Image of Year 1 - PE - Ball Skills
11 Sep

Year 1 - PE - Ball Skills

Year 1 enjoyed their P.E lesson learning ball skills. They developed skills in dribbling and controlling a variety of balls.

Image of DT - Tasting Vegetables
10 Sep

DT - Tasting Vegetables

In DT this term Year 3 are making vegetable soup. Today they tasted lots of different vegetables including, peppers, onions, carrots, parsnips, cauliflowers and leeks. They then discussed how each one smelt, tasted, looked and felt.

Image of Nursery - Music - Exploring Different Instruments
10 Sep

Nursery - Music - Exploring Different Instruments

This week we have been reading 'Goat goes to playgroup'. In our story, Goat plays a variety of different instruments, so the children explored them too! They learnt the names of some new instruments and how to play them correctly, some of the children were also able to make loud and quiet sounds with their instruments. We had lots of fun exploring the different sounds and enjoyed making LOTS of noise!

Image of Year 2 DT - Exploring Structures
10 Sep

Year 2 DT - Exploring Structures

Year 2 started their new topic on strong structures by exploring how to make sheet materials stronger by rolling, folding and layering.

Image of Year 2 Maths - Numbers to 100
10 Sep

Year 2 Maths - Numbers to 100

Year 2 have been developing their knowledge of the value of two digit numbers by using base ten and place value charts.

Image of Year 2 PE - Running and Ball Skills
10 Sep

Year 2 PE - Running and Ball Skills

Year 2 have been developing their running skills in the hall and their ball rolling skills through targets in the playground.

Image of Year 2 - English - Roleplay in the blizzard
10 Sep

Year 2 - English - Roleplay in the blizzard

Year 2 have been reading the story - The Way Home For Wolf. We explored how the character Wilf felt when he got lost in the blizzard.

Image of Reception RE: What is Prayer?
10 Sep

Reception RE: What is Prayer?

Reception class explored the "Chatterbox" with lots of items connected to prayer. They learnt that prayer is talking to God, a bit like using a phone or writing letters to our special friends. They discovered prayer beads, prayer books, pictures of Jesus and prayer mats that can help with praying. They also thought about how they would make themselves still and quiet to pray to God.

Image of Reception Class - PE -
9 Sep

Reception Class - PE -

Reception started their PE lessons this week, and we began our new Get Set 4 PE unit - Introduction to PE. The children learned what a space was and practiced finding their own, aay from other people and the equipment. Once we had done this, the children used their imagination, pretending to be witches and wizards, moving around in different directions, trying to avoid obstacles.

Image of Year 1 PE lesson: Balancing and Stability
9 Sep

Year 1 PE lesson: Balancing and Stability

In their PE lesson Year 1 learnt about how they can balance and make themselves stable whilst jumping. They pretended to be frogs jumping on to lily pads and learnt that they could use their arms to balance themselves. Through bending their legs and swinging their arms they were also able to jump much further.

Image of Nursery - Science - Scattering Wildflower Seeds
6 Sep

Nursery - Science - Scattering Wildflower Seeds

We took some inspiration from this week's story and decided to scatter some wildflower seeds! The children loved shaking the seeds into the soil and made some predictions about what colour they thought the flowers would be once they grow. The children used gentle hands to rake the soil and have worked hard watering our seeds. We will continue to take care of them and hopefully, in spring, our wildflowers will bloom and brighten up our flower bed! We can't wait to see them grow.

Image of Reception Class - Computing
5 Sep

Reception Class - Computing

As part of our settling in week, the children have been exploring the different challenges set on the interactive board! The children have been developing their motor skills and their hand/eye coordination.