Year 3 Art - Exploring Different Patterns From Other Cultures
In art year 3 have been exploring patterns from different cultures.
Year 3 - History - Ancient Egyptians
Year 3 have been testing their knowledge on the Ancient Egyptians. They completed a quiz answering different questions hidden around the classroom and working together in pairs they sorted objects in a picture into modern day and ancient objects.
Year 6 Maths Measuring And Classifying Angles
Year 6 have been learning how to measure an angle using a protractor. We had a lot of fun finding the origin on the protractor, understanding where to place it on an angle, and also whether to read the outer scale or the inner scale on the protractor to measure the angle. We also learned about angle classification, including acute, obtuse, right, straight and reflex angles.
Frisbee Golf
Ollie's frisbee golf club have been learning the correct posture and how to throw the frisbee this week. The children had a great time, even though it was tricky mastering the technique!
DPSSA Netball League
Our netball team had a fantastic start to thee Darwen Primary Schools Netball League at Darwen Vale, coming away with a 10-0 win! Our players showed great sportsmanship, teamwork and dedication, and we are extremely proud of them all!
Year 4 Art - Complimentary Colours - Paul Klee
Year 4 have been continuing their work on referencing the art of Paul Klee using complementary colours.
Nursery - Communication and Language - Which Animal Made that Sound?
Nursery class have used their brilliant listening skills to identify which animal from our story 'Where's spot?' made the sound that they could hear. They worked really hard to link the sound with the correct animal picture and then mimicked the animal sound. The children took this new knowledge and found different animals during independent learning and were very excited to voice the correct animal sounds.
Online Safety - Shopping Platforms
Long gone are the days where eBay and Amazon were the only means of buying quality items online. The rise of user-friendly, accessible shopping apps has meant that getting clothes, gadgets and other goodies delivered direct to your door can be accomplished with a few touches of your phone’s screen while you’re on the go. These apps aren’t without their issues, however, and users still run the risk of scams, data breaches and other online safety concerns. Being aware of these dangers will go a long way to keeping your money and information safe, so you can still enjoy what these shopping apps have to offer. Our guide has some top tips to help protect young people on these purchasing platforms.
Reception and Y1 - Guided Reading
Reception and Year 1 have been developing their early reading skills. They have been applying their phonetic knowledge to help them decode the words in the book and they have been working on improving their fluency when reading. The children have really enjoyed these interactive reading sessions and have used the Chromebooks to use the ebook feature, this has been a real hit too!
Pre- school- Physical development- Catching and throwing
In P.E the children have been learning to throw and catch small balls. The children started at a short distance throwing balls to each other and then moved further away from each other to make longer throws. The children showed great understanding and skills in our lesson and worked well together.
Music in Year 2
Year 2 have been exploring making simple tunes using the glockenspiel.
Year 2 Art - Exploring Colours
Year 2 explored primary and complementary colours in art this week using different materials to create six collages.