Image of Year 4 English - Drama
12 Mar

Year 4 English - Drama

In English, we got to act as the characters Gulliver and Fig to help us understand them - it was lots of fun!

Image of Pre-School- PD-Fine Motor Skills
11 Mar

Pre-School- PD-Fine Motor Skills

Physical Development-Fine Motor Skills - In this skill the children were working those tiny muscles in the hands and fingers that are needed for precise movements. Helping the children to get better at controlling their hand movements and coordinating them with what they see.

Image of Reception - Handwriting
11 Mar

Reception - Handwriting

The children have been developing their handwriting through our Letter-join scheme. They have been working in small groups, forming letters correctly. This week we are focussing on g and q.

Image of Reception - English - Writing a Sentence
10 Mar

Reception - English - Writing a Sentence

This half-term, we are focusing on writing simple captions and sentences. Each morning, the children will write the stem sentence “I can see” and use their phonetic knowledge to spell different objects. We will be observing their ability to construct phonetically plausible sentences and form letters correctly.

Image of Exciting Library Day Change - Fridays in Reception!
9 Mar

Exciting Library Day Change - Fridays in Reception!

Subject: Exciting Library Day Change - Fridays in Reception! Dear Parents, We have some exciting news regarding our library day in Reception! Starting immediately, our library day will now be every Friday. To make this change even more special, we would love for you to join us in the Reception classroom at 3:00 PM each Friday. This will be a wonderful opportunity for you to: Choose a new library book together with your child. Share a story and enjoy some quality reading time. The gate will open at 3:00 PM to allow you access to the Reception classroom. We warmly welcome younger siblings to join in the fun too! The library book your child selects will be for you to take home and enjoy throughout the week. Please remember to bring it back each Friday so they can choose a new one. Even if you are unable to join us, please ensure your child brings their library book back on Friday so they can exchange it for a fresh read. If you have any questions about our new library day or anything else, please don't hesitate to contact me. We look forward to seeing you on Fridays! Warmly, Miss Sears.

Image of Year 1 - Handwriting
5 Mar

Year 1 - Handwriting

Year 1 did some handwriting warm ups to the video 'Crocodile Snap'. Then they used their whiteboards and pens to write capital letters. Well done Year 1.

Image of Year 3 English - Writing A Diary Extract Using Noun Phrases
28 Feb

Year 3 English - Writing A Diary Extract Using Noun Phrases

In English, Year 3 has been reading the book, 101 Dalmatians. Today they had to write a diary extract using noun phrases as if they were Pongo.

Image of Year 5 Spelling - Strategies to learn ei words
27 Feb

Year 5 Spelling - Strategies to learn ei words

Year 5 are using different strategies to learn our spellings. Today we have used 'fancy' curly writing in different colours to try to remember the spelling rule ei words that sound like ee.

Image of Year 6 - English: To Make Evidence Based Predictions
26 Feb

Year 6 - English: To Make Evidence Based Predictions

Year 6 began their new unit of work by analysing the front cover and blurb of our new text, and using the evidence they found to make predictions about the story.

Image of Year 3  English - Using Semantic Maps
24 Feb

Year 3 English - Using Semantic Maps

In English, Year 3 have been using semantic maps to explain the meanings of the unfamiliar words gobble, wheezes and chomp by using the context.

Image of Year 4  writing Information Booklets of Darwen
13 Feb

Year 4 writing Information Booklets of Darwen

In English, year 4 have been researching facts about Darwen so that they could write their fantastic information booklets. On Monday, they researched Darwen Tower and Darwen Library Theatre and they had great fun learning about interesting facts, such as The Beatles playing in Darwen in 1963 and Mahatma Gandhi visiting the mills. All of the children wrote their wonderful information booklets, trying to persuade people to come and see their town.

Image of Year 1 - Computing/English - Algorithms.
6 Feb

Year 1 - Computing/English - Algorithms.

Year 1 have been deepening their understanding of instructions. We looked at the importance of clear, precise language which would help the reader to understand what needed to be done. With this in mind, we partnered up and gave clear instructions for planting cress - we hope to see some results soon! This also helped to solidify our computing knowledge of algorithms, a digital step by step set of instructions.

Image of Year 2 - English - Non Chronological Reports
5 Feb

Year 2 - English - Non Chronological Reports

We have been identifying features of a non chronological report this week, including reading reports on Facts About The Artic & The FA Cup. From highlighting and discussing features, to placing features in the correct order, it has been a fantastic week so far in English!

