Image of Year 5 Spelling - Strategies to learn ei words
27 Feb

Year 5 Spelling - Strategies to learn ei words

Year 5 are using different strategies to learn our spellings. Today we have used 'fancy' curly writing in different colours to try to remember the spelling rule ei words that sound like ee.

Image of Year 5 Geography - Sending a Postcard from the Desert!
27 Feb

Year 5 Geography - Sending a Postcard from the Desert!

Year 5 began their new Geography unit about desert biomes by looking at the Mojave Desert and its features. They then used the different features we discovered to describe the environment, landscape, weather and climate, vegetation and animal life in a postcard to someone they know - as if they were in the desert itself!

Image of Year 5 PSHE - Coram Life Education Workshop
12 Feb

Year 5 PSHE - Coram Life Education Workshop

Year 5 were lucky to have a visit from Coram Life Education and learned about friendship and being assertive with our friends. We all enjoyed the activities and role playing!

Image of Year 5 DT  - Baking Tudor Cheese Pies!
12 Feb

Year 5 DT - Baking Tudor Cheese Pies!

In DT we have been learning food technology. We planned and designed our cheese pies and then had great fun making and baking them! We also enjoyed eating the pies, they were very delicious.

Image of Year 5 P.E. Hockey Skills: Push Passing Practice
6 Feb

Year 5 P.E. Hockey Skills: Push Passing Practice

In P.E. Year 5 have been learning Hockey skills. This week we practised the newly learnt skill of push passing, and enjoyed passing and receiving the ball.

Image of Year 5 Science - Investigating Friction
6 Feb

Year 5 Science - Investigating Friction

In Science, Year 5 are looking at different forces each week. This week we have investigated friction, and whether weight affects the amount of friction. We used the slippy hall floor to slide trays - increasing the amount of weight each time and then measuring how far the tray slid. We discovered that weight does affect friction, as the heavier trays did not slide as far.

Image of Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters
6 Feb

Drama Club Fun - Face Painting to Create Characters

In Drama Club we are creating our own characters for a play, so we learnt how to paint our faces to create different weird and wonderful characters! It was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 5 R.E. Connecting British Values, our School Values, and the Values that Jesus Taught
30 Jan

Year 5 R.E. Connecting British Values, our School Values, and the Values that Jesus Taught

In R.E. this week we have thought about the values taught to Christians by Jesus. We compared these values to our school values, and to the British Values. We made connections between these values and realised how they are very similar, learning that society follows the values which Jesus taught.

Image of Year 5 Science: Water Resistance
30 Jan

Year 5 Science: Water Resistance

In Science, Year 5 have been learning about water resistance, connecting this force to air resistance. We created shapes from plasticine and tried to make some more aerodynamic than others. We then timed how long it took for these shapes to drop into the water, understanding that the least surface area, more streamlined shapes dropped faster as there was less water resistance.

Image of Year 5 Maths: Finding Fractions of an Amount
30 Jan

Year 5 Maths: Finding Fractions of an Amount

In Maths we are learning how to find a fraction of an amount using counters. It's helping us to visualise the problems!

Image of Year 5 Science - Investigating Air Resistance
23 Jan

Year 5 Science - Investigating Air Resistance

In Science we are learning about forces, and we investigated gravity and air resistance through making 'parachutes' from difference sized balloons, and timing how long they took to reach the floor. We discovered that the greater the surface area of an item, the greater the air resistance.

Image of Year 5 RE - Why is What Jesus Taught Still Important?
23 Jan

Year 5 RE - Why is What Jesus Taught Still Important?

In RE we are learning about Jesus as a teacher. We have read and thought about some of Jesus's parables, and His different teaching methods, such as storytelling and building relationships. We held a class discussion about what He taught was important to people, and the difference He made to people's lives, then and now.

Image of Year 5 DT - Investigating Food Groups
23 Jan

Year 5 DT - Investigating Food Groups

In DT we have been doing Food Technology, and part of this subject is to understand the food groups, and how to eat a healthy balanced diet. We sorted foods into the different food groups, and were surprised to find out that some food like biscuits and cakes were not part of the food groups on the eatwell plate!

Image of Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps
22 Jan

Wake Up Wednesday - Health and Fitness Apps

Over time, more and more fitness apps have been finding their way into circulation. Usually free to download – at least initially – these apps claim to offer helpful advice and assistance in routine management to those looking to lead a healthier lifestyle. While these platforms can be useful, they do present several safety concerns. These issues become more significant when we consider that children and young people can use these apps to stay active – whether out of concern for their own health or for reasons of body image. Our free guide breaks down the risks of health and fitness apps and offers expert advice on how to address these concerns to safeguard younger users.

