Year 6 Science
Year 6 have been using movement and obstructions to learn about resistance in electrical circuits.
Year 6 PE
Year 6 have been learning control and the importance of possession in invasion games, practicing being a defender and knowing when to attack.
Year 4 English
As part of our English unit, 'The Loch Ness', year 4 have been looking at infographics, which are a type of fact-based text using images to help the reader understand. We have explored infographics and conducted our own Nessie research, ready to write our own.
Reception Class -Handwriting
Reception Class have started practising their pre writing shapes this week. These activities are a great starting point for writing. We will be working on our motor skills, building up to beginning to write.
Year 3 French - Greeting
Bonjour from Year 3. Today in French we have been learning different greetings for different times of the day. We greeted visitors into Year 3 with Bonjour and Au revoir when they left.
Year 2 DT - Joining Techniques
In DT Year 2 investigated different joining techniques for their structures - hinges, tabs, flanges and elbow joints.
Year 2 Science - Arrival Of The Caterpillars
Year 2 have been learning about life cycles in Science. Our caterpillars have arrived for our long term study to watch how they develop.
Year 3 Science - Comparing Light Reflections
In science today Year 3 have been comparing light reflecting on different surfaces. They used data loggers with objects including tin foil, mirrors, spoons, black paper and sunglasses to see which reflected the most light.
Reception Class - Phonics
Today the childen in Reception began their phase 2 phonics and guided reading sessions. We have started short sessions, gradually building them up over the next half term. The children did a fantastic job and realy enjoyed participating in some of the activities, using some of these in independent learning too!
Reception Class - Maths - Sorting and Comparing
This week in maths, reception Class have been sorting and comparing different objects. Some had to be sorted by colour, some by shape and some by size.
Nursery And PreSchool - P.E - Gross Motor Skills
In PE this week Nursery and PreSchool have been working on their gross motor skills, exploring different ways to move their bodies! The children walked, ran, slithered, crawled and jumped around the hall. They also used their listening skills to stop and freeze when asked. We also worked on some colour recognition as the children were tasked to find specific coloured hoops between the different movements.
Year 4 Question Matrix
As part of our Loch Ness unit, we have been using dice and the question matrix to generate questions linked to our research! We are looking forward to writing our articles on Nessie!