Summer Activities at BwD Family Hubs
There are lots of activities available At the BwD Family Hubs over the Summer. Free lunches are also available, call the number to book.
Nursery - Geography - Exploring Sea And Land Animals
This week we have been looking at different animals and the places where they live. The children did really well in distinguishing between the land animals and sea animals and were able to place them in the correct habitat.
Year 3 Music - Pentatonic Haiku
During music, Year 3 listened to a poem and had to write and play a melody to go with it.
Year 4 to Year 5 Transition
Year 4... Sorry Year 5 have been doing lots of activities with their new teacher this week... Where has the Year gone... Lots of happy memories... They have come so far this year!
Year 4 RE - Why Do We Pray?
We have been looking this week in to 'Why' people PRAY... We came up with: To Praise, To Repent, To Ask and to Yield... we then made this into a colourful acrostic art.
Year 6 Geography
Year 6 have been researching about Rainforests for our Geography topic all about the Amazon and Brazil. We created infographic posters with the information we discovered, which included the layers of the rainforest, and the creatures which live there.
Year 4 DT
In DT this week we have been preparing, peeling, testing and eating seasonal vegetables in preparation to make our own soup to our own recipe. We have been researching which fruit and vegetables are in season and which are imported.
Year 5 Geography
In our Geography lesson this week we looked at the map we created on our field trip and classified the buildings we recorded.
Year 5 R.E
In our R.E lesson this week we researched Deborah from the Bible. The children then noted down what makes a good leader and judge. The children came up with some fantastic answers.
Year 3 English - Features of a Villain
Working in small groups year 3 looked at various fictional villains including Captain Hook, Lord Voldemort, The White Witch and Cruella De Vil. They gathered information including physical appearance, negative noun phrases and how they made other characters feel.
Year 1 Geography - Capital Cities
Year 1 researched the capital cities of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales using atlases.
Online Safety - Online Trolling
The term “trolling” refers to sending hurtful or provocative comments – often done anonymously online – to provoke a reaction or cause emotional distress. Anonymity can embolden people into saying things they wouldn’t dare say in person. Euro 2024 and other tournaments tend to put an emphasis on this, with the abuse of both players and fans often increasing during such events. This free guide explores the phenomenon of online trolling, detailing its risks and letting you know how to safeguard children from this harmful behaviour. Some people online simply get a kick out of hurting people’s feelings, making it their mission to get a rise out of anyone they encounter. These people – known as “trolls” – are known for intentionally engaging in offensive or abusive behaviour to upset others online or provoke them into sinking to their level. At the height of events such as Euro 2024, when rivalries between various supporters reach an apex, trolling tends to see a bit of an uptick. Unfortunately, while “just ignore them” is genuinely good advice, it can prove very difficult to put into practice. This is especially true for children and young people, who are often still learning how to manage their emotions and sometimes react impulsively to name-calling and other mistreatment. This Wake up Wednesday, however, we’re offering expert guidance on how to keep youngsters safe from online trolling – both avoiding it entirely and responding to it effectively. Sources