Image of Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Statues to Show Themes
16 Jan

Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Statues to Show Themes

We explored the themes of our novel, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, in English this week. We created 'statues' to show a theme of the story, and the rest of the class had to guess what that theme was. We went on to write an explanation of why that theme was part of the story, using evidence from the text.

Image of Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Freeze Framing
16 Jan

Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Freeze Framing

Year 5 used drama skills to act out key parts of our novel: The Invention of Hugo Cabret. We freeze framed a part of the story, and then spoke our characters inferred thoughts out loud.

Image of Year 5 P.E. Hockey Skills
16 Jan

Year 5 P.E. Hockey Skills

In P.E., Year 5 began learning about hockey skills with some ball control through dribbling exercises. It was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 5 D.T. Food Technology - Cheese Tasting
16 Jan

Year 5 D.T. Food Technology - Cheese Tasting

Year 5 enjoyed tasting different cheeses in DT this week, to choose a good cheese to put in a pie! We rated the cheeses, and created bar charts on Purple Mash to show our results.

Image of Spring Clubs!
15 Jan

Spring Clubs!

Our spring clubs are now available to book via ParentPay. They are a great way for children to learn a new skill and to socialise with others. Please log on to your ParentPay account to book, if you need any help please contact the office.

Image of Online Safety - TikTok
15 Jan

Online Safety - TikTok

With 22% of its billion-strong userbase being between the ages of 13 and 17, the popularity of TikTok among the younger generation is indisputable

Image of Year 5 Computing - Designing our 3D Games!
9 Jan

Year 5 Computing - Designing our 3D Games!

In Computing this half term, Year 5 will be designing and creating our own 3D computer games! We all enjoyed setting the scene yesterday, evaluating some games on Purple Mash, deciding on our themes and beginning to plan our settings. We have lots of very imaginative ideas!

Image of Year 5 Worship - Praying as we put on Holy Clothes!
9 Jan

Year 5 Worship - Praying as we put on Holy Clothes!

We pretended to put on Holy Clothes as we said our prayer in class worship this morning: socks of compassion, the vest of kindness, the hat of humility, the gloves of gentleness and the pyjamas of patience!

Image of Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert
18 Dec

Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert

Key Stage 2 were fantastic this morning in church for our annual Christmas Carol Concert. Everyone remembered their lines and said them so clearly, and the carols were sung beautifully by all. Well done KS2! Happy Christmas!

Image of Year 5 Geography - Researching Innsbruck for a Travel Brochure
17 Dec

Year 5 Geography - Researching Innsbruck for a Travel Brochure

This half term in Geography, Year 5 have been learning about the Alps Mountain Range. We have studied the city of Innsbruck in detail, and learned a lot about it. We have even compared Innsbruck to Darwen! Year 5 are bringing this learning together to create a travel brochure, which includes geographical information such as when to visit and the climates in summer and winter, information about the destination such as the continent and the country, travel, tourist attractions and activities, and places to see.

Image of Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
12 Dec

Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen

Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!

Image of Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
12 Dec

Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen

Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!

Image of Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
12 Dec

Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen

Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!

Image of Year 5 PSHE - Creating Christmas Crafts for Care Home Residents
5 Dec

Year 5 PSHE - Creating Christmas Crafts for Care Home Residents

In Year 5 we are celebrating the festive season with the joy of giving to others. We have made some beautiful Christmas decorations for a local care home, to bring some festive cheer to the elderly residents!

Image of Year 5 R.E. - Sorting the Nativity Story into Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel
5 Dec

Year 5 R.E. - Sorting the Nativity Story into Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel

In R.E we are learning about the Bible story of the Nativity. We have compared the story in the Bible to what we already know about the Christmas story, and found that some elements are in Matthew's Gospel (the three wise men) and some are in Luke's Gospel (the shepherds)! We then thought about why the two accounts are different, and the Gospel's audience and purpose .

Image of Year 5 P.E. - Dodgeball!
5 Dec

Year 5 P.E. - Dodgeball!

Year 5 have been learning how to play dodgeball in P.E. It's been fast and furious and lots of fun! We have been building our teamwork and sportsmanship skills during these lessons.

Image of Year 5 Science Recap and Recall Activity
28 Nov

Year 5 Science Recap and Recall Activity

Year 5 began our Science lesson with a roleplay to demonstrate changes to material properties. We are showing that if we are a gas and we are cooled, we become a liquid. If we are a solid and we are heated - we become a liquid! And if we are a liquid and we are cooled we become a solid, or if we are heated, we become a gas!

