Nursery - PSHE - Likes And Dislikes, Trying Chinese Food
To finish our week after celebrating Chinese new year, we tasted some chinese food. The children tasted 4 different foods typically found within chinese cuisine. Everybody was willing to give these new food items a little taste, on the menu today was, egg fried rice, noodles, prawn crackers and spring rolls. Some children expressed their opinions with thumbs up or thumbs down, others used sound effects such as 'mmm' or 'yukk' and some children vocalised 'yummy' and even asked for 'more please'. The children really enjoyed snack time today!
Year 3 English - Discussion Text
For their new topic in English, Year 3 have been looking at discussion texts. They had class debates on topics such as: whether it is good or bad to lie, whether zoos should be open and whether we should wear uniforms to school. On post it notes the children wrote what they had found out and which they thought was right or wrong and why the decided this.
Nursery - Literacy - Mark Making
During our Chinese new year celebrations, the children made their own red envelopes and gifted them to a friend in class. The children used various different pencil grips to hold their crayons and scribed on their paper to create marks. Some children were even able to give meanings to their marks and tell their friends what they had drawn. The children then placed their good luck pictures inside red envelopes, along with a chocolate golden coin to represent the money usually gifted in these Chinese traditions. The class enjoyed exchanging their envelopes with each other and talking about the pictures they had drawn.
Year 5 Science: Water Resistance
In Science, Year 5 have been learning about water resistance, connecting this force to air resistance. We created shapes from plasticine and tried to make some more aerodynamic than others. We then timed how long it took for these shapes to drop into the water, understanding that the least surface area, more streamlined shapes dropped faster as there was less water resistance.
Year 5 Maths: Finding Fractions of an Amount
In Maths we are learning how to find a fraction of an amount using counters. It's helping us to visualise the problems!
Year 1 - Science - Absorbency
This week in science, Year 1 have been exploring materials and their properties. We looked at materials that are absorbent and those which are not. Our experiment was very interesting and we found out that not only are plastic wallets non-absorbent, but they are also waterproof!
Year 2 RE - The Ten Lepers
We looked at the story of The Ten Lepers, discussed how we would feel as a leper before and after being healed and the importance of being thankful to Jesus for helping us.
Year 2 PE - Team Building - Making a Plan to Be Successful
We continued to build on our team skills by taking part in activities, all of which needed the team to create plans in order to be successful.
Year 2 Maths - Making Equal Groups
We have been working super hard this week in Maths! We have been making equal groups by grouping and sharing. Our team here in Year 2 have been amazing at demonstrating that practice makes progress! Well done.
Reception - RE - Joshua And The Walls Of Jericho
In RE, Reception Class has been learning about stories Jesus would have heard as a child. Today they learnt the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho falling down. Joshua needed to be brave and the children talked about when they needed to be brave.
Pre-School- Expressive Arts And Design- Wheels On The Bus
Out in the garden the children helped create a bus using the different materials we could find. Once the bus was ready the children climbed aboard and off we went to the zoo, park and Blackpool tower. We added some singing along the way, singing wheels on the bus as we went on our adventures.
Year 5 R.E. Connecting British Values, our School Values, and the Values that Jesus Taught
In R.E. this week we have thought about the values taught to Christians by Jesus. We compared these values to our school values, and to the British Values. We made connections between these values and realised how they are very similar, learning that society follows the values which Jesus taught.