Reception - Maths - Doubles
Reception class have been busy learning about doubling numbers, we used a tens frame and counters to identify and double numbers 1 - 5.
Reception Class - Pizza Making
Reception Class had a wonderful morning aking pizzas with our chef from Aspens Catering. The children had a selection of toppings to choose from and learned lots of information about the different food groups.
Year 5 PE Lesson - Orienteering
In our PE lesson we played dodgeball for our warm up. For the main activity we focused on team work ready for our exciting orienteering lessons.
Pre School- Maths-Number Hunt
The children had a fantastic time searching the classroom for treasure maps with different numbers on. The number was written down on the board and the children went around the room finding them. At each number map the children had a number task to complete, jump 5 times, 7 hops and so on. The children then created their own map adding their own numbers on.
Pre School- Physical Development- Cutting skills
On our fine motor table this week, we have been developing our cutting skills. Learning how to hold the scissors correctly and move along the lines that are on the paper. The children worked really hard cutting out and making cuts into the paper.
Year 1 R.E. - Creation
Year 1 experienced creating new things during their first lesson on our unit of Creation.
Year 1 - P.E - Orienteering
Year 1 began their unit on orienteering with some team building and problem solving challenges.
Year 1 Science - Everyday Materials
Year 1 completed the task of sorting objects according to their material, whether they are waterproof or not and whether they are transparent or opaque.
Year 4 Holy Communion
This week Year 4 have been to church to celebrate Holy Communion. The class were an asset to the school showing respect and prayer. We had some great readers and prayer intentions.
Year 4 Multiplication Check
The day had finally arrived. After weeks of practice... Year 4 completed their government individual multiplications check. I'm super proud of each and every one of them. Well done!
Year 4 Computing - Search Engines
This week we have been looking at Internet Search Engines and how to best find the information, check its accuracy and how to interpret and sort results.
Nursery - Maths - Science - Using Magnets To Create A Caterpillar
The children in Nursery class have really enjoyed using the magnets to create their own caterpillars. During this activity some children noticed that their caterpillar wasn't sticking together, with perseverance and problem solving skills being used, they were able to adjust the magnets accordingly so they would link together. We also discussed the colours used, identified big and small caterpillars and some children joined in with counting the links on their caterpillars.