Nursery - Computing - Can You Design A Cake?
The children in Nursery class have been working on their computing skills this week. They have learnt how to navigate software on purple mash to design a birthday cake. Using their fingers, hands and even noses, the children have been able to select different cake toppings and make marks of their choice on the screen, watching their creations develop as they drew.
Year 1 Music
Year 1 enjoyed composing their own music and following their score with percussion instruments. Later we recited our favourite nursery rhymes and played along.
Year 6 English
Using images and working together to describe our unique ‘Room of Wonders’, inspired by the Nowhere Emporium.
Reception Class - Name Writing
The children have had a go at writing their name using their name card. I asked the children if they could identify any letters from their name, some children could. As the children were writing, we discussed correct pencil grip and I supported the children to achieve this. Some children could form some letters and some children made marks to represent the different letters in their name.
Year 2 English - Boxing Up Facts
Year 2 became 'talking experts' about lions. They brainstormed all their facts and added them to a non-fiction text box up ready for writing.
Year 2 Geography - Physical Features
Year 2 walked to Polyphemus Woods in our local area to look at the natural features of a woodland.
School Council Preparing for World Mental Health day and Supporting Steven
The School Council has been busy preparing for World Mental Health Day and supporting Steven on Thursday 10th October. The theme is to wear yellow to support the well-being of our staff and children. In particular the School is trying to help Steven who sadly was taken ill in the Summer holidays and hasn't been able to attend school . As a school we are wearing yellow both to show our support to Steven and promote awareness of Mental Health Day. We want to let Steven and his family know that we are here to help and support. Steven is not alone!
Year 5 Science - What is a Solution?
Year 5 discovered how to identify a solution in Science this week. We made several mixtures, including sugar and water, flour and water and tea and water. We observed whether the mixture became clear or cloudy, and whether we could see visible particles. Only the clear mixtures were solutions.
PreSchool-P.S.H.E-I Am Special
Today the children Had to secretly look inside the box and not tell their friends what they saw until the last child had looked inside, the children then discussed what they saw which was themselves in a mirror, We then talked about Why we are special and unique and what makes us special and what makes our families special.
Year 5 R.E. - Researching the Timeline of the Bible Translations
Year 5 used a website about the history of the Bible to help make timelines of Bible translations, going all the way back to the 1300's!
Reception Maths: Comparing Capacity.
In Maths, Reception class has been comparing capacity by using different size boxes. They enjoyed using the cuddly toys to find the perfect home to consider which was the right size to fit it in; small, medium or big.
Year 4 Science
In science, we have been classifying animals based on their characteristics. We did this practically, using groups and keys, asking lots of useful questions to help us identify them.