Image of Year 4 Science - Reversible Changes; States of Matter
1 May

Year 4 Science - Reversible Changes; States of Matter

This week we have been continuing our science topic in states of matter and looking at changing materials from a solid to a liquid and then changing them back again. We have also been exploring when it may be useful to change the state of matter and briefly explored materials that have irreversible changes when they are changed from one type of material to another. (like an egg!)

Image of Online Safety - Ofcom Media Report 2024
1 May

Online Safety - Ofcom Media Report 2024

On 19th April 2024, Ofcom released their annual Media Use and Attitudes Report, detailing the findings of several surveys and their implications for parents, children and young people in the UK. These statistics often include plenty of thought-provoking information relating to online safety. The report itself is extremely extensive, so instead we've provided a bespoke selection of data gathered by Ofcom about children and young people’s experiences on social media, video games and the like. Check our guide for a thorough breakdown of the headline findings.

Image of Pre-school- Art-Space pictures
1 May

Pre-school- Art-Space pictures

Space Art The children have been exploring space. We have been very creative using different materials that are 3D, hard, soft and shiny to add texture to our pictures. The children used stars, glitter and foil to make their amazing Space art.

Image of Pre-school-Literacy-The Giant Jam Sandwich
1 May

Pre-school-Literacy-The Giant Jam Sandwich

Literacy We have started reading the story of 'The Giant Jam Sandwich'. The children have been creating different pictures and learning new words but today we decided to make our own jam sandwiches with different styles and tastes of bread. The children selected which bread they would like and added jam if they wanted to. We discussed the sweet smell and how the wasps were attracted to the town.

Image of Lunchtime- Midweek Roast!
1 May

Lunchtime- Midweek Roast!

Today the children enjoyed a midweek roast chicken dinner.

Image of Year 2 PE Athletic Games
1 May

Year 2 PE Athletic Games

This week some year 6 pupils set up some fun athletic games for us to try out.

Image of Year 2 Computing - Creating Buttons
1 May

Year 2 Computing - Creating Buttons

In computing this week we were developing our coding skills by learning how to add a button to our code.

Image of Year 1 - PE - Jumping
1 May

Year 1 - PE - Jumping

Year 1 have been learning how to jump in P.E. They thought about how to use their arms and their legs to help them jump further.

Image of Year 1 - Science - Classifying Objects According to Their Properties
1 May

Year 1 - Science - Classifying Objects According to Their Properties

Year 1 have been learning how to classify objects according to their properties.

Image of Reception RE: Talking about our Special Places.
1 May

Reception RE: Talking about our Special Places.

In Reception class we have been talking about places that are special to us and also where people go to pray and learn about their faith.

Image of Nursery Class - Understanding the world - Finding Hidden Animals in our Environment.
30 Apr

Nursery Class - Understanding the world - Finding Hidden Animals in our Environment.

Nursery class explored their outdoor environment to find some hidden animals. The children used their brilliant searching and looking skills to find all of the animals from our story and match them to our checklist. As the children found the animals they were encouraged to voice the animal sound, some children began to make movements like the animals they had found and could even remember where some of the animals would usually live.

Image of Reception - Understanding the World - Testing How Different Balls Bounce
30 Apr

Reception - Understanding the World - Testing How Different Balls Bounce

Reception class have continued looking at forces and today they have been exploring how different balls bounce. The children had a selection of balls to choose from, some hard, some soft, some leather and some spongy. The children had a chance to bounce their balls, swapping with a friend. They then talked about their findings to the rest of the class.