Year 1 Maths - FInding a 1/4 of a Shape.
Year 1 talked about how to cut sandwiches into quarters. We used paper templates to help us look closely at each alternative. Then, we prepared jam sandwiches for our classroom picnic, making sure that every sandwich was an equal quarter.
Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet
Today the children have been programming their Micro:bit to create a digitial pet. There were lots of variables needed and lots of code to debug! The children showed gret perseverence and were proud of their finished program.
Year 3 - Computing - Adding an Attachment to an Email.
In our computer lesson today Year 3 have been learning how to add an attachment to an email. They had to reply to an email from the King then attach the safety quiz that they had made last lesson.
Year 3 - Music - Ordering a Sequence of Notes
In music today year 3 have been using their listening skills to order a sequence of notes and to play music using graphic notation.
Year 3 English - Identifying a Key Idea in a Paragraph
Today in English, Year 3 have been identifying key ideas in paragraphs about the Ancient Egyptians. Each group were given packs containing paragraphs and subheadings. They had to read each paragraph and match it with the correct subheading. Taking it in turns the children then moved around the room to see if the paragraphs had been sorted correctly.
Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay
We have listened to your feedback regarding wanting to know what your child eats in school and we have now activated ParentPay meal ordering so that you can order what your child will eat in school (please note thaat this will be compulsory form September). Please familiarise yourself with this by logging on to your ParentPay account and selecting your child's meals with them at home. Dinners need to be ordered before 9am. Please message Miss Greenwood if you have any problems logging on, thank you.
A Huge Thank You to Woods Fruit and Veg!
We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Woods Fruit & VEG for supplying our fruit over the past few months, whilst we were in receipt of a food grant for our Key Stage 2 pupils. The fruit was lovely and fresh and the children really enjoyed it. We are missing your tangerines already!
Nursery Class - Physical Development, PE - 'The Floor Is Water' Balancing Obstacle Course.
The children in Nursery Class have been working really hard on their balancing skills. An obstacle course was set up in our garden for the children to try and navigate around. We named this 'The floor is water' and the aim was to complete the obstacle course and not get eaten by the sharks! They have shown a great growth mindset and have not given up when they have fallen off. Brilliant Perseverance Nursery Class!
Year 3 English - IdentifyingKey Words in Paragraphs
In English today, Year 3 worked in small groups to research facts about Tutankhamun and the Pharaohs. They then shared their facts with rest of the class.
Reception - Maths - Representing 9 and 10.
Reception Class have been busy developing their knowledge of the composition of number. They had to use the different resource savailable to repreent 9 and 10 on their tens frame. The children had to explain how they had composed the number and how many spaces were left on their tens frame.
Year 6 Maths Quiz
Year 6 have been working really hard this week on maths revising and preparing for SATs, so this morning we had a lot of fun testing our knowledge on a Maths quiz on Kahoot.
Year 6 Revising for SATs
Year 6 have been working so hard this week, revising and preparing for SATs. We wish them all the luck in the world - you can do this Year 6, you are amazing!