Year 1 - Science - Melting Materials
Year 1 have been learning about the effects of heat on different materials. We exposed ice cubes, chocolate, sugar and wax to heat and recorded our findings.
Year 1 - Art and Design - Knotting and Winding
In Textiles, Year 1 have been experimenting with knotting and wrapping techniques. They practised knotting wool to a stick and then winding it around until the whole stick was covered.
Year 4 English - Poetry
We have started a new English Unit this week - based on the poem 'The River' by Valerie Bloom. We have spent the week exploring some of the writing styles, images and also exploring some physical features of rivers.
Year 4 Maths - Money
This week we have started our new topic of money... whilst discreetly continuing our previous topic of decimals. A important topic in this day of age, especially in a new generation of contactless payments, Apple and Google Pay etc. Had some good fun.
Reception - Understanding the World - Understanding Arrows
Reception class discussed what the different arrows mean and their names (forwards, back, left and right). They then had to follow my instruction when I showed them an arrow, moving one step in that direction.
Reception - Maths - Finding 9 and 10
Reception Class have been continuing developing their understanding of number by identifying 9 and not 9 and 10 or not 10. Some of the pictures tried to trick us, so we had to be very careful when subitising and counting!
Year 3 - Science- Learning how Muscles Work.
Year 3 have been learning all about animals including humans in science. Today they have looked at how muscles work. They cut out pictures of two bones then joined them together using a split pin to make the joint move. They added an elastic band to act as the muscle and to see how it affected the joint.
Year 3 - Church Visit - Communion
Today, Year 3 went to church to take part in the communion service. They read aloud their own prayers and also a reading to the congregation. After the service they stayed to have their lunch.
Year 5 DT - Textiles
In our textiles lesson we have been investigating materials and processes in producing a Mono-Print on fabric.
Nursery - PSHE - Our Pets
In Nursery class we have been exploring all about our pets. The children have really enjoyed searching behind the doors to find their own pets, showing them off to their friends with pride! They have also enjoyed finding their friends pets and sharing their findings with each other. We have explored the sounds that our pets make, what their names are and how to look after and care for our animals.
Year 3 English - Ancient Egyptians
As part of their new English topic on the Ancient Egyptians, Year 3 have been exploring and identifying the main and subordinate clauses in complex sentences.
Year 3 P.E. - Practicing the Relay
In P.E. today year 3 practiced running the relay. They were put into teams and learned how to hold the baton and then how to run and pass it to the next person in their team.