Year 6 Role Play In PSHE
In our PSHE lesson we had to read 3 scripts and choose which one we wanted to act out as a group. The performance focused on finding a resolution to a situation where the six characters involved did not end up arguing. The characters found a diversion to otherwise occupy their minds and they still remain friends.
Year 2 RE: God's Big Story
In RE, Year 2 has been learning about the Bible. Today they learnt that although it is made up of lots of books, it makes up one big story altogether. They then chose their favourite story from the Bible. Some liked the stories of Daniel and David being brave, and others liked the stories with Jesus in.
Reception Visit from the Dentist.
Today Reception Class had two visitors from a dentist. They learnt about how to brushed their teeth properly and how many times a day. They also learnt about what foods and drinks are healthy and which can cause tooth decay. It was surprising which drinks are not as healthy as you think!
Year 1 - Science
Year one enjoyed exploring their sense of smell during today's science lesson. They were tasked with naming the smells of some well known household goods.
Year 1 Geography
During Geography this week, Year 1 explored the Reception area and later produced maps using symbols to represent the equipment they found.
Year 1 PSHE
During PSHE Year 1 explored their feelings. They expressed various emotions with their faces such as happy, sad, cross and worried.
Reception Class - Art and Design - What Can I See? Finding Circles
In Reception we have been exploring the question 'what can I see?' We looked around our envionment, hutning for circles. Look at how many we found!
Year 3 - French - Learning About Feelings
This week, Year 3 have learnt how to talk about feelings in French. They played the game 'Hello Mary' using french phrases to say how they were feeling and answering with C'est and their name.
Mrs Heald and Mrs Davies TaskMaster Club - Can You Balance a Spoon On Your Nose?
A favourite challenge this week in Task Master Club, was to see who could balance their spoon on their nose for 1 minute without using their hands. Why not try it and see how long you can do it for!
Reception RE: Learning About When We Can Pray.
Reception are learning about prayer in RE and this week we acted out the story of Daniel in the lions' den. They learnt that God protected Daniel when he was scared because he followed his ways. We thought about times we might be scared and how we can pray to God for help.
Nursery - Maths - Capacity
Our maths focus this week in Nursery class has been capacity! The children have been encouraged to use the target language 'empty', 'full' and 'more' and correctly link those words with their experiences while exploring different areas of our classroom. Water play has been one of the main aids in this area of learning, the children have used different jugs, cups and containers to develop their pouring skills, hand eye coordination and also to further support their understanding of capacity.
Year 1 Science - Food Tasting
Year 1 tasted bitter, sweet, sour and salty foods this week in science to explore their sense of taste.