EYFS- PSHE-Christmas Magic Show
We had a magical day for all the children in EYFS experiencing a Christmas Magic Show. We watched magic tricks, a puppet show and the children enjoyed joining in with all the different acts. We danced to music and then a special visitor arrived.....' SANTA'.
Pre-School- PSHE-Taking Turns and Sharing
We have been developing our taking turns and sharing skills this week. We have played a pairs game and needed to match the animals. The children had to wait their turn and watch what was happening when the other player took their turn. Children struggled at first to wait their turn and how to play the game but with some guidance we had lots of fun.
Pre-School-PD-Christmas Dough
The children have enjoyed taking part in our Christmas dough disco. Moving arms up in the air and low to the ground and all around. We splat, pinched and moulded our dough to make reindeers, snowmen and Christmas puddings. The children have developed their skills over the term and are building their muscles in their arms and fingers.
Online Safety -Safety on Social Media
With social media’s ever-growing popularity among children and young people, it’s important for adults to keep themselves apprised of the associated risks and help youngsters to navigate these platforms in a safe, responsible manner. However, it can be difficult to know exactly how to protect children and young people while they use these apps. This free guide offers you expert tips on supporting youngsters to enjoy the features of social media while avoiding the risks.
Key Stage 2 Christmas Carol Concert
Key Stage 2 were fantastic this morning in church for our annual Christmas Carol Concert. Everyone remembered their lines and said them so clearly, and the carols were sung beautifully by all. Well done KS2! Happy Christmas!
Year 6: PE - Dodgeball
This half term in PE lessons year 6 have been playing dodgeball, learning how to move most effectively to dodge, and how to hit a moving target.
Year 6: Maths - Learning by Questions
During maths Year 6 have been using Learning by Questions to develop and consolidate learning in class. LBQ is a fantastic online tool and we have really enjoyed beginning to use it in class!
Year 3 Christmas Dinner
After an amazing KS2 Christmas Carol Service, Year 3 all enjoyed eating their Christmas dinner in the hall with the rest of the school and singing along to the Christmas songs.
Year 1 - Making Christmas Calendars
Year 1 enjoyed making Christmas Calendars this week. We used a photograph of ourselves in our Christmas jumpers and decorated the calendar for our adults.
Year 1 - Christmas Dinner
Year 1 enjoyed eating Christmas Dinner with their friends. We all enjoyed our chicken and especially our Christmas cookies!
Nursery - Maths - Making Reindeer Dust
On our malleable table this week, Nursery class have been making reindeer dust. The children have used spoons, cups, jugs, bowls and various other objects to scoop the ingredients and create their reindeer dust. The children were challenged to use their listening skills and follow an instruction such as, 'one cup of oats' and 'a sprinkle of glitter'. We counted out the scoops as the children added more and encouraged the children to count along and repeat key words 'more' 'empty' and 'full'. Once everything was measured and mixed the children filled up little bags to take home for Santa's reindeer on Christmas eve.
Year 5 Geography - Researching Innsbruck for a Travel Brochure
This half term in Geography, Year 5 have been learning about the Alps Mountain Range. We have studied the city of Innsbruck in detail, and learned a lot about it. We have even compared Innsbruck to Darwen! Year 5 are bringing this learning together to create a travel brochure, which includes geographical information such as when to visit and the climates in summer and winter, information about the destination such as the continent and the country, travel, tourist attractions and activities, and places to see.