Image of Year 5 R.E
4 Jul

Year 5 R.E

In our R.E lesson this week we researched Deborah from the Bible. The children then noted down what makes a good leader and judge. The children came up with some fantastic answers.

Image of Year 3 English - Features of a Villain
4 Jul

Year 3 English - Features of a Villain

Working in small groups year 3 looked at various fictional villains including Captain Hook, Lord Voldemort, The White Witch and Cruella De Vil. They gathered information including physical appearance, negative noun phrases and how they made other characters feel.

Image of Year 1 Geography - Capital Cities
4 Jul

Year 1 Geography - Capital Cities

Year 1 researched the capital cities of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales using atlases.

Image of Online Safety - Online Trolling
3 Jul

Online Safety - Online Trolling

The term “trolling” refers to sending hurtful or provocative comments – often done anonymously online – to provoke a reaction or cause emotional distress. Anonymity can embolden people into saying things they wouldn’t dare say in person. Euro 2024 and other tournaments tend to put an emphasis on this, with the abuse of both players and fans often increasing during such events. This free guide explores the phenomenon of online trolling, detailing its risks and letting you know how to safeguard children from this harmful behaviour. Some people online simply get a kick out of hurting people’s feelings, making it their mission to get a rise out of anyone they encounter. These people – known as “trolls” – are known for intentionally engaging in offensive or abusive behaviour to upset others online or provoke them into sinking to their level. At the height of events such as Euro 2024, when rivalries between various supporters reach an apex, trolling tends to see a bit of an uptick. Unfortunately, while “just ignore them” is genuinely good advice, it can prove very difficult to put into practice. This is especially true for children and young people, who are often still learning how to manage their emotions and sometimes react impulsively to name-calling and other mistreatment. This Wake up Wednesday, however, we’re offering expert guidance on how to keep youngsters safe from online trolling – both avoiding it entirely and responding to it effectively. Sources

Image of Year 2 Holy Communion
3 Jul

Year 2 Holy Communion

On Tuesday we went up to St James' Church to experience Holy Communion with the local congregation and Rev Kev.

Image of Pre School-PSHE-Taking Turns
3 Jul

Pre School-PSHE-Taking Turns

The children have been developing their sharing and taking turn skills playing the game, Pizza, Pizza. Working in groups to collect the correct pieces to add to their board, but some pizza toppings had bugs on and they needed to go in the rubbish meaning that the children's boards did not get filled. We all supported each other until we all had a complete board of pizza.

Image of Pre School- P.E- Balancing
3 Jul

Pre School- P.E- Balancing

P.E- Balancing In Pre School we have been making great progress with our balancing skills. Climbing onto jumps and walking, crawling and balancing with no support along the beams. Some children balanced bean bags on their heads as they moved across the beams.

Image of Year 6 Leavers Service at Blackburn Cathedral
2 Jul

Year 6 Leavers Service at Blackburn Cathedral

Year 6 joined lots of other schools from the diocese this morning for a service at Blackburn Cathedral. We met Chip Kendall, the singer and songwriter who runs a Christian charity called Soul Children, and sang his songs - Year 6 sang beautifully and did our school very proud! It was a fantastic morning celebrating our young people and their talents - they are going off into the world to make a positive difference to our communities! As Chip says: "Love where you Live"!

Image of Year 2 English Noun Phrases
2 Jul

Year 2 English Noun Phrases

In English we pretended we were flying on the magic carpet like Aladdin and Jasmine. We then had a brainstorming session creating interesting noun phrases about what the characters saw as they flew in the sky.

Image of Nursery - Maths - Sorting By Size
1 Jul

Nursery - Maths - Sorting By Size

In Nursery class, the children have been using the shells in the sand pit to explore size. We used the target language 'big' and 'small' to describe each shell and also grouped the shells together with others that matched in size.

Image of Year 6 Science: Identifying Plants for Classification
27 Jun

Year 6 Science: Identifying Plants for Classification

Year 6 had fun in the sunshine this week, identifying and classifying some of the common UK wild plants in our school grounds. We discovered that a lot of the plants can be classified as flowering plants!

Image of Year 4 Maths Completing a Symmetric Figure
27 Jun

Year 4 Maths Completing a Symmetric Figure

This week in Maths we have been looking in more depth in to shape and specifically how to complete a symmetric figure. Using a mirror we have been able to check our answers and make symmetric patterns of our own.