Image of Storytime in Reception - Every Thursday at 3pm.
1 Apr

Storytime in Reception - Every Thursday at 3pm.

Calling all the grown ups of Reception Class children! Our weekly story and rhyme time will be back after the Easter holidays! Join us from 3pm in Reception Class.

Image of Y6 - Electrical Circuits
31 Mar

Y6 - Electrical Circuits

Year 6 science investigation to discover whether adding more bulbs into an electrical circuit will affect the brightness of the bulb.

Image of Year 3 PE
30 Mar

Year 3 PE

In PE Year 3 have been practising their striking and fielding skills.

Image of Y4 Science, The Digestive System
30 Mar

Y4 Science, The Digestive System

Today we continued to learn about the digestive system in Science. We worked in groups to make posters of the different parts of the digestive system, drawing and explaining and what each part does. Ask us all about it!

Image of Spring Time in the 2's Room!
26 Mar

Spring Time in the 2's Room!

Spring is finally here! Nursery have been making the most of the lovely weather and exploring our outdoor area. We have found lots of different bugs and some of us even held a spider!

Image of Entrepreneurship at DSJ.
26 Mar

Entrepreneurship at DSJ.

This half term in nurture groups the children have been developing their entrepreneurship skills by making and selling different items. The children have been learning how to budget, spend and record spending. They have created various methods of market research and on Friday we held a market in the hall to begin selling our items.

Image of Year 1 - DT - Structures.
23 Mar

Year 1 - DT - Structures.

Year 1 have been completing our stable structures. We have made car garages, rabbit hutches and houses for LOL dolls. All of our structures have a ramp and a door.

Image of National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday - Phone Scams
23 Mar

National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday - Phone Scams

Scam alert! We all think we’ll never be fooled, but there’s always a new con ready to trap the unwary. Our #WakeUpWednesday guide gives you the #OnlineSafety steps to help your family avoid phone scams.

Image of Y1 - RE - Palm Sunday
22 Mar

Y1 - RE - Palm Sunday

Year 1 learned all about Palm Sunday. We talked about Jesus riding on a donkey and the crowd waving palm leaves. We all made palm leaves and acted out the events from that day long ago.

Image of Y4 - Working Scientifically
18 Mar

Y4 - Working Scientifically

Year 4 have been learning about teeth in our science lessons so we wanted to investigate the affect different liquids have on teeth. We used hard boiled eggs to represent teeth. We put each egg into a plastic cup and covered it with a different liquid. We used coco-cola, orange juice, milk, a sports drink, vinegar and water. We predicted what will happen to each egg but we will wait one week to find out!

Image of Y5 -  RE, The Easter Story
17 Mar

Y5 - RE, The Easter Story

In RE today the children have been looking at versions of the Easter Story and the similarities and differences within them. We looked at Easter Angels, The garden, the cross and the curtain, and a YouTube adapted cartoon. We then discussed if the adaptations showed Easter as a time of victory. The children had some great ideas and worked brilliantly together, demonstrating their teamwork skills from Skills Builder too.

Image of National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday - Supporting Children to Deal with Uspetting Content
16 Mar

National Online Safety #WakeUpWednesday - Supporting Children to Deal with Uspetting Content

Raising children in the digital age seems to be getting tougher, with the world currently experiencing so many uncertainties. From the continuing impact of COVID-19 to the war in Ukraine, right now children across the globe can scarcely go online without being exposed to unsettling stories, images and ideas. Reassuring a concerned child can be difficult, especially when bad news feels omnipresent. We’ve put together some advice to help you in discussing upsetting events with young ones. In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of tips such as encouraging your child to ask questions, setting limits and to emphasis hope.