Image of Two’s Room - Cars and Ramps
21 Mar

Two’s Room - Cars and Ramps

We have been exploring the cars and different ramps, to see how fast the cars will go. We had lots of fun doing this!

Image of Two’s Room - Art and Design - Creating Flowers
21 Mar

Two’s Room - Art and Design - Creating Flowers

We had lots of fun making our own flower pictures today, just like in our story.

Image of Year 3 - Computing - Simulation
21 Mar

Year 3 - Computing - Simulation

In computers year 3 have been looking at simulation. They have learnt how it can represent real and imaginary situations. The children gave examples of how simulations are used for fun and work. VR headsets are used for gaming and simulators are used by pilots to learn to fly.

Image of 10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home
20 Mar

10 Top Tips for Parents and Educators: Encouraging Open Conversations at Home

Cultural and technological changes have made the experiences of today’s children vastly different to our own childhoods; it can be challenging to engage youngsters in open, honest conversation – especially about more sensitive topics. This, combined with many children’s instinct to avoid “rocking the boat”, can make it difficult to stay up to date with the goings on in their lives. However, it’s hugely important that trusted adults still offer an empathetic ear and feel able to encourage young people to open up about their day-to-day activities. This #WakeUpWednesday guide provides ten top tips for promoting open conversations with children – helping to make sure there’s someone they know they can turn to in times of need.

Image of Year 1 - Maths - Numbers to 50
20 Mar

Year 1 - Maths - Numbers to 50

In maths we have been learning about numbers to 50. We looked at how to represent numbers using tens and ones. We used a 50 square and found different numbers based on their tens and ones. E.g. I am thinking of a number with 1 ten and 7 ones - The children then had to find and circle my number.

Image of Reception Class - Science - Exploring Space
19 Mar

Reception Class - Science - Exploring Space

This afternoon Reception has been exploring space! We took off from earth in our rocket and flew to the different planets! We visited Mercury - making our bodies small, we used telescopes to view Venus - the hottest planet in our solar system. Then we headed to Mars, we didn’t spot any Martians! Next we went to Jupiter which has a never ending giant storm. Then we visited Saturn and we pretended to be the ring around the planet. After that we went to the coldest planet in our solar system, Uranus, it was freezing! Finally we got to Neptune, the planet that is furthest away from the Sun, it also has the strongest winds. Finally we took a walk on the Moon before heading back to Earth in our rocket! What a busy afternoon!

Image of Nursery - PE - Balancing on a Ball
19 Mar

Nursery - PE - Balancing on a Ball

We had lots of fun in our PE session today. We have been learning how to sit and balance on a ball. This was very tricky to do but we all did so well. We also tried balancing with a partner using our feet and legs.

Image of Year 3 - Science - Animals including Humans
19 Mar

Year 3 - Science - Animals including Humans

Today we started our new science topic 'Animals including Humans'. The children completed a carousel activity working round the different tables to see what they knew. They looked at sorting the different animals into groups, reading labels on food packages to see what they told you about the food inside, what food they should and shouldn't eat lots of and labelling the bones of a skeleton.

Image of Year 6 - Holy Communion
19 Mar

Year 6 - Holy Communion

Year 6 were lucky enough to attend Holy Communion this morning at Church. Behaviour was excellent, and Rev Kev called us a credit to the school! Well done Year 6. Aaliyah did the reading perfectly, even the name of the place Bethsaida!

Image of Breakfast Club
19 Mar

Breakfast Club

At breakfast club this term, we have been promoting independence. The children have been encouraged to pour their own cereal, butter their own toast and pour their own drinks. We have been on hand to help with these tasks and to support your children when developing these skills. They have all enjoyed the new routine and it has been lovely to see them all grow in confidence when accessing the breakfast table and also see the improvement in their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills. If you would like to book your child onto breakfast club please do so on parentpay. The listing goes live at 3:45 every Monday for the following week.

Image of Pre School - Collage Creations
18 Mar

Pre School - Collage Creations

Today in funky fingers we used the scissors to cut the different wild animal prints to make a collage picture. Very impressed with our cutting skills.

Image of Year 3 - Design and Technology - Sandwich Snacks
17 Mar

Year 3 - Design and Technology - Sandwich Snacks

This term in DT we are learning about Sandwich Snacks. Today the children talked about the different types of bread that they could and tasted naan, bangles, pitta and wraps.