Year 3 - P.E Team Building And Spatial Awareness
During our P.E. lesson Year 3 have been playing Capture the Flag. This helps to build team work as well as spatial awareness.
Year 3 - R.E. The Festival of Sukkot
In their R.E. lesson, Year 3 has been learning about the Jewish Festival of Sukkot. Some of the class collected sticks and leaves to build their own Sukkah. This is a special shelter built for the week-long festival, that will be used for sleeping in, praying in and for sharing special meals and stories with their family.
Year 1 RE - Sukkot; The Jewish Harvest.
In RE, Year 1 have been learning all about Harvest. They have also been learning about the Jewish Harvest week called Sukkot. During Sukkot, they build a dwelling called a Sukkah and it is decorated with special plants and fruits. As a class we built our own Sukkah and some even got to sit in it!
Pre-School-E.A.D Exploring Print with Wild Animals
The children used Wild Animal figures dipped them in paint and used them to make prints.
Reception RE: Learning About Muslim Prayer
For our RE topic on prayer, the children learnt about Muslim prayer and the actions that are important to make during the times of prayer. Miss Dalal helped the class to say the names of each action and perform the action correctly.
Year 3 - DT Researching Where Fruit And Vegetables Are Grown.
This week in DT, Year 3 have been using the chromebooks to research where fruits and vegetables are grown around the world. Some of the things they discovered where that coffee comes from South America, oranges from Europe and mangoes from Asia.
Year 3 Library
Every Tuesday lunchtime Year 3 have the chance to visit the library to change their own Home Reading books. They enjoy looking at the different books as well as reading them to each other.
Year 4 Maths - Calculator Work
This week, we learned how to use calculators to mark our own maths work. We really enjoyed doing this! Then, we used dice to generate our own questions, and used the calculator to mark those too!
Year 4 English - Role on the Wall
We have now moved on to our fiction section of The Loch Ness unit, and we have been looking at The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster story. We thought about the characters of Ishbel and Kenneth, and used words to describe their characters, justifying with evidence.
Year 4 Music - Using Rhythm Grids
Year 4 have been working hard this half term on their ability to respond to rhythm. We have been experiments with different tempo, and this week we created our own rhythm grids using symbols as a code for which actions we wanted to do.
Year 3 Science - Investigating How Distance Affects The Size Of Shadows
In science, Year 3 looked at how distance affects the size of a shadow. They used a torch to create a shadow of a cat against a whiteboard. By moving the torch away they discovered that the size of the shadow changed. The shadow got bigger the closer the torch got to the object and then smaller as it moved further away.
Reception Class - Maths - Matching and Making Patterns
The children first found the cards that had the matching pattern on. Then they needed to choose blocks of just 2 colours and make a recurring pattern with them.