Image of Year 3 - DT  Researching Where Fruit And Vegetables Are Grown.
8 Oct

Year 3 - DT Researching Where Fruit And Vegetables Are Grown.

This week in DT, Year 3 have been using the chromebooks to research where fruits and vegetables are grown around the world. Some of the things they discovered where that coffee comes from South America, oranges from Europe and mangoes from Asia.

Image of Year 3 Library
8 Oct

Year 3 Library

Every Tuesday lunchtime Year 3 have the chance to visit the library to change their own Home Reading books. They enjoy looking at the different books as well as reading them to each other.

Image of Year 4 Maths - Calculator Work
8 Oct

Year 4 Maths - Calculator Work

This week, we learned how to use calculators to mark our own maths work. We really enjoyed doing this! Then, we used dice to generate our own questions, and used the calculator to mark those too!

Image of Year 4 English - Role on the Wall
8 Oct

Year 4 English - Role on the Wall

We have now moved on to our fiction section of The Loch Ness unit, and we have been looking at The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster story. We thought about the characters of Ishbel and Kenneth, and used words to describe their characters, justifying with evidence.

Image of Year 4 Music - Using Rhythm Grids
8 Oct

Year 4 Music - Using Rhythm Grids

Year 4 have been working hard this half term on their ability to respond to rhythm. We have been experiments with different tempo, and this week we created our own rhythm grids using symbols as a code for which actions we wanted to do.

Image of Year 3 Science - Investigating How Distance Affects  The Size Of Shadows
7 Oct

Year 3 Science - Investigating How Distance Affects The Size Of Shadows

In science, Year 3 looked at how distance affects the size of a shadow. They used a torch to create a shadow of a cat against a whiteboard. By moving the torch away they discovered that the size of the shadow changed. The shadow got bigger the closer the torch got to the object and then smaller as it moved further away.

Image of Reception Class - Maths - Matching and Making Patterns
7 Oct

Reception Class - Maths - Matching and Making Patterns

The children first found the cards that had the matching pattern on. Then they needed to choose blocks of just 2 colours and make a recurring pattern with them.

Image of Nursery - Computing - Can You Design A Cake?
7 Oct

Nursery - Computing - Can You Design A Cake?

The children in Nursery class have been working on their computing skills this week. They have learnt how to navigate software on purple mash to design a birthday cake. Using their fingers, hands and even noses, the children have been able to select different cake toppings and make marks of their choice on the screen, watching their creations develop as they drew.

Image of Year 1 Music
4 Oct

Year 1 Music

Year 1 enjoyed composing their own music and following their score with percussion instruments. Later we recited our favourite nursery rhymes and played along.

Image of Year 6 English
4 Oct

Year 6 English

Using images and working together to describe our unique ‘Room of Wonders’, inspired by the Nowhere Emporium.

Image of Reception Class - Name Writing
4 Oct

Reception Class - Name Writing

The children have had a go at writing their name using their name card. I asked the children if they could identify any letters from their name, some children could. As the children were writing, we discussed correct pencil grip and I supported the children to achieve this. Some children could form some letters and some children made marks to represent the different letters in their name.

Image of Year 2 English - Boxing Up Facts
3 Oct

Year 2 English - Boxing Up Facts

Year 2 became 'talking experts' about lions. They brainstormed all their facts and added them to a non-fiction text box up ready for writing.