Image of Year 5 P.E. - Teamwork to Find a Path Across the Playground
28 Nov

Year 5 P.E. - Teamwork to Find a Path Across the Playground

In P.E. this week, Year 5 played a game on the playground involving teamwork skills to collect coloured cones scattered around, but they weren't allowed to touch the floor and could only stand on the spots! It was hard work, but a lot of fun, and Year 5 showed great teamwork skills and tactics!

Image of Should I Keep My Child Off School?
24 Nov

Should I Keep My Child Off School?

Lots of bugs and germs are spreading, and we know you want to do what is best for your child. Please see the NHS guidance below on keeping your child off school. If you are keeping your child at home, please contact the school office as soon as you can.

Image of Year 5 Communion and Lunch at Church
21 Nov

Year 5 Communion and Lunch at Church

Year 5 enjoyed joining Rev Kev and the rest of the congregation at Church on Tuesday for Holy Communion. We wrote prayers for the persecuted people in the world and spoke them in church, as well as reading the Beatitudes perfectly. Everyone had a lovely morning, and Year 5 learnt more about how a Holy Communion works. We had our lunch at church, before returning to school.

Image of Year 5 R.E. - Learning about Holy Books
21 Nov

Year 5 R.E. - Learning about Holy Books

As part of our R.E. Bible Topic, we have studied Holy Books from World Religions, including the Torah and the Qur'an, comparing these sacred texts to the Bible. We learned that the Torah is made of scrolls and must be handwritten, and that Muslims must learn the Qur'an by memorising the text. We played a game where the children tried to memorise parts of the first verse of the Qur'an to tell their team - against the clock! It was difficult, but a lot of fun!

Image of Lunch time
21 Nov

Lunch time

At Lunchtime  today, the children didn't let the cold bother them! We all had lots of fun, there were snowmen of all different shapes and sizes! Children made snow angels and had a really enjoyable time running around in the snow. Then we all  had to get  a snowball and try and hit Mrs Meagher with it. 

Image of Year 5 Maths - Pizza Fractions
14 Nov

Year 5 Maths - Pizza Fractions

To introduce our Fractions topic in Maths, Year 5 enjoyed cutting some tasty pizza into halves, quarters and eighths, and identifying equivalent fractions. We then cut the second pizza into thirds and sixths and could tell that one third is equivalent to two sixths. We then enjoyed eating our pizza fractions!

Image of Year 5 P.E. - Gymnastics
14 Nov

Year 5 P.E. - Gymnastics

In P.E., Year 5 are learning some symmetrical and assymmetrical balances, travelling and jumps. We put our movements into some fantastic routines using the benches and each other!

Image of Year 5 Tree Planting - Creating a Micro Forest!
6 Nov

Year 5 Tree Planting - Creating a Micro Forest!

Year 5 were very lucky this week to be invited by Lancashire Council to help create a micro forest on Winterton Road. We were all very excited to plant some trees and help to save the planet! It was very muddy, but great fun and we all learned some valuable skills about how to plant trees!

Image of Year 5 Maths - Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000
6 Nov

Year 5 Maths - Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000

In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. We wrote digits from 1-9 on our whiteboards, and then moved the required number of places along a place value chart, making sure we added people with the place holder 0 to the empty places. In these photos we multiplied 58 by 10, 91 by 100, and 45 by 1000.

Image of Year 5 English - Freeze Framing Key Scenes from Beowulf
6 Nov

Year 5 English - Freeze Framing Key Scenes from Beowulf

We have been reading the story of Beowulf and Grendal in English, and we had a lot of fun deciding on the key scenes from the story and then using the drama technique of freeze framing to act these scenes out. Can you guess what is happening in each photo?

Image of Year 5 Maths: Square Numbers
30 Oct

Year 5 Maths: Square Numbers

In maths, Year 5 are learning about multiplication and division. We have learnt about multiples, factors and prime numbers, and have moved onto understanding square numbers. To help with our understanding, we created square arrays with counters. We discovered that 4 is a square number - because we could create a square shaped array with 4 counters. We also discovered that 6 is not a square number!

Image of Year 5 Design and Technology: Investigating Glove Designs!
30 Oct

Year 5 Design and Technology: Investigating Glove Designs!

Year 5 will be learning about sewing to create gloves in DT this term, and we began our topic with an investigation into glove designs. We looked at lots of different gloves for different criteria, including colour, fabric, stitching and decoration. We had a lot of fun!

