characters whilst the rest of the class asked them questions.