Year 4 Computing - Search Engines
This week we have been looking at Internet Search Engines and how to best find the information, check its accuracy and how to interpret and sort results.
Nursery - Maths - Science - Using Magnets To Create A Caterpillar
The children in Nursery class have really enjoyed using the magnets to create their own caterpillars. During this activity some children noticed that their caterpillar wasn't sticking together, with perseverance and problem solving skills being used, they were able to adjust the magnets accordingly so they would link together. We also discussed the colours used, identified big and small caterpillars and some children joined in with counting the links on their caterpillars.
Year 1 Science Day - Our Bodies
Year 1 investigated our bodies during Science Day. We discussed how we may all have the same body parts but that we are all different. We drew around each other and compared our outlines.
Year 1 Science Day The Science Show
Year 1 had lots of fun learning about pushes and pulls during the Science Show.
Phonics Screening Check - Parent Info
Please see attached the parental information regarding the Phonics Screening Check.
Year 5 Science Day.
Today in Year 5 the children had to make a boat from a template to float in water and then add cubes to see how many it took to sink the boat. This quickly became a friendly competition between teams and individual children. It was a pleasure to watch! The next task saw the children then make their own boats and again add cubes to see how many it took to sink. The designs the children came up with were absolutely fantastic and Tyler and Bill's boat took over 200 cubes to make it sink! Awesome! Well done to all for a fantastic morning!
KS2 Science Show!
To continue our Science day the children watched an amazing Science show in the afternoon based on friction. The children's reactions were priceless! It was such an educational show with fun and amazement had by all including the staff! At the end of the show, he showed children safe investigations that they could complete at home. An amazing afternoon. The children want to thank Mrs Davies for an amazing, investigative, awe inspiring day!
Year 6 PGL - Raft Building
The rain hasn’t stopped us today! The children have shown fantastic teamwork, participating in raft building. Poor Mrs Meagher ended up wet through as she fell in!
Year 6 PGL - The Climbing Wall
Today, Year 6 definitely lived out our value of courage as they had to face the climbing wall! The children were pushed out of their comfort zones, climbing as high as they could. We are extremely proud of their effort and determination!
Year 6 PGL - Abseiling
What goes up must come down! The next challenge for Year 6 was abseiling, and yet again they did us proud! Many of us faced our fears head on and our courage and perseverance shone through!
Picture News: Is it Fair to Judge Others on First Impressions?
In Picture News today, Reception were learning about a girls' football team who won a tournament against lots of boys. This had been unexpected so the children talked about how we should not judge others because of what they look like. They learnt about the British values that everyone is equal to each other.
Year 5 Skills Builder - Creating an Educational Game
In Year 5 the children have been researching, designing and making an educational board game for younger children. The children had great fun even more so when they could eventually play their games!