Image of Reception Class - Learning About a Recipe
5 Feb

Reception Class - Learning About a Recipe

The children have been exploring ingredients and learning about recipes today in preparation for making their chocolate mug cakes this afternoon! We looked at the ingredients we needed, the amount and the order we would add them. We then looked at the cooking method and the final product.

Image of Year 6: English - Independent Write
3 Feb

Year 6: English - Independent Write

Year 6 have completed a fantastic independent writing outcome, in response to Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We have really enjoyed this unit, and I've been impressed with the outcomes. L.O - To retell classic fiction.

Image of Year 3 English - Discussion Text
31 Jan

Year 3 English - Discussion Text

For their new topic in English, Year 3 have been looking at discussion texts. They had class debates on topics such as: whether it is good or bad to lie, whether zoos should be open and whether we should wear uniforms to school. On post it notes the children wrote what they had found out and which they thought was right or wrong and why the decided this.

Image of Year 2 - English - Writing Our Own Stories
23 Jan

Year 2 - English - Writing Our Own Stories

We have read two books by the same author (Simon Bartram) and have been planning our own stories based on one of his books (A Right Royal Disaster). The children have enjoyed his books and have written their own stories following a similar plot!

Image of Year 3 English - Grouping Related Materials Into Paragraphs - Shared Write
22 Jan

Year 3 English - Grouping Related Materials Into Paragraphs - Shared Write

In English, Year 3 have been reading the book, The Stone Age Boy. Using what they have learnt from the story, they grouped related materials into paragraphs to complete a shared write.

Image of Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Statues to Show Themes
16 Jan

Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Statues to Show Themes

We explored the themes of our novel, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, in English this week. We created 'statues' to show a theme of the story, and the rest of the class had to guess what that theme was. We went on to write an explanation of why that theme was part of the story, using evidence from the text.

Image of Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Freeze Framing
16 Jan

Year 5 English - Drama Skills: Freeze Framing

Year 5 used drama skills to act out key parts of our novel: The Invention of Hugo Cabret. We freeze framed a part of the story, and then spoke our characters inferred thoughts out loud.

Image of Pre-School- PD-Fine and Gross Motor Skills
16 Jan

Pre-School- PD-Fine and Gross Motor Skills

The children take part in Write Dance to develop their fine and gross motor skills. Moving to music with the ribbons and making up and down movements building on muscle strength. The children move their body into position to hold their crayons to make the movements on to paper. Developing the skills they have just learnt through dancing.

Image of Year 3 English - Identifying Features of A Story
16 Jan

Year 3 English - Identifying Features of A Story

In English Year 3 are enjoying reading the book, The Stone Age Boy. Using chromebooks they read the story in groups and worked together to identify the different features.

Image of Nursery - Literacy - Using Story Props To Support Our Understanding of The Story's Structure
16 Jan

Nursery - Literacy - Using Story Props To Support Our Understanding of The Story's Structure

In Nursery class this week we have been reading 'Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?'. The children have been enjoying using our story props and masks to support their understanding of the story. They have been able to find and select specific masks based on the events happening on each page of our book. The children have been encouraged to vocalise the animal name and colour name, we have also explored the animal sounds and movements linked to their chosen masks.

Image of Year 6: English - Macbeth Character Descriptions
16 Jan

Year 6: English - Macbeth Character Descriptions

In English this week year 6 have been looking at the characters of Macbeth, and Lady Macbeth - then using what they have learnt to write effective character descriptions.

Image of Reception - Phonics - ai as in Snail
13 Jan

Reception - Phonics - ai as in Snail

Reception class have been working extremely hard during phonics and guided reading. Today the children learned a new digraph, ai as in snail. Every phonics session the children are given the opportunity to read and write words and phrases containing the phonemes they already know.

Image of Year 4 - English
9 Jan

Year 4 - English

Year 4 English

Image of Year 1 - English - The Gigantic Turnip
7 Jan

Year 1 - English - The Gigantic Turnip

Year 1 began their unit on The Gigantic Turnip. They watched time lapse videos of a turnip growing from a seed into a vegetable. They also looked closely at the front cover of the book and wrote their predictions for the story .

Image of Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
12 Dec

Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen

Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!

Image of Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
12 Dec

Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen

Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!

Image of Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen
12 Dec

Year 5 English - Persuasive Texts: Adverts to visit Darwen

Year 5 were lucky enough to have the opportunity to read our persuasive writing to a Brand Director at Merlin Attractions this week! We based our writing on some adverts for Legoland and Thorpe Park, and Nick from Merlin was really impressed with our understanding of how advertising works and was persuaded to visit Darwen by our fabulous emotive writing and our offers to book now!

