Image of Year 5 DT - Textiles
6 May

Year 5 DT - Textiles

In our textiles lesson we have been investigating materials and processes in producing a Mono-Print on fabric.

Image of Nursery - PSHE - Our Pets
3 May

Nursery - PSHE - Our Pets

In Nursery class we have been exploring all about our pets. The children have really enjoyed searching behind the doors to find their own pets, showing them off to their friends with pride! They have also enjoyed finding their friends pets and sharing their findings with each other. We have explored the sounds that our pets make, what their names are and how to look after and care for our animals.

Image of Year 3 English - Ancient Egyptians
3 May

Year 3 English - Ancient Egyptians

As part of their new English topic on the Ancient Egyptians, Year 3 have been exploring and identifying the main and subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

Image of Year 3 P.E. - Practicing the Relay
3 May

Year 3 P.E. - Practicing the Relay

In P.E. today year 3 practiced running the relay. They were put into teams and learned how to hold the baton and then how to run and pass it to the next person in their team.

Image of Nursery - Music - Using Instruments to Support Rhyme Time
2 May

Nursery - Music - Using Instruments to Support Rhyme Time

Nursery class have introduced instruments to rhyme time. The children have been encouraged to select their own instruments and have enjoyed listening to the different sounds that each instrument makes. We have been practicing how to use the instruments and how we can make loud sounds and quiet sounds.

Image of Science Year 2 - Classifying Objects
2 May

Science Year 2 - Classifying Objects

Today in Science we were being scientists by classifying objects. We had to record objects we could find that were alive, once alive or never alive.

Image of Year 6 French
2 May

Year 6 French

Year 6 enjoyed their French lesson with Mrs Colyer, learning the four points of the compass in French!

Image of Year 6 Music - Reading Sheet Music
2 May

Year 6 Music - Reading Sheet Music

Year 6 had a well deserved break from SATS practice this afternoon to have a fun music lesson. They were able to play simple tunes on the glockenspiels by reading musical sheet music.

Image of Year 5 Maths - Measuring Angles
2 May

Year 5 Maths - Measuring Angles

In maths today, the children have been using protractors to draw and measure angles accurately.

Image of Year 5 Science - Living Things and Their Habitats
2 May

Year 5 Science - Living Things and Their Habitats

Today in our science lesson we looked at the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and birds. Children also discussed parts of plants. The children had to use this knowledge to put the animals and plants into their correct life cycles.

Image of Year 3 - English  Mummies and Their Sarcophagus'
2 May

Year 3 - English Mummies and Their Sarcophagus'

Year 3 started their new topic in English writing a non-chronological report about the Ancient Egyptians. As an introduction to the topic today they made their own Sarcophagus and turned a peg into a mummy.

Image of French in Year 5
2 May

French in Year 5

Year 5 have been learning the four points of the compass in French.