Year 5 RE
In our RE lesson the children firstly had to decipher why certain women in the old Testament were famous from looking at the pictures. They then researched each of the women to find out exactly why they were in the Bible. Some of the children were surprised by the answers !
School Council Litter Picking
The School Councillors got actively involved in caring for their school environment by litter-picking. They showed dedication and commitment by staying behind after school and collected a variety of litter. They were kindly assisted by Mrs Adamson, Mrs Evans and Mrs Bolton.
Nursery - Maths - Capacity
During independent learning this week we have focused on capacity. The children have explored our water area and the mud kitchen outdoors and used the pots, pans and pouring apparatus to explore full and empty. The children have been encouraged to use the language 'full' and 'empty' to describe what they could see.
Year 2 RE Investigating Mosques
In Year 2, we looked at the features of a Mosque using religious vocabulary. We then created our own Islamic pattern designs.
Science Day - Making Things Grow
During Science Day Year 3 looked at plants and what they needed to grow. They made their own cress potato heads using a potato, cotton wool and cress seeds.
Year 3 - Geography - Rivers
Year 3 have been learning about the importance of water and rivers. They learnt about the water cycle and labelled the features of a river such as mudflats, waterfalls, tributaries, ports and towns.
Year 5 RE
The children researched significant females from the Bible and then fed their research back to the class.
Year 6 Chip Party!
Year 6 joined a Zoom call yesterday in preparation for our Leavers Service at Blackburn Cathedral on July 2nd. Chip Kendall, who will be hosting the event, taught us some songs for the service and then we had some chips!
Year 5 Geography- Digimaps
In our Geography lesson we looked at Darwen on Digimaps. We then looked at the distance from school to another locations.
Year 6 English Debate
We created a 'line of continuum' to debate whether Mrs Ramsbottom in the poem is a good mother or not. At one end was 'strongly agree' and at the other was 'strongly disagree'. We had to justify where we stood with reasons for our choice. We then used the arguments made in our writing, a short discussion text debating both points of view.
Year 2 PE Orienteering
Year 2 started their new unit on Orienteering. We tested our skills in position and direction by completing obstacle courses, sometimes blindfolded and listening to instructions from a partner.
Year 2 Music Glockenspiels
Year 2 created the pentatonic scale on their glockenspiels.