Image of Year 6: English - Persuasive Writing
12 Dec

Year 6: English - Persuasive Writing

In English, year 6 have been analysing examples of persuasive texts. We have been spotting the language features authors use to persuade the reader. LO: to discuss techniques used to persuade the reader.

Image of Year 4 English - Designing Villains
12 Dec

Year 4 English - Designing Villains

As part of our English unit, we have been designing our own villains to go into our innovated stories based on The Little Shoemaker. We used noun phrases to describe the villains and has great fun being creative!

Image of Year 2 - English - Instructions
5 Dec

Year 2 - English - Instructions

In Year 2 we have been writing our instructions for our invented playground games and started to plan our independent write on how to wash our hands.

Image of Reception Class -Stick Man
4 Dec

Reception Class -Stick Man

This week, Reception Class have been reading the story of Stick Man. The children have really enjoyed the book, joining in with repeated words and phrases. The children have been collecting and decorating sticks, making their own stick person. They have also used playough to represent the Stick Man and different characters from the story.

Image of Year 1 - English - Using Envoys To Communicate Facts
2 Dec

Year 1 - English - Using Envoys To Communicate Facts

Year 1 consolidated their knowledge about Seasonal Weather by making posters. Later, they sent an envoy from each team to gather further facts about weather in each season. They practised oral rehearsal of facts during this activity ready for their writing later in the week.

Image of Year 4 English - Character Thoughts and Dialogue
28 Nov

Year 4 English - Character Thoughts and Dialogue

This week in English, we have been continuing our learning about The Little Shoemaker. We have been working hard on using adverbs to start sentences, and we also thought about the difference between thoughts and speech. The children did a fantastic job or inferring the character's speech and thoughts in different ways!

Image of Reception - Exploring Our World - A Leaf Scavenger Hunt
28 Nov

Reception - Exploring Our World - A Leaf Scavenger Hunt

As a part of our "Exploring The World" Unit and this week's Literacy theme on the book "The Leaf Man," Reception class went on a leaf scavenger hunt. The children worked in pairs and had clip-boards with different leaf images to tick. They were brilliant at describing the colours and shapes of their leaves.

Image of Reception - English - The Leaf Man
27 Nov

Reception - English - The Leaf Man

In English, the children have been reading "The Leaf Man." They have been putting actions to new vocabulary and then choosing how they could adapt the story. Today they were able to draw pictures of a friend for Leaf Man and then use their phonics knowledge to label their work.

Image of Pre-School-Literacy-Penguin Making
27 Nov

Pre-School-Literacy-Penguin Making

The Pre-School children have been developing their fine motor skills this week. They have used the play dough to roll, press and shape into a penguin. The children rolled the body and splatted the dough to shape eyes, a nose or used the enhancements to create wings and feet. The children have been building up muscle strength in their fingers.

Image of Year 6 English Comparing Two Different Songs
27 Nov

Year 6 English Comparing Two Different Songs

Year 6 have been listening to two different songs, they have been analysing Big Yellow Taxi, by Joni Mitchell and What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong. The children then compared the two sets of lyrics and discussed the message the lyrics were trying to get across to them. We then had a class discussion on which one we preferred and why? Most of the class prefered the Big Yellow Taxi over What A Wonderful World since it was a more upbeat and catchy song.

Image of Year 2 - English - Playground Games
26 Nov

Year 2 - English - Playground Games

In English we have been reading and analysing the instructions for playground games. We then made up our own games in small groups.

Image of Year 1 - English - Freeze Frames For The Story Zog
25 Nov

Year 1 - English - Freeze Frames For The Story Zog

In English, Year 1 has been re-imagining the story of Zog. They have come up with new characters and settings, following the structure of Zog. Today they acted out some freeze frames in order to learn the order of the story.

Image of Year 6 Independent Guided Reading  - Focusing on Retrieval Question Types
22 Nov

Year 6 Independent Guided Reading - Focusing on Retrieval Question Types

After a week of rehearsing answering retrieval question types, on Fridays Year 6 answer questions independently. The focus is to apply the skill that has been taught throughout the week. We are particularly enjoying the novel Skandar and the Unicorn Thief!