Image of Year 5 Science: Sorting Materials into Hard or Soft
30 Oct

Year 5 Science: Sorting Materials into Hard or Soft

Year 5 were given a variety of objects made from different materials, and sorted them according to how hard or soft these objects were. They then tested their ideas using a nail to scratch the objects, and made a second judgement based on how easy it was to scratch the object. Lastly, we tested the trustworthiness of our investigation by comparing our results. We were surprised that our results were so different, and concluded that the method of observation was not as reliable as we had first thought!

Image of Year 5 Spelling Strategies
10 Oct

Year 5 Spelling Strategies

Year 5 have been using different strategies to learn their spellings this week, including cheerleader spellings and rainbow writing!

Image of Year 5 Science - Dissolving
10 Oct

Year 5 Science - Dissolving

In Science this week, Year 5 investigated whether temperature has an effect on the time it takes to dissolve a sugar cube. We discussed variables, which ones were changed, which were measurable and which variables were the control variables and needed to remain the same each time.

Image of Fire Safety
9 Oct

Fire Safety

A Home Office study has found that approximately 350 children are injured in accidental fires every year

Image of Year 5 Science - What is a Solution?
3 Oct

Year 5 Science - What is a Solution?

Year 5 discovered how to identify a solution in Science this week. We made several mixtures, including sugar and water, flour and water and tea and water. We observed whether the mixture became clear or cloudy, and whether we could see visible particles. Only the clear mixtures were solutions.

Image of Year 5 R.E. - Researching the Timeline of the Bible Translations
3 Oct

Year 5 R.E. - Researching the Timeline of the Bible Translations

Year 5 used a website about the history of the Bible to help make timelines of Bible translations, going all the way back to the 1300's!

Image of Breakfast Club
3 Oct

Breakfast Club

In the Breakfast club we made brick towers bigger than a year 5 child and played Guess Who Games . We had lots of fun.

Image of Year 5 Science - Making a Water Filter
26 Sep

Year 5 Science - Making a Water Filter

Year 5 are learning about separating mixtures in Science. This week we studied filtration, and learnt about how useful it is - especially on the International Space Station! We made our own water filters, and were amazed at how much mud they filtered from the muddy water!

Image of Year 5 PSHE - Negotiation and Compromise Roleplay
26 Sep

Year 5 PSHE - Negotiation and Compromise Roleplay

Year 5 had fun in the hall acting out a roleplay aimed at understanding how to negotiate and compromise. Everyone had a go, and we all laughed a lot!

Image of Year 5 PE - Football Skills
19 Sep

Year 5 PE - Football Skills

Year 5's PE lessons were all about the football skills of tackling and defending this week. We had lots of fun in the sunshine tackling the ball from each other!

Image of Year 5 English - Top Trumps of Mythical Monsters!
19 Sep

Year 5 English - Top Trumps of Mythical Monsters!

In English, Year 5 are learning about different ancient, mythical monsters to create a character for our stories based on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. We used Mythical Monsters Top Trumps to help us begin to learn about these creatures!

Image of Year 5 Science - Sieving
19 Sep

Year 5 Science - Sieving

In Science this week, Year 5 have been learning how to separate solid mixtures using the process of sieving. We pretended to be gold prospectors and panned for gold in the soil!

Image of Year 5 Art - Typography Using Different Materials
19 Sep

Year 5 Art - Typography Using Different Materials

Year 5 are learning how to create typography in our Art lessons this term, which is the art of lettering. We used different materials like sticks, grasses, and screws and bolts to create letters, which we then sketched.

Image of Year 5 Maths - Place Value Fun!
11 Sep

Year 5 Maths - Place Value Fun!

In our maths lessons we are learning about Place Value, up to 1,000,000. This activity shows us learning to read and write numbers up to 1,000,000 - using dice to generate 6 digit numbers, before telling our partner what the number says.

Image of Year 5 Science - Find Someone Who and Making Mixtures
11 Sep

Year 5 Science - Find Someone Who and Making Mixtures

Year 5 enjoyed 'finding someone who' knew about materials and states of matter for a starter activity in Science this week. We then learned about what a mixture is, before making our own mixtures according to the instructions given - it got a bit messy but it was a lot of fun!

Image of Year 5 PSHE - Collaboration Challenge!
11 Sep

Year 5 PSHE - Collaboration Challenge!

Year 5 learned to collaborate with some fun posing exercises in the hall, before using this skill to try to build the tallest tower out of nothing but sheets of paper and sticky tape! We are learning to work together as a team.

Image of Welcome to Year 5 Mugshots!
5 Sep

Welcome to Year 5 Mugshots!

