Image of Year 4 DT - Making Roman Sandals
14 Nov

Year 4 DT - Making Roman Sandals

This week in year 4, as part of our History topic and DT topic, we have made some 'mock-up' Roman sandals. We had to be very innovative in our thinking and some of us had to start over when we realised we could not get our feet inside! It was great fun, and we now have a good idea of what our real ones will look like.

Image of Year 2  - Art - Collecting and Creating Pictures
14 Nov

Year 2 - Art - Collecting and Creating Pictures

In Art, Year 2 went outside and collected natural objects to create their own collages thinking about shape and pattern.

Image of Year 2 PE - Creating Gymnastic Shapes
14 Nov

Year 2 PE - Creating Gymnastic Shapes

In PE, Year 2 have been developing their gymnastic skills. We explored different ways of travelling and holding a shape.

Image of Nursery - Literacy - 'We're Going on A Leaf Hunt'
13 Nov

Nursery - Literacy - 'We're Going on A Leaf Hunt'

The story Nursery class have been enjoying this week has been 'We're going on a leaf hunt'. We used the scenes from the story and a bit of imagination to go on our very own leaf hunt. The children were observant of their surroundings and found areas in the nursery garden that had similarities to our story. The children were encouraged to copy sound effects and positional language used in the story as they made different movements with their bodies. The children climbed to the top of a big hill, walked through the dark dark forest, rowed across the cold cold lake, found a house to hide from the skunk and with a bit of help from Miss Cooney, the children experienced a waterfall! 

Image of Teaching Cycle Safety
13 Nov

Teaching Cycle Safety

Cycling can be a fun and healthy way to pass the time for children and young people – encouraging them to go outside and stay active, while also spending quality time with parents, carers or other trusted adults. It’s also a useful skill for adult life: teaching youngsters how to use a cheaper, healthier and more eco-friendly method of transportation where possible. However, the risk of injuries that cycling carries can quickly put young people off the hobby. If a child is being introduced to cycling as an activity, it’s essential that they’re also taught how to stay safe while out and about. This free guide offers you expert advice on how to practise safe cycling and preserve the wellbeing of children when going out for a ride.

Image of Year 1 Computing -  Creating A Pictogram To Show How Year 1 Travel To School
13 Nov

Year 1 Computing - Creating A Pictogram To Show How Year 1 Travel To School

Year 1 collected data from the class about the different ways in which we travel to school. We drew pictures to show our individual data and then created a pictogram to show the information visually. Later, we used our pictogram to talk about the number of children that travel in different ways.

Image of Year 1 - Art And Design - Making Sketchbooks
13 Nov

Year 1 - Art And Design - Making Sketchbooks

Year 1 made sketchbooks as part of our unit on Drawing. We collected different types of paper and made sure they were about the same size. Then we folded each piece in half and stacked them. Finally, we added a cover of card and secured them using an elastic band.

Image of Reception Maths - Learning About The Composition of Five With The Song "Five Little Speckled Frogs."
13 Nov

Reception Maths - Learning About The Composition of Five With The Song "Five Little Speckled Frogs."

Today the children enjoyed using the song "Five Little Speckled Frogs" to learn about the composition of five. With the use of a five frame and frog counters they began to talk about how many were needed to make up the whole.

Image of Nursery - Art And Design - Creating Hedgehogs Using Foraged Leaves
12 Nov

Nursery - Art And Design - Creating Hedgehogs Using Foraged Leaves

While enjoying time in our outdoor provision the children worked together to collect some different leaves to use in our craft activity. They used their foraged leaves to create some spikey hedgehogs! The children found it tricky to work on a cylindrical surface however they persevered and made some fabulous leaf hedgehogs!

Image of Year 3 Music - Keeping To The Beat Of Four
12 Nov

Year 3 Music - Keeping To The Beat Of Four

In music Year 3 have been learning to keep to the beat of four. The children worked in a circle passing a cup on the first beat and then clapping three more beats to make four, repeating the pattern and keeping in time with each other.

Image of Year 3 Science - Recognising The Bones In Our Bodies
11 Nov

Year 3 Science - Recognising The Bones In Our Bodies

In today's Science lesson Year 3 have been learning how to recognise the main bones in their body. They also collected data by measuring each bone and ordering them from shortest to longest.

Image of Reception - Smoothie Bike!
11 Nov

Reception - Smoothie Bike!

Reception took part in the smoothie bike experience this morning, and although our feet didn’t touch the pedals, we had great fun! The children discussed different types of fruits that they liked and learned how many portions of fruit and veg they should eat every day. The children tried 3 different smoothies altogether; strawberry and banana, mango and pineapple and then one with all of the fruit together.