Image of Year 6 -  English - Independent Write
21 Nov

Year 6 - English - Independent Write

In English this week Year 6 have been completing their independent writing, re-telling the story of the Wizard of Oz and introducing a new character into the tale. We focused on using high level adjectives to build expanded noun phrases, relative clauses, subordination, adverbial phrases and parenthesis.

Image of Year 2 - English - Reading Playground Game Instructions
19 Nov

Year 2 - English - Reading Playground Game Instructions

In English, we read some simple instructions for different playground games and had a go at playing them.

Image of Pre-school - Communication And Language.
14 Nov

Pre-school - Communication And Language.

The children Listened to our story We're Going On a Bear Hunt, acting out movements throughout the story representing under, over and through movements.

Image of Year 4 English - Writing and Presenting Stories
7 Nov

Year 4 English - Writing and Presenting Stories

We have finally finished our unit on the Loch Ness! We have thoroughly enjoyed this unit, and wow, have the children produced some fantastic story outcomes from it! We were so proud of our stories, that we decided to type them up to put on display in school, and we worked hard on improving our typic skills in the process. We can't wait to find out what unit is coming next!

Image of Year 5 English - Freeze Framing Key Scenes from Beowulf
6 Nov

Year 5 English - Freeze Framing Key Scenes from Beowulf

We have been reading the story of Beowulf and Grendal in English, and we had a lot of fun deciding on the key scenes from the story and then using the drama technique of freeze framing to act these scenes out. Can you guess what is happening in each photo?

Image of Year 6 English : Comparing Modern and Classic Texts
6 Nov

Year 6 English : Comparing Modern and Classic Texts

In English Year 6 has analysed front covers and language features to find differences and similarities between classic and modern texts. We were surprised at how similar the language features were in the Wizard of Oz (published in 1900), and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (published in 1997).

Image of Year 1 - English - Using Images To Retell A Story
5 Nov

Year 1 - English - Using Images To Retell A Story

Year 1 created a story map of 'Zog'. They then rehearsed retelling the story using a repetitive pattern and adding actions. They enjoyed performing the story for each other.

Image of Reception Class - Writing
4 Nov

Reception Class - Writing

The children in Reception Class have been developing their motor control through a range of different activities. The children have been writing their graphemes in the sand today, being encouraged to use the Letter-join formation, moving from left to right.

Image of Year 3  English - Aesop's Fables - Asking Questions
31 Oct

Year 3 English - Aesop's Fables - Asking Questions

This week Year 3 have started their new topic in English all about Aesop's Fables. Today's fable was The Tortoise and the Hare. They took turns to hot seat at the front of the class as one of the characters whilst the rest of the class asked them questions.

Image of Year 6  English - Classic Texts
31 Oct

Year 6 English - Classic Texts

In English we have been looking at examples of classic texts, and thinking about what makes a book a classic. We also discussed which of our favourite books may become a classic in the future.

Image of Year 3  English - An Independent Write About Antarctica
17 Oct

Year 3 English - An Independent Write About Antarctica

Year 3 have been learning how to write a leaflet in their English lessons. They used their knowledge about Antarctica from their Geography lessons to create an independent leaflet.

Image of Year 5 Spelling Strategies
10 Oct

Year 5 Spelling Strategies

Year 5 have been using different strategies to learn their spellings this week, including cheerleader spellings and rainbow writing!

Image of Year 2 English - Independent Animal Research
9 Oct

Year 2 English - Independent Animal Research

Year 2 are preparing to write their own Safari Animal non-fiction text. They research their chosen animal, make notes and added them to their box ups.

Image of Year 1 - English - Writing Facts About Mice.
9 Oct

Year 1 - English - Writing Facts About Mice.

Year 1 watched a clip that taught us some really interesting facts about mice. We discussed them and orally rehearsed them before writing them down in our small groups. Later, we presented our facts to the class.

Image of Year 6 English
9 Oct

Year 6 English

Starting our independent writing in English, showcasing the vocabulary and grammatical features we have learnt so far! We are really pleased with the outcomes so far and how imaginative the story has been, and I am excited to see how they will come to their conclusions tomorrow.

Image of Year 4 English - Role on the Wall
8 Oct

Year 4 English - Role on the Wall

We have now moved on to our fiction section of The Loch Ness unit, and we have been looking at The Treasure of the Loch Ness Monster story. We thought about the characters of Ishbel and Kenneth, and used words to describe their characters, justifying with evidence.

Image of Year 3 Library
8 Oct

Year 3 Library

Every Tuesday lunchtime Year 3 have the chance to visit the library to change their own Home Reading books. They enjoy looking at the different books as well as reading them to each other.