We took portrait photos of Year 5 for the year ahead. Look how neat and tidy we are in our new uniforms!

Image of What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety
17 Jul

What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Worry and Anxiety

At times, growing up can be a stressful experience. It’s not unheard of for young people to fret about things that could potentially go wrong in their lives – and what implications this would have for their life. In some situations, this can go beyond feeling uneasy about the future and become full-blown anxiety, which affects their mental, emotional and even physical wellbeing. While worry and anxiety can originate from many different places, it's immensely important for parents and educators to understand the effect this can have on youngsters – and how best to support them if they’re going through a difficult time. This guide provides insight into the ramifications of worry and anxiety, and how you can help children manage – and hopefully overcome – these challenges.

Image of Year 5 Nurture
17 Jul

Year 5 Nurture

In our Nurture lesson we looked at keeping safe over summer. Year 5 researched stranger danger, fire and water safety and train line safety.They made a powerpoint to show others how to keep safe.

Image of Year 5 Skills Builder
16 Jul

Year 5 Skills Builder

In our skills builders lesson we used listening, speaking and teamwork skills. Year 5 had to explore three crimes: cyberbullying, vandalism and theft. We had to make notes, including the Mitigating and aggravating circumstances. Then we had to write the most important facts about the crime ready to share with the other groups, using the evidence that we found we formed arguments for and against. They talked about what argument might the prosecution or defence come up with for this point in the crime report. We had to decide on three main arguments you will make in court.

Image of Year 5 PSHE
11 Jul

Year 5 PSHE

For our PSHE lesson this week the Year 5 children had a talk about how their bodies are going to change. They were extremely sensible and really enjoyed the lesson. Well done Year 5.

Image of Year 5 DT Moving Toys
11 Jul

Year 5 DT Moving Toys

In D+T Year 5 have been making moving toys. They designed their toy using 2 Design and Make. They then assembled their toys and attached wheels to make it move.

Image of Year 5 Butterflies
11 Jul

Year 5 Butterflies

For our long term study in Science the Year 5 children have been observing the life cycle of butterflies. The children have really enjoyed observing and making notes on the changes they have seen. On Tuesday it was time to release the butterflies. It was an amazing experience!

Image of Witton Park Athletics
8 Jul

Witton Park Athletics

Tonight our children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 took part in Witton Park Athletics. The children participated in relay races, throwing, jumping and sprinting. They all did a wonderful job, behaved impeccably and showed great sportsmanship, a huge well done to them all! They did Darwen St James proud!

Image of Year 5 Geography
4 Jul

Year 5 Geography

In our Geography lesson this week we looked at the map we created on our field trip and classified the buildings we recorded.

Image of Year 5 R.E
4 Jul

Year 5 R.E

In our R.E lesson this week we researched Deborah from the Bible. The children then noted down what makes a good leader and judge. The children came up with some fantastic answers.

Image of Year 5 Emotional Bingo!
26 Jun

Year 5 Emotional Bingo!

Year 5 have been thinking about how they feel in certain situations. We discussed that feelings range in different situations. We discussed each new emotion on the bingo card then played bingo! A fun lesson was had by all!

Image of Year 5 Thinking About the Decisions Moses' Mother had to Make.
26 Jun

Year 5 Thinking About the Decisions Moses' Mother had to Make.

Year 5 are currently looking at certain influential women in the Old Testament. This week we focused on Moses' Mother's hard decisions. The children had to decide if they agreed and also how her decisions affected her. It was an absolute emotional lesson where the children shone in their empathy and understanding. I was very proud of each and everyone of them.

Image of Year 5 Investigating Flowers!
26 Jun

Year 5 Investigating Flowers!

Today the Year 5 children walked around the school environment to look for and investigate a variety of flowers. They had to pick flowers that contained specific parts that they then went on to look more closely at in class. The sun shone, the children smiled and a great learning experience was had by all.

Image of Year 5 Geography Field Trip
26 Jun

Year 5 Geography Field Trip

Today the Year 5 children went into Darwen Town centre to study the surrounding buildings. They created a map of the area which they thoroughly enjoyed. Afterwards we cooled down with an ice-lolly courtesy of Miss Meagher! Thank you Miss Meagher it was definitely needed. We ended our wonderful afternoon with a park trip where we created a variety of rubbings. The children were an absolute pleasure and represented the school very positively!

Image of Year 5 French
18 Jun

Year 5 French

In our French lesson we learnt how to say the words for brother and sister and how many that we have.

