Year 5 Emotional Bingo!
Year 5 have been thinking about how they feel in certain situations. We discussed that feelings range in different situations. We discussed each new emotion on the bingo card then played bingo! A fun lesson was had by all!
Year 5 Thinking About the Decisions Moses' Mother had to Make.
Year 5 are currently looking at certain influential women in the Old Testament. This week we focused on Moses' Mother's hard decisions. The children had to decide if they agreed and also how her decisions affected her. It was an absolute emotional lesson where the children shone in their empathy and understanding. I was very proud of each and everyone of them.
Year 5 Investigating Flowers!
Today the Year 5 children walked around the school environment to look for and investigate a variety of flowers. They had to pick flowers that contained specific parts that they then went on to look more closely at in class. The sun shone, the children smiled and a great learning experience was had by all.
Year 5 Geography Field Trip
Today the Year 5 children went into Darwen Town centre to study the surrounding buildings. They created a map of the area which they thoroughly enjoyed. Afterwards we cooled down with an ice-lolly courtesy of Miss Meagher! Thank you Miss Meagher it was definitely needed. We ended our wonderful afternoon with a park trip where we created a variety of rubbings. The children were an absolute pleasure and represented the school very positively!
Nursery - Literacy - Remembering Parts of A Story
In Nursery class this week we have really enjoyed reading 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' together. The children have been encouraged to join in at story time, helping to read the story and using our story props to support their understanding. Some of the children recalled the beginning middle and end of the story and could order our story props to represent this.
Reception Class -Visit to the Beach
Reception Class had a fantastic day at the seaside! The children took part in a beach hunt looking for different beach related objects, including shells, driftwood, a feather and seaweed. We also found a crab, a jellyfish and a dead seagull which the children were fascinated by! The children had a great time splashing in the water, exploring the sand and having an ice cream, even if one was pinched by a seagull! We received so many nice comments from the public about how well behaved the children were, and I agree, they were fantastically behaved and great ambassadors for our school!
Year 2 Geography - Observing The Natural Coastline
Year 2 had their visit to Lytham St Annes. We used our compasses to find north, south, east and west to record the Coastline features we could see in each direction.
Year 3 Maths - Solving Problems Using Time
In maths year 3 has been learning about the hours in a day. They were using base 10 to find out how many hours there would be in multiple days and to solve time problems.
Year 2 Science Food Chains
In science we looked at different habitats and the food chains that can be found there. We then created our own food chains and wrote a description about them using scientific vocabulary.
Year 2 Computing Creating Fact Files
In computing we have been looking at ways of presenting information. We had a go at creating fact files on the United Kingdom. We also developed our skills in inserting images and inserting capital letters on the keyboard.
Worship with Rev Kev - Noah's Ark
In worship today we learned about the value of hope through the story of Noah's Ark.
Year 3 Science - Identifying The Growth and Survival Needs of Plants
Today Year 3 started a new topic in science looking at plants. They looked at the growth and survival needs of plants and posed relevant questions. How does different types of air affect plants? How much water does a plant need? How do plants grow in different types of light? They then set up an experiment in class by planting four trays of seeds. The first tray had no water, the second a splash of water, the third a normal amount and the last one is being over watered. They will be checking the seeds daily and recording the results.