Welcome to Year 5 Mugshots!
We took portrait photos of Year 5 for the year ahead. Look how neat and tidy we are in our new uniforms!
Nursery- Art-Colours
In Expressive Arts and Design this week we have been exploring colours. We watched the colours change when mixed together and gave meanings to our marks.
Nursery-PSHE-Exploring The Environment
The children have had a fantastic week back, meeting new friends and exploring the environment. Learning how to use new resources and engage in different activities around the classroom.
Year 4 Geography
Our Geography unit for this half term is The Amazon Rainforest. We used an atlas to locate the Amazon Rainforest and its key features, also looking at the countries surrounding it. We revised our knowledge of the 7 continents of the world, and identified them on a non-labelled map. We had great fun searching the atlases for rivers, mountains and cities!
Year 4 Handwriting
This week, year 4 have been practicing their 'curly caterpillar' letters. We worked hard to form the letters correctly, making sure they were nice and round, and a great shape. We went around the classroom and looked at the amazing progress our friends had made - before nominating some super star writers! We then wrote up our Class Charter, working hard on our formation.
Year 3 - English - Paddington Bear and Marmalade Sandwiches
Year 3 started their new English topic all about Paddington Bear. They started by looking for clues to identify the story they would be reading ,then made delicious marmalade sandwiches.
Year 1 - Our First Week Back!
The children have been enjoying various continuous provision activities during their first week in Year 1. Here you can see children drawing inspired by Van Gough, making minibeast legs and making creations using craft paper.
Year 1 - English - Writing Using Finger Spaces
Year 1 enjoyed learning key facts about mice and then writing them using spaces between words.
Year 1 - Science - Our Bodies
Year 1 enjoyed naming part of the human body in their Science lesson this week.
Pre School-PSHE-All About Me
The children have been getting to know each other this week and have talked about their likes and dislikes. The children then created pic collage adding materials and pictures to show what we had talked about. The children explored the classroom and showed their interests throughout the week.
Pre School-Phyiscal Development-Outdoor Fun
The children have been exploring the outdoor provision and enjoyed playing with the water, making mud pies and drawing with the large chalks making gross motor movements.
First maths game in Year 6
On our first day in year 6, we played a maths game. Using the numbers 1-9 we had to roll a dice to generate a total ,applying arithmetic and addition skills to win by eliminating all numbers the fastest.