Image of Year 5 Computing  Physical Concept Maps
18 Jun

Year 5 Computing Physical Concept Maps

During our computing lesson the children discussed what they thought a concept map was. After the discussion the year 5 children created a physical concept map on the KS2 yard which they really enjoyed.

Image of Year 5 PE Orienteering
18 Jun

Year 5 PE Orienteering

During our first lesson on Orienteering the children had to navigate a map of school to locate different objects. They also had to use their knowledge of a compass to support them with this . The children had a lot of fun!

Image of Year 5 RE
18 Jun

Year 5 RE

In our RE lesson the children firstly had to decipher why certain women in the old Testament were famous from looking at the pictures. They then researched each of the women to find out exactly why they were in the Bible. Some of the children were surprised by the answers !

Image of Year 5 RE
13 Jun

Year 5 RE

The children researched significant females from the Bible and then fed their research back to the class.

Image of Year 5  Geography- Digimaps
13 Jun

Year 5 Geography- Digimaps

In our Geography lesson we looked at Darwen on Digimaps. We then looked at the distance from school to another locations.

Image of Year 5 PE Lesson - Orienteering
12 Jun

Year 5 PE Lesson - Orienteering

In our PE lesson we played dodgeball for our warm up. For the main activity we focused on team work ready for our exciting orienteering lessons.

Image of Year 5 Science Day.
24 May

Year 5 Science Day.

Today in Year 5 the children had to make a boat from a template to float in water and then add cubes to see how many it took to sink the boat. This quickly became a friendly competition between teams and individual children. It was a pleasure to watch! The next task saw the children then make their own boats and again add cubes to see how many it took to sink. The designs the children came up with were absolutely fantastic and Tyler and Bill's boat took over 200 cubes to make it sink! Awesome! Well done to all for a fantastic morning!

Image of KS2 Science Show!
24 May

KS2 Science Show!

To continue our Science day the children watched an amazing Science show in the afternoon based on friction. The children's reactions were priceless! It was such an educational show with fun and amazement had by all including the staff! At the end of the show, he showed children safe investigations that they could complete at home. An amazing afternoon. The children want to thank Mrs Davies for an amazing, investigative, awe inspiring day!

Image of Year 5 Skills Builder - Creating an Educational Game
23 May

Year 5 Skills Builder - Creating an Educational Game

In Year 5 the children have been researching, designing and making an educational board game for younger children. The children had great fun even more so when they could eventually play their games!

Image of Year 5 Researching Greta Thunberg
22 May

Year 5 Researching Greta Thunberg

In Year 5 the children were researching Greta Thunberg for our Courageous Advocacy day. The children were amazed at the accomplishments she has made in changing people's mindset on climate change.

Image of Year 5 Mini Olympics
21 May

Year 5 Mini Olympics

Year 5 completed a mini Olympics on Monday. What fun we had. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and had the greatest time!

Image of Year 5 Picture News
16 May

Year 5 Picture News

In picture news Year 5 discussed the question, 'what is your identity?' The children gave some fantastic answers. One child said his identity was his personality, another mentioned their DNA!

Image of Year 5 History - Mind Maps Of The Industrial Revolution.
15 May

Year 5 History - Mind Maps Of The Industrial Revolution.

In our History lesson the children used their knowledge of the Industrial Revolution to create a mind map.

Image of Year 5 English Journey To The River Sea
15 May

Year 5 English Journey To The River Sea

Today in our English lesson we discussed the Amazon rainforest setting from our class novel, Journey To The River Sea. The children then listened to Miss Lawson write her version of the setting.

Image of Year 5 PSHE  Rosa Parks Story
15 May

Year 5 PSHE Rosa Parks Story

The children looked at discrimination within our PSHE . They watched a clip and discussed how the children felt then they read the story of Rosa Parks. Afterwards they looked at how to treat people with respect.

Image of Year 5  Science Life Cycle of a Bird
14 May

Year 5 Science Life Cycle of a Bird

Today in our Science lesson we have been learning about the life cycle of a bird and the parts of an egg.

Image of Year 5 PE Javelin
14 May

Year 5 PE Javelin

In our PE lesson we looked at the technique needed to throw a ball. Then the children had to use that technique to throw a javelin.

Image of Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet
14 May

Micro:bit Club - Creating a Digital Pet

Today the children have been programming their Micro:bit to create a digitial pet. There were lots of variables needed and lots of code to debug! The children showed gret perseverence and were proud of their finished program.

