Online Safety - Instagram
Instagram is one of the most well-known social media platforms around, frequented by users of all ages all over the world, and allowing them to share photos and videos with friends, family and the wider public if they wish. The site has many younger users, allowing people as young as 13 to create an account and engage with its community. As a popular choice of platform for teenagers, it's vital that parents and educators understand the risks associated with the site and what can be done to mitigate them. This free guide lets you know about the most prominent safety concerns on Instagram, offering expert advice on how to make young people’s experiences on the app as secure as possible.
Year 2 - PE - Jumping With Control
This week in Pe Fundimentals, Year 2 explored different ways of jumping and how to do with control.
Preschool-Understanding The World -Science-Our 5 senses/Food Tasting
Today we discussed our 5 senses and talked about what things we use our senses for, The children also enjoyed using their senses to smell,touch,look and hear bubble bath then we used our mouths to taste some porridge and talked about how the bubble bath smelt,looked,sounded and felt and we discussed if we liked the taste of the porridge.
Today we had James The Dentist Visit us in Preschool and Reception class, James taught us the importance of brushing our teeth. James also showed the children how much sugar can be found in sweets and sugary drinks and discussed what a healthy snack should be.
Year 6 PE
Year 6 have been learning the skill of passing using bounce and chest passes and making sure that they are ready to receive the ball.
Year 6 Spelling Practice
Year 6 had to practice their spelling using segment words and then had to put them into the correct syllables and phonemes.
Year 6 Role Play In PSHE
In our PSHE lesson we had to read 3 scripts and choose which one we wanted to act out as a group. The performance focused on finding a resolution to a situation where the six characters involved did not end up arguing. The characters found a diversion to otherwise occupy their minds and they still remain friends.
Year 2 RE: God's Big Story
In RE, Year 2 has been learning about the Bible. Today they learnt that although it is made up of lots of books, it makes up one big story altogether. They then chose their favourite story from the Bible. Some liked the stories of Daniel and David being brave, and others liked the stories with Jesus in.
Reception Visit from the Dentist.
Today Reception Class had two visitors from a dentist. They learnt about how to brushed their teeth properly and how many times a day. They also learnt about what foods and drinks are healthy and which can cause tooth decay. It was surprising which drinks are not as healthy as you think!
Year 1 - Science
Year one enjoyed exploring their sense of smell during today's science lesson. They were tasked with naming the smells of some well known household goods.
Year 1 Geography
During Geography this week, Year 1 explored the Reception area and later produced maps using symbols to represent the equipment they found.
Year 1 PSHE
During PSHE Year 1 explored their feelings. They expressed various emotions with their faces such as happy, sad, cross and worried.