Image of Year 5 R.E. Connecting British Values, our School Values, and the Values that Jesus Taught
30 Jan

Year 5 R.E. Connecting British Values, our School Values, and the Values that Jesus Taught

In R.E. this week we have thought about the values taught to Christians by Jesus. We compared these values to our school values, and to the British Values. We made connections between these values and realised how they are very similar, learning that society follows the values which Jesus taught.

Image of Nursery - Maths - Using Size And Number Language
29 Jan

Nursery - Maths - Using Size And Number Language

During maths this week we have been working on number language and understanding size. The children played a game together, hiding golden coins under different sized cups. The only clue they could give to their friends, to help find the coins, was the size of the cup they were hidden under. The children worked really hard to identify the big, medium and small cups. Once the coins were found, the children were encouraged to count their coins, some children did this independently!

Image of Year 3 P.E.  -  Creating A Dance Using Counts of 8.
29 Jan

Year 3 P.E. - Creating A Dance Using Counts of 8.

In P.E. Year 3 we created a dance using counts of 8 to stay in time with each other and the music. We also had a go at adding our own count of 8 at the end of the routine.

Image of Year 1 - RE - Jesus Calms The Storm
29 Jan

Year 1 - RE - Jesus Calms The Storm

In RE, Year 1 has been thinking about how Jesus was special. Today they acted out the story of Jesus calming the storm. They enjoyed pretending to be on a boat in a storm and thought about how the disciples would have felt. They then reflected on times that they have felt scared and what made them feel calm again.

Image of Year 3 Computing - Learning How To Touch Type
28 Jan

Year 3 Computing - Learning How To Touch Type

In computing, Year 3 have been learning how to sit and position their fingers on the keyboard to help them with their typing. They have also learnt that different fingers work with different keys.

Image of Nursery - Geography - Exploring Chinese Culture
27 Jan

Nursery - Geography - Exploring Chinese Culture

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year, the children have accessed different activities set up around the classroom to support their understanding of a different culture. We have looked at the different clothing, food, eating utensils, seating and activities people in China would be accustomed to at this time of year. Nursery class have really enjoyed exploring the Chinese culture!

Image of Reception - Maths - 6,7,8
27 Jan

Reception - Maths - 6,7,8

This week the children have been developing their number sense this week, focussing on the numbers 6,7 and 8. We have been identifying, ordering and representing these numbers.

Image of Reception - Class Worship - Hope
27 Jan

Reception - Class Worship - Hope

Reception has been learning about the value of hope through the story of Jairus’ daughter. The children discussed some of the things they worry about and shared them with each other. The children love learning about different bible stories with the help of Jack, during our weekly class Worship.

Image of Year 3 Maths - Division With  A Remainder
27 Jan

Year 3 Maths - Division With A Remainder

In maths Year 3 have been dividing a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number and finding remainders. We first used lolly sticks to make triangles and squares and then we moved onto counters to make groups and see if there were any remainders.

Image of Pre-School-Physical Development-P.E-Roll And Control
27 Jan

Pre-School-Physical Development-P.E-Roll And Control

In our P.E session the children practised finding their own space, moving around safely and making sure that we don't bump into our friends.Then the children were given a ball and asked to roll and control the ball and when they heard Mrs Corbally shout" stop " the children had to pick up their ball without it rolling away.

Image of Year 3 R.E. - The Story Of Zacchaeus
24 Jan

Year 3 R.E. - The Story Of Zacchaeus

In R.E. Year 3 have been looking at the story of Zacchaeus. They have been learning to understand that people's lives can be transformed by becoming a Christian and choosing a different way of life.