Image of Year 6 English
4 Oct

Year 6 English

Using images and working together to describe our unique ‘Room of Wonders’, inspired by the Nowhere Emporium.

Image of Reception Class - Name Writing
4 Oct

Reception Class - Name Writing

The children have had a go at writing their name using their name card. I asked the children if they could identify any letters from their name, some children could. As the children were writing, we discussed correct pencil grip and I supported the children to achieve this. Some children could form some letters and some children made marks to represent the different letters in their name.

Image of Year 4 Art
3 Oct

Year 4 Art

This week, we finished our second novel of the year - The Danger Gang! As our art unit is about drawing stories, we decided to illustrate out favourite moments from the book, and add a catchy caption. There were some excellent captions and sketches by all of the children.

Image of Year 2 English - Boxing Up Facts
3 Oct

Year 2 English - Boxing Up Facts

Year 2 became 'talking experts' about lions. They brainstormed all their facts and added them to a non-fiction text box up ready for writing.

Image of Year 2 English - Safari Animal Research
30 Sep

Year 2 English - Safari Animal Research

In English we have started our non-fiction writing by researching our chosen animal. We used online books to discover the answers to our question: What are their offspring called? Where do they live? What do they eat? Then we found some interesting extra facts.

Image of Year 6  Spelling  Practice
25 Sep

Year 6 Spelling Practice

Year 6 had to practice their spelling using segment words and then had to put them into the correct syllables and phonemes.

Image of Year 5 English - Top Trumps of Mythical Monsters!
19 Sep

Year 5 English - Top Trumps of Mythical Monsters!

In English, Year 5 are learning about different ancient, mythical monsters to create a character for our stories based on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. We used Mythical Monsters Top Trumps to help us begin to learn about these creatures!

Image of Year 4 English
18 Sep

Year 4 English

As part of our English unit, 'The Loch Ness', year 4 have been looking at infographics, which are a type of fact-based text using images to help the reader understand. We have explored infographics and conducted our own Nessie research, ready to write our own.

Image of Year 4 Geography
18 Sep

Year 4 Geography

As part of our Amazon Rainforest studies, we used our knowledge of infographics to create one based on the Amazon! We learned a lot about how we might improve the quality of our information and how it is presented, and we can't wait to use these skills in our Nessie infographics in English!

Image of Reception Class -Handwriting
17 Sep

Reception Class -Handwriting

Reception Class have started practising their pre writing shapes this week. These activities are a great starting point for writing. We will be working on our motor skills, building up to beginning to write.

Image of Reception Class - Phonics
16 Sep

Reception Class - Phonics

Today the childen in Reception began their phase 2 phonics and guided reading sessions. We have started short sessions, gradually building them up over the next half term. The children did a fantastic job and realy enjoyed participating in some of the activities, using some of these in independent learning too!

Image of Year 4 Question Matrix
13 Sep

Year 4 Question Matrix

As part of our Loch Ness unit, we have been using dice and the question matrix to generate questions linked to our research! We are looking forward to writing our articles on Nessie!

Image of Year 6  English
12 Sep

Year 6 English

Writing a descriptive paragraph to describe the scene as 'The Nowhere Emporium' mysteriously arrives in Glasgow city centre.

Image of Year 2 - English - Roleplay in the blizzard
10 Sep

Year 2 - English - Roleplay in the blizzard

Year 2 have been reading the story - The Way Home For Wolf. We explored how the character Wilf felt when he got lost in the blizzard.

Image of Year 4 Handwriting
4 Sep

Year 4 Handwriting

This week, year 4 have been practicing their 'curly caterpillar' letters. We worked hard to form the letters correctly, making sure they were nice and round, and a great shape. We went around the classroom and looked at the amazing progress our friends had made - before nominating some super star writers! We then wrote up our Class Charter, working hard on our formation.

Image of Year 3 - English - Paddington Bear and Marmalade Sandwiches
4 Sep

Year 3 - English - Paddington Bear and Marmalade Sandwiches

Year 3 started their new English topic all about Paddington Bear. They started by looking for clues to identify the story they would be reading ,then made delicious marmalade sandwiches.

Image of Year 1 - English - Writing Using Finger Spaces
4 Sep

Year 1 - English - Writing Using Finger Spaces

Year 1 enjoyed learning key facts about mice and then writing them using spaces between words.

