Year 6 English
Writing a descriptive paragraph to describe the scene as 'The Nowhere Emporium' mysteriously arrives in Glasgow city centre.
Year 6 Maths
Working on multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000 using our place value knowledge.
Top Tips for Supporting Children to Manage Conflict Effectively
As children go through life, they will inevitably come into conflict sooner or later. These disagreements can range from seemingly minor squabbles to far more serious disputes, and dealing with them in an effective, mature manner is an absolutely vital skill – one that takes some time and effort to cultivate. In children and young people’s formative years, it’s incredibly important for parents and educators to know how to teach them conflict resolution, as well being able to model this skill effectively. This free guide offers expert advice on helping youngsters avoid unnecessary conflict and supporting them in finding solutions when clashes arise. Sources
Year 6 RE
Year 6 followed the journey made by Bishop Philip and made lots of decisions to tell him where to go.
Preschool- Literacy- All About Me- Drawing Self Portraits and Hand Preference.
Our story this week is Marvellous Me - the children have been drawing/painting self portraits and showing their hand preferences and grip.
Year 4 Drawing and Sketching
This week, year 4 have used sketching pencils in different grades to sketch everyday objects around the classroom. We looked at six different shading skills and then used these on our own sketches. We particularly liked the ink shading with a 6B pencil.
Maths-counting and Recognising numbers 1 to 5- PreSchool
This week in Maths we have been counting and trying to recognise some numerals 1 to 5, counting objects and match numbers and playing counting games on the interactive board.
Year 4 Fundamentals
This week, Year 4 worked hard on their balancing skills in PE. We learned how to pull in the core to balance, and completed a range of activities which required balancing in different ways. We worked so well in teams!
Year 3 P.E. - Fundamentals
In P.E. Year 3 have been practicing moving at different speeds with control.
Year 5 Maths - Place Value Fun!
In our maths lessons we are learning about Place Value, up to 1,000,000. This activity shows us learning to read and write numbers up to 1,000,000 - using dice to generate 6 digit numbers, before telling our partner what the number says.
Year 5 Science - Find Someone Who and Making Mixtures
Year 5 enjoyed 'finding someone who' knew about materials and states of matter for a starter activity in Science this week. We then learned about what a mixture is, before making our own mixtures according to the instructions given - it got a bit messy but it was a lot of fun!
Year 5 PSHE - Collaboration Challenge!
Year 5 learned to collaborate with some fun posing exercises in the hall, before using this skill to try to build the tallest tower out of nothing but sheets of paper and sticky tape! We are learning to work together as a team.