Reception - Maths - One More Than
Today the children have been looking at one more. We used a number line and blocks to support our work. Our sentence was one more than - is -.
Year 4 English - Writing and Presenting Stories
We have finally finished our unit on the Loch Ness! We have thoroughly enjoyed this unit, and wow, have the children produced some fantastic story outcomes from it! We were so proud of our stories, that we decided to type them up to put on display in school, and we worked hard on improving our typic skills in the process. We can't wait to find out what unit is coming next!
Year 4 Maths - Understanding Area
This week, year 4 have started to look at area. We discussed what area meant, and were impressed with Dylilah's answer of, "It's the whole inside of that board, I would cover the whole board to show the area." We used post it notes as squares to physically construct rectilinear shapes with different areas, before learning how to draw them in our books. Well done year 4!
Year 4 - Trip to Blackburn Cathedral.
Year 4 attended the moon exhibition at Blackburn Cathedral. We met with other Cidari schools to work in groups answering God’s big questions. We had a Worship with Bishop Phillip who taught us about the creation and asked us some questions; What words would you use to describe the moon? What does the moon make you think? How does the moon make you feel? The children took part in a number of workshops including dance, cooking, planting and clay sculptures, all representing one of God’s big question. The children were so well behaved and were great ambassadors for Darwen St James,
Nursery - UTW - Exploring Elements Of Routine That Happen During The Day And Night
The children in Nursery class have been working on their understanding of routine and events that happen during the day and night. The little ones selected items of interest from the basket and we discussed what the item was, what we do with it and when we might need it. The children mimicked using the items and had a good understanding on what each item was for, however It was interesting to hear how many children wear wellies to bed, haha! Nursery class really enjoyed this activity, so it will be available in provision for them to continue to explore and further support their understanding on day and night routines.
Year 5 Tree Planting - Creating a Micro Forest!
Year 5 were very lucky this week to be invited by Lancashire Council to help create a micro forest on Winterton Road. We were all very excited to plant some trees and help to save the planet! It was very muddy, but great fun and we all learned some valuable skills about how to plant trees!
Year 5 Maths - Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000
In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. We wrote digits from 1-9 on our whiteboards, and then moved the required number of places along a place value chart, making sure we added people with the place holder 0 to the empty places. In these photos we multiplied 58 by 10, 91 by 100, and 45 by 1000.
Year 5 English - Freeze Framing Key Scenes from Beowulf
We have been reading the story of Beowulf and Grendal in English, and we had a lot of fun deciding on the key scenes from the story and then using the drama technique of freeze framing to act these scenes out. Can you guess what is happening in each photo?
Year 6 English : Comparing Modern and Classic Texts
In English Year 6 has analysed front covers and language features to find differences and similarities between classic and modern texts. We were surprised at how similar the language features were in the Wizard of Oz (published in 1900), and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (published in 1997).
Year 6 History: Looking at Viking Sources
In our History lesson, year 6 have been looking at a range of secondary sources, showing artifacts from The Vikings. We used our previous knowledge and critical thinking to evaluate these sources.
Encouraging Children to Choose Respect
Even among adults, it can be all too common to see disputes and differing opinions grow extremely heated, which is rarely helpful to anyone. When emotions run high, it can be easy to forget yourself and perhaps even say something you didn’t mean, hurting feelings or escalating the situation further. For children, it’s just as important to avoid this kind of behaviour whenever possible; without the necessary guidance, however, they could struggle to identify any disrespectful behaviour, let alone recognise what they can do differently. This guide offers you expert advice on teaching children and young people to choose respect when interacting with their peers, helping to create an environment based on empathy and tolerance.
Pre- School- P.E - To Move Safely Into A Space
In our P.E lesson we have used our imagination to be wizards, creating a magic wand and broom stick. The children moved around the room using the skills we have been learning over the last few weeks. We moved our bodies fast and slow to different movements, crawling, hopping, walking and running making sure to move around the room without bumping into our friends. The children learnt to stop on the spot when the wizard said freeze. We created a magic potion and the children threw in frogs and worms (hoops) to make the potion bubble, bubble, bubble POP!