Image of Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay
12 May

Ordering School Meals Via ParentPay

We have listened to your feedback regarding wanting to know what your child eats in school and we have now activated ParentPay meal ordering so that you can order what your child will eat in school (please note thaat this will be compulsory form September). Please familiarise yourself with this by logging on to your ParentPay account and selecting your child's meals with them at home. Dinners need to be ordered before 9am. Please message Miss Greenwood if you have any problems logging on, thank you.

Image of A Huge Thank You to Woods Fruit and Veg!
12 May

A Huge Thank You to Woods Fruit and Veg!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Woods Fruit & VEG for supplying our fruit over the past few months, whilst we were in receipt of a food grant for our Key Stage 2 pupils. The fruit was lovely and fresh and the children really enjoyed it. We are missing your tangerines already!

Image of Year 5 History - The Industrial Revolution
9 May

Year 5 History - The Industrial Revolution

In Year 5 the children looked at the children working the Industrial Revolution. The children then went on to complete a myth busting treasure hunt.

Image of Year 5 PSHE
9 May

Year 5 PSHE

In PSHE the children were learning the importance of listening. During the lesson they played a lsitening game, they had to work with a partner to tell and listen to a story. They then had to feedback what had been said.

Image of Year 5 Science - Researching Life Cycles
8 May

Year 5 Science - Researching Life Cycles

In our science lesson we have been researching the life cycle of our chosen mammals.

Image of Year 5 DT - Textiles
6 May

Year 5 DT - Textiles

In our textiles lesson we have been investigating materials and processes in producing a Mono-Print on fabric.

Image of Year 5 Maths - Measuring Angles
2 May

Year 5 Maths - Measuring Angles

In maths today, the children have been using protractors to draw and measure angles accurately.

Image of Year 5 Science - Living Things and Their Habitats
2 May

Year 5 Science - Living Things and Their Habitats

Today in our science lesson we looked at the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and birds. Children also discussed parts of plants. The children had to use this knowledge to put the animals and plants into their correct life cycles.

Image of French in Year 5
2 May

French in Year 5

Year 5 have been learning the four points of the compass in French.

Image of Year 5 English Lesson - Role Play - Fnishing a Piece of Writing
24 Apr

Year 5 English Lesson - Role Play - Fnishing a Piece of Writing

Today in our English lesson we have been reading the story of The Fantastic Flying Book of Mr Morris Lessmore. We role played finishing a piece of writing and notes. How we would finally finish our writing; final full stop, put the pencil down, check over it and then close the book.

Image of Friends of DSJ
22 Apr

Friends of DSJ

We are looking for new members of our Friends at Darwen St James group. The group was created to help raise funds for school by thinking of ideas and planning fundraisers throughout the year. Past events include; *Film night *Bingo night *Family evening *Summer Fair *Christmas Fair All the money we raise is used in school - we have developed the nurture room and we are currently renovating the library areas around school. If you would like to find our more or if you would like to volunteer, please speak to Miss Sears.

Image of Year 5 Relay Lesson - Developing Technique
19 Apr

Year 5 Relay Lesson - Developing Technique

In our PE lesson we have been learning the technique of relaying using a baton, making sure our head is held up and arm out ready to receive the baton from the runner, we also needed good eye-hand coordination. As the receiver we needed to keep our hand out ready to get a firm hold of the baton and make the pass over smooth so that we didn't drop the baton. The person handing over the baton needed to make sure that they had their arm outstretched and that they kept a good vision of the receiver to make the passover fast and smooth.

Image of Y5 - Parent Lunch
17 Apr

Y5 - Parent Lunch

Year 5 parents joined their children today to sample dinner time in the hall and share the experience of enjoying our lovely school dinner. It was great seeing so many parents.

Image of Year 5 - Holy Communion
16 Apr

Year 5 - Holy Communion

Year 5 enjoyed Holy Communion and then had dinner with Rev Kevin and the congregation at St James' parish.

Image of Free School Meals - Extended!
8 Apr

Free School Meals - Extended!

As you all are aware, we received funding last year and we were fortunate to be able to offer free school meals to all of our children. We thought that this would be run until the end of March, however we are thrilled to announce we are able to extend this to the 26th April. From 29th April children who are not on free school meals will have to pay for their lunch and there will be a slight increase in cost and the new charge will be £2.50 per day. Now is a good opportunity to look into seeing if your child will be eligible for free school meals if you haven't yet applied by visiting Blackburn with Darwen Borough Councils website here

Image of Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township
3 Apr

Online Safety - What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Township

Potentially addictive online games are nothing new, but the specifics of this kind of media can vary enormously – and, as a consequence, the risks in each individual game are just as diverse. The city-builder Township is no exception: providing its legions of devotees with accessible, satisfying fun … but exposing them to potential hazards at the same time. However, any safeguarding issues that the game might have can (with a little knowhow) be neutralised – allowing young players to have some engrossing fun without adults needing to worry about children’s data, their money or their mental wellbeing. Our guide outlines how to help young gamers enjoy Township safely and responsibly.

