Image of Y2 - Hand Washing
14 Nov

Y2 - Hand Washing

This afternoon the children learned the importance of washing their hands. Kasim visited school to teach the children about germs, how they spread and how we can stop them spreading by washing our hands and using hand sanitiser. The children used a special gel on their hands and looked at the ‘germs’ under a UV light. They washed their hands and checked again to see how well they had washed the germs away. The children then thought about the importance of cleaning their nails and in between their fingers when washing as these were the places that the germs remained.

Image of Remembrance Day
11 Nov

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day poppies at Darwen St James'

Image of Two’s Room Fun and Learning
11 Nov

Two’s Room Fun and Learning

We have had a fantastic week learning all about people who help us and also Remembrance Day. We took part in a two minute silence today to remember those who fought for us. We have made beautiful poppies and even created a wreath to put on our war grave up at Darwen cemetery. We have had a fantastic week with lots of learning and fun.

Image of Y2 English Experience Day
11 Nov

Y2 English Experience Day

As part of our English unit, the children enjoyed their campfire experience day. We sang songs, listened to stories and even enjoyed smores and hot chocolate.

Image of Y2 Science - Testing Materials
10 Nov

Y2 Science - Testing Materials

This week in Science, the children investigated the best material to make an umbrella. They tested cling film, tissue, tin foil, a plastic bag and kitchen roll. They found 3 of the materials were waterproof but decided the plastic bag would make the best umbrella as it’s also stronger.

Image of Y6 - Collaborative Poem
7 Nov

Y6 - Collaborative Poem

This morning Year 6 wrote a collaborative poem all about a boat on a stormy sea. I think you’ll agree with me that they have used some wonderful vocabulary!

Image of Y1 - Collaborative Art - Fireworks
4 Nov

Y1 - Collaborative Art - Fireworks

In art and design year one have been creating a collaborative picture of the night sky on bonfire night. They used chalk, crayon and oil pastels to create the effect.

Image of Reception Class - Creating Rockets
4 Nov

Reception Class - Creating Rockets

Reception Class have been creating rockets by cutting out 2D shapes and sticking them together.

Image of Reception - Class Worship
3 Nov

Reception - Class Worship

During class worship we have been looking at the biblical story of Ruth and Naomi. We worked together in two teams to 'stick together' as Ruth and Naomi did. Our task was to carry a balloon around the classroom without using our hands. The children came up with some very good ideas on how to transport the balloon.

Image of Nursery - Toddle Tots
3 Nov

Nursery - Toddle Tots

This morning both pre school and two’s class walked up to church to attend the playgroup. We had lots of fun meeting new friends and playing with the different toys.

Image of Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip
1 Nov

Y4 Cathedral and Mosque Trip

What an exciting first day back at school year 4 have had today, visiting two places of worship, Blackburn Cathedral and Jaame Masjid (Central Mosque). We have learnt so many interesting facts and have definitely been “wowed” by lots of things. Well done year 4, you have made us very proud today.

Image of Reception - Colours in French
1 Nov

Reception - Colours in French

Reception have had their first French lesson of this term today and they have been learning how to say different colours! So far we have worked on rouge, bleu and jaune.