Nursery - PE - Balancing on a Ball
We had lots of fun in our PE session today. We have been learning how to sit and balance on a ball. This was very tricky to do but we all did so well. We also tried balancing with a partner using our feet and legs.
Year 3 - Science - Animals including Humans
Today we started our new science topic 'Animals including Humans'. The children completed a carousel activity working round the different tables to see what they knew. They looked at sorting the different animals into groups, reading labels on food packages to see what they told you about the food inside, what food they should and shouldn't eat lots of and labelling the bones of a skeleton.
Year 6 - Holy Communion
Year 6 were lucky enough to attend Holy Communion this morning at Church. Behaviour was excellent, and Rev Kev called us a credit to the school! Well done Year 6. Aaliyah did the reading perfectly, even the name of the place Bethsaida!
Breakfast Club
At breakfast club this term, we have been promoting independence. The children have been encouraged to pour their own cereal, butter their own toast and pour their own drinks. We have been on hand to help with these tasks and to support your children when developing these skills. They have all enjoyed the new routine and it has been lovely to see them all grow in confidence when accessing the breakfast table and also see the improvement in their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills. If you would like to book your child onto breakfast club please do so on parentpay. The listing goes live at 3:45 every Monday for the following week.
Pre School - Collage Creations
Today in funky fingers we used the scissors to cut the different wild animal prints to make a collage picture. Very impressed with our cutting skills.
Year 3 - Design and Technology - Sandwich Snacks
This term in DT we are learning about Sandwich Snacks. Today the children talked about the different types of bread that they could and tasted naan, bangles, pitta and wraps.
Year 2 - Design and Technology - Sewing
Today in DT we practised our sewing skills ready to start designing and making our own puppets.
Reception - Literacy - Plot Point 4
Today in literacy we have been looking at plot point 4 of our story Pig's Might Fly. In the story, Wilbur pressed the big red button to activate the rocket booster! We were finding things that are red and we had a go at writing a sentence "Wilbur pressed the shiny red button". Some of the children had a go at changing the word shiny to other words, such as ruby and bright.
Year 3 - Music - Sound Actions
In music this week the children have been looking at sound actions. Miss Lawson bounced a ball and the children used instruments to imitate the action.
Pre School - Maths - Dinosaurs
In Maths this week we have been counting dinosaurs and learning to give the correct amount asked for. We then sorted the dinosaurs and looked at which had more and less or the same.
Developing Healhy Sleeping Patterns
For children and young people, low-quality sleep can become a serious issue. It has been theorised that poor sleep can have a significant impact on children’s brain development, affecting them for the rest of their lives. A healthy – and consistent – sleeping pattern, therefore, is incredibly important for children and young people’s wellbeing. With the stresses and distractions that can present themselves to youngsters, it can be tricky to ensure they’re in the best mindset to wind down in the evenings for the rejuvenating rest that they need. The right approach, however, can give them a better chance of cultivating a healthy sleeping pattern. Our guide has some practical tips on helping them to achieve exactly that.
Year 1 - Computer Science - Coding
Year 1 enjoyed a great coding lesson in computing today. They made planes move along runways and take off by organising their code. Later they made scary ghosts and bats move across a haunted house!