Image of Easter closure information
28 Mar

Easter closure information

Easter closure information

Image of Easter Competition Winners
28 Mar

Easter Competition Winners

A huge well done to the winners of this years Easter competition! Rev Kev and Miss Greenwood had the difficult decision of selecting 3 winners form each class. We had over 20 family entries too, which was great! Congratulations to those winners.

Image of Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait
27 Mar

Online Safety - Wake up Wednesday - Clickbait

While scrolling online, you’ll almost inevitably have come across posts or links with headlines like “You Won’t Believe These 10 Crazy Facts about …”. Such lurid language – and the often-dubious nature of the content it promotes – has become something of a running joke on the internet. Yet while these articles are often laughed at by communities online, they can have an insidious side. Clickbait, as it’s known, can frequently function as part of a trap: intended to draw users in for the sake of advertising revenue or, in worse cases, masking an attempting to collect their personal information. This #WakeUpWednesday guide explores the various risks of clickbait and offers some top tips for evading the pitfalls of this controversial marketing technique.

Image of Easter Egg Competition
27 Mar

Easter Egg Competition

This year our competition theme was the Paris Olympics and we have had some eggstrodinary entries! Well done ot every family that entered this years competiton, the judges have had an eggstremely dificult decision this year! The winners will be announced in our special Easter Worship tomorrow, you are all welcome to join us.

Image of Measles Guidance
26 Mar

Measles Guidance

Please see the latest guidance for measles.

Image of Year 5 - Science - Changing States
25 Mar

Year 5 - Science - Changing States

In our science lesson today we have been learning about changing states of solid, liquid and gas. Year 5 acted out the changes in solid, liquid and gas. Next we looked at condensation using a tea light, tin foil, a mirror and water, watching what would happen after the water was heated up and seeing the condensation on the mirror.

Image of BwD Family Hub Website
24 Mar

BwD Family Hub Website

Fantastic news! Our website is live! The Start for Life Family Hub Website is the gateway to information of where services are, it details everything a family will need in those 1001 critical days and beyond. Our Family Hubs and Children Centres are our Single point of access to those start for life, wider services and family help. The Hubs and Children Centres are the physical places where a family can visit and speak to a trained staff member, face to face, who will provide them with straightforward information or advice on a wide range of family issues spanning the 0-19 (25 with SEND) age range and connect them appropriately to further services across that age range if they need more targeted or specialist support.

Image of 10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home
20 Mar

10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home

Cultural and technological changes have made the experiences of today’s children vastly different to our own childhoods; it can be challenging to engage youngsters in open, honest conversation – especially about more sensitive topics. This, combined with many children’s instinct to avoid “rocking the boat”, can make it difficult to stay up to date with the goings on in their lives. However, it’s hugely important that trusted adults still offer an empathetic ear and feel able to encourage young people to open up about their day-to-day activities. This #WakeUpWednesday guide provides ten top tips for promoting open conversations with children – helping to make sure there’s someone they know they can turn to in times of need.

Image of Year 5 - Science - Conductivity
12 Mar

Year 5 - Science - Conductivity

In our science lesson this week, we were investigating the conductivity of different materials using a basic circuit. The children created their own investigation and enjoyed working together.

Image of Year 5 - Science - Which Material is the Best Insulator?
5 Mar

Year 5 - Science - Which Material is the Best Insulator?

Today in our science lesson we were comparing everyday materials to see which was the best insulator. Year 5 were very surprised with the results! Which material would you say was the best insulator? Tonight ask your child what they thought would be the best and if you got the same answer as your child. Let's see if you are as surprised as we were. We tested: bamboo glass ceramic plastic paper

Image of Online Safety - Self Regulation
21 Feb

Online Safety - Self Regulation

As infants, we all rely completely on adults to help us resolve situations that are causing us to become upset or stressed. This is known as co-regulation. The next phase, once autonomy has begun to develop, is called self-regulation: this is when children start to become capable of exercising more control over their impulses and behaviour, and managing their own emotions. This vital developmental milestone, however, isn’t reached spontaneously. Learning to self-regulate requires sensitive guidance from trusted adults – simply talking with children about their thoughts and feelings, for instance, can ease the route to self-regulation. This #WakeUpWednesday guide has some expert tips for supporting children to reach this goal.