Year 1 - PSHE - Inside My Body
Year 1 learned all about the inside of their bodies this week in PSHE. We discussed where organs are located and how important they are for our bodies to function properly.
Year 4 English - Designing Villains
As part of our English unit, we have been designing our own villains to go into our innovated stories based on The Little Shoemaker. We used noun phrases to describe the villains and has great fun being creative!
Year 4 History - Roman Artifacts
This week in year 4, we became historians as we examined artefact found at Vindolanda, a historical Roman fort along Hadrian's Wall. We found similarities with the items between our life and theirs, and made predictions about what each object was!
Nursery - Science - What's in the Gift?
This week the children in nursery class have been investigating the hidden objects inside presents. The children were asked what they thought would be inside, but we couldn't see anything! Once the gift was placed on the light table, a shadow appeared, the children were challenged to spot characteristics of the shadows they could see to enable them match the correct gifts. The children really enjoyed choosing their own presents and observing what objects appeared when placed on the light table.
Reception Class - Maths - Writing Numbers
The children have been busy practising their number formation this week! Some great progress has been made this term, well done Reception!
Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance
Pre-school and Nursery class Nativity performance.The children worked so hard to practise learning all the songs for our nativity.
Pre-School-Our Nativity Performance
Our Nativity Performance. The children worked really hard practicing and learning all the songs for our performance.
Year 3 Maths - Solving Subtraction And Addition Problems to 100
During maths , Year 3 have been looking at solving maths problems for numbers up to 100, using subtraction and addition. Using a highlighter they read through each question highlighting words and numbers to help them find the answers.
Year 1 - Nativity Rehearsal
Year 1 have been working hard practising their parts in our production of Lights, Camel, Action! On Tuesday we had our first dress rehearsal in front of the whole school! I'm sure you'll agree they all look fabulous in their costumes.
Nursery - Computing - Navigating purple Mash. Create A Stocking
In Nursery class this week we have been looking at Christmas celebrations. To tie in with this, the children decorated their own stockings on purple mash. The children have been learning how to navigate the draw function on this website, understanding that they need to scroll to find the different colours and making the link between the colour selected and observing the change in colour of their marks. The children made marks on their stockings in different ways, some children made lines and movements with their finger to create marks and others decided to tap the screen to create dots. They made some beautiful stockings!
Pre-School-UTW-Investigating Frozen Penguins
This week we have been exploring all about penguins, we have learnt that penguins live in the south pole where it is cold and there is lots of ice around. We have then explored ice but our penguins were stuck inside and we discussed how we can get them out. We used our hands to warm up the ice and watched it melt to free the penguins.
Year 2 - Maths - Properties of 2D Shapes
In maths we have been developing our knowledge on 2D shapes. We have been counting the sides and the vertices. Then we made our own 2D shapes as part of an investigation.