Image of Year 5 Science Recap and Recall Activity
28 Nov

Year 5 Science Recap and Recall Activity

Year 5 began our Science lesson with a roleplay to demonstrate changes to material properties. We are showing that if we are a gas and we are cooled, we become a liquid. If we are a solid and we are heated - we become a liquid! And if we are a liquid and we are cooled we become a solid, or if we are heated, we become a gas!

Image of Year 5 P.E. - Teamwork to Find a Path Across the Playground
28 Nov

Year 5 P.E. - Teamwork to Find a Path Across the Playground

In P.E. this week, Year 5 played a game on the playground involving teamwork skills to collect coloured cones scattered around, but they weren't allowed to touch the floor and could only stand on the spots! It was hard work, but a lot of fun, and Year 5 showed great teamwork skills and tactics!

Image of Year 4 History - Roman Army Foundations
28 Nov

Year 4 History - Roman Army Foundations

This week in History, we looked at Roman army formations and why this meant The Romans were so successful. We took our learning outside and pretended to be the Roman army, using our whiteboards as shields!

Image of Year 4 English - Character Thoughts and Dialogue
28 Nov

Year 4 English - Character Thoughts and Dialogue

This week in English, we have been continuing our learning about The Little Shoemaker. We have been working hard on using adverbs to start sentences, and we also thought about the difference between thoughts and speech. The children did a fantastic job or inferring the character's speech and thoughts in different ways!

Image of Reception - Exploring Our World - A Leaf Scavenger Hunt
28 Nov

Reception - Exploring Our World - A Leaf Scavenger Hunt

As a part of our "Exploring The World" Unit and this week's Literacy theme on the book "The Leaf Man," Reception class went on a leaf scavenger hunt. The children worked in pairs and had clip-boards with different leaf images to tick. They were brilliant at describing the colours and shapes of their leaves.

Image of Nursery - Music - Experimenting With Loud And Quiet Sounds
27 Nov

Nursery - Music - Experimenting With Loud And Quiet Sounds

During our music lesson this week we have been experimenting with loud and quiet sounds. The children took it in turns to select an instrument to use and then tested them out to see what sounds each instrument made. We then explored how we could adapt how we played the instrument to change the volume level. The children were able to play the instruments softly to create quiet sounds and also were able to adjust the way they played the instrument to make loud sounds!

Image of Parent And Toddler Group
27 Nov

Parent And Toddler Group

We have had a great time this week at our parent and toddler group. This weeks theme was 'Autumn', the children made some leaf wreaths, and experimented with colour mixing during our pinecone rolling activity. They also enjoyed using their gross motor skills to maneuver around, over and under the soft play equipment. Our music mat was also very popular, taking part in 'whats in the bag' and singing with our peers while adding a bit of musical flare with the instruments! Our parent and toddler group is on every Wednesday from 9:45-11:15 with different themes featuring each week! Please come and join us, having lots of fun and making new friends!

Image of Wake Up Wednesday
27 Nov

Wake Up Wednesday

As one of the most popular messaging apps available, Snapchat sees an enormous amount of usage across the globe – with a significant number of those utilising the platform being under 18. For that reason, it’s important to understand the potential risks to younger users when spending time on this app. Of course, it can be difficult to identify every hazard associated with the platform, let alone what can be done to mitigate these concerns. Our guide lays out the key online safety risks of Snapchat, as well as how to safeguard young people while they use the app.

Image of Pre-School- UTW-Electricity
27 Nov

Pre-School- UTW-Electricity

In Pre-School the children have been learning about Electricity. We explored where electricity comes from and how it works, what happens when it goes off and how we get it to come back on again. We found that items like torches and clocks run off batteries and the interactive board and light table need an electric source from the switches. We discussed safety and how we do not touch electric products unless we have been told it is safe to use.

Image of Reception Class - Parent Lunch
27 Nov

Reception Class - Parent Lunch

Reception Class had a wonderful lunch with their grown ups today! We had such a great turn out and the children loved sharing the experience with them.

Image of Reception - English - The Leaf Man
27 Nov

Reception - English - The Leaf Man

In English, the children have been reading "The Leaf Man." They have been putting actions to new vocabulary and then choosing how they could adapt the story. Today they were able to draw pictures of a friend for Leaf Man and then use their phonics knowledge to label their work.

Image of Pre-School-Literacy-Penguin Making
27 Nov

Pre-School-Literacy-Penguin Making

The Pre-School children have been developing their fine motor skills this week. They have used the play dough to roll, press and shape into a penguin. The children rolled the body and splatted the dough to shape eyes, a nose or used the enhancements to create wings and feet. The children have been building up muscle strength in their fingers.