Online Safety - Scams and Fake News
While misinformation and ‘fake news’ are well-known concerns online, it's also the case that scammers and other cyber-criminals can try to utilise this phony material to manipulate, frighten or otherwise persuade their victims into cooperating. With constantly evolving scams and such a high volume of misinformation online, it's vital that parents and educators know how to safeguard the children in their care against these kinds of tactics. Our guide breaks down the most prominent ways in which scammers attempt to use ‘fake news’ to their advantage, as well as how to protect youngsters from being manipulated by such techniques.
Year 2 Computing - Binary Trees
We have done lots of amazing learning this week, including understanding more about Binary Trees and using them too!
Year 2 Maths - Multiplication and Division - Making Equal Groups
We have had many great mathematicians in Year 2 this week, continuing our learning on grouping and sharing.
Year 2 - English - Non Chronological Reports
We have been identifying features of a non chronological report this week, including reading reports on Facts About The Artic & The FA Cup. From highlighting and discussing features, to placing features in the correct order, it has been a fantastic week so far in English!
Reception Class - Making Chocolate Mug Cakes!
The children were so excited this afternoon as we finally made our chocolate mug cakes. The children have been learning about ingredients and recipes this week, and our story has been Chocolate Cake by Michael Rosen. The children had to follow the recipe, carefully counting the number of spoonfuls of each ingredient. We then talked about what would happen when we cooked the mug cakes in the microwave. Some of the mug cakes rose so high, they spilled over the sides like a chocolate volcano!
Reception Class - Learning About a Recipe
The children have been exploring ingredients and learning about recipes today in preparation for making their chocolate mug cakes this afternoon! We looked at the ingredients we needed, the amount and the order we would add them. We then looked at the cooking method and the final product.
Year 2 - PE: Team Building
This lesson was an amazing end to our Team Building unit in PE! We put all of our skills to the test in some fun team races, facing different challenges.
Nursery - Maths - Constructing A Brick House For The Little Pig
Our focused story for this week has been 'The three little pigs'. The children have been experimenting with different materials to build houses for the pigs. Today we made brick houses with the lego. The children persevered when linking the blocks together and made some beautiful structures for their pigs to live in. Some children used positional language in their play describing the placement of their bricks, 'on top'. We then pretended to be the big bad wolf to see if our brick houses were strong or if they would fall down!
Year 3 Art - Using Hot Colours To Paint A Volcano Landscape
In Art, Year 3 have been exploring how to use hot colours such as orange, yellow and red to paint a landscape picture of a volcano. They used white and black to lighten and darken the colours as they used them to add tone to their pictures.
Year 6: English - Independent Write
Year 6 have completed a fantastic independent writing outcome, in response to Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We have really enjoyed this unit, and I've been impressed with the outcomes. L.O - To retell classic fiction.
Preschool-Literacy-Likes And Dislikes
Our story in Literacy is Handa's surprise, All the children were given the opportunity to try all the different fruits from Handa's basket, The children shared their views by showing a thumbs up for likes and a thumbs down for dislikes of the fruits.
Year 3 Science - Looking For Fossils
In Science Year 3 have been looking at fossils. They watched a video about fossil hunter Mary Anning and learnt that people who look for fossils are called palaeontologists. By examining fossils we can learn about the Earth's history, creatures from different eras, what the environment was like and how living things and the climate changed over time.