Image of Year 6 Looking at Artifacts in our English Lesson
4 Sep

Year 6 Looking at Artifacts in our English Lesson

Year 6 looked at artifacts to find inspiration for creative writing and generating excitement and interest in our class text 'The Nowhere Emporium '

Image of Year 3 English - Researching Dogs For Their Own Stories
11 Jul

Year 3 English - Researching Dogs For Their Own Stories

During English Year 3 have been reading 101 Dalmatians. Today they have been using the Chromebooks to research different breeds of dog. They will use this information to create a new character for their story.

Image of Year 2 English Spelling Practice
10 Jul

Year 2 English Spelling Practice

Year 2 practiced this week's spellings on Edshed.

Image of Reception Class - Phonics - Writing a Sentence
8 Jul

Reception Class - Phonics - Writing a Sentence

Reception Class have been busy practising their writing skills, trying hard to remember ther capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Image of Year 3 English - Features of a Villain
4 Jul

Year 3 English - Features of a Villain

Working in small groups year 3 looked at various fictional villains including Captain Hook, Lord Voldemort, The White Witch and Cruella De Vil. They gathered information including physical appearance, negative noun phrases and how they made other characters feel.

Image of Year 2 English Noun Phrases
2 Jul

Year 2 English Noun Phrases

In English we pretended we were flying on the magic carpet like Aladdin and Jasmine. We then had a brainstorming session creating interesting noun phrases about what the characters saw as they flew in the sky.

Image of Year 3 English - Developing A Character From A Narrative
27 Jun

Year 3 English - Developing A Character From A Narrative

Year 3 have been reading the story of 101 Dalmatians during their English lessons. Today they looked at Cruella De Vil and using noun phrases wrote about her character thinking about what she looked like, how she behaved and the effect she had on other characters.

Image of Pre School- Literacy- Mark Making
26 Jun

Pre School- Literacy- Mark Making

Pre-School have been practicing their drawing skills, copying different marks and then using what they have learnt to draw an object and talk about what they have created. We had spiders, caterpillars, worms and faces, and the children were very pleased with their work.

Image of Nursery - Literacy - Remembering Parts of A Story
25 Jun

Nursery - Literacy - Remembering Parts of A Story

In Nursery class this week we have really enjoyed reading 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' together. The children have been encouraged to join in at story time, helping to read the story and using our story props to support their understanding. Some of the children recalled the beginning middle and end of the story and could order our story props to represent this.

Image of Year 3 Writing - Using Dictionaries
20 Jun

Year 3 Writing - Using Dictionaries

Year 3 are enjoying reading the story 'One Hundred and One Dalmatians' for their English topic. Today they used chromebooks to look up and write the definitions of words from the story

Image of English - Rat Facts
19 Jun

English - Rat Facts

Year 1 have been learning facts about rats. These photos show us sharing our ideas and making fact posters.

Image of Year 6 English: Researching Chester Zoo for a Persuasive Advert
19 Jun

Year 6 English: Researching Chester Zoo for a Persuasive Advert

This week in English we are writing some adverts, persuading people to visit Chester Zoo. We used the Chester Zoo website to find out as many amazing facts about the zoo as we could! For example, did you know that Chester Zoo has over 35,000 animals?

Image of Year 6 English Debate
13 Jun

Year 6 English Debate

We created a 'line of continuum' to debate whether Mrs Ramsbottom in the poem is a good mother or not. At one end was 'strongly agree' and at the other was 'strongly disagree'. We had to justify where we stood with reasons for our choice. We then used the arguments made in our writing, a short discussion text debating both points of view.

Image of Year 4 Re-Writing Their Own River Poem
21 May

Year 4 Re-Writing Their Own River Poem

Over the past Five days Year 4 have been writing their own river poems and today they put all of the verses together.

Image of Year 1 -  Guided Reading - Decoding
20 May

Year 1 - Guided Reading - Decoding

Year 1 enjoyed their guided reading session with their new book this week. The children read the new vocabulary from the text and enjoyed spotting these words as we read the book together.

Image of Year 4 Computing - Persuasive Letters and Posters
15 May

Year 4 Computing - Persuasive Letters and Posters

Year 4 have been building upon their flow charts last week and writing persuasive letters and posters campaigning for a new playground in computing.

Image of Year 3 History - Preparing for the Afterlife.
15 May

Year 3 History - Preparing for the Afterlife.

During their topic on the Ancient Egyptians Year 3 have been learning about the process of Mummification and how the Egyptians were prepared for the afterlife.

Image of Year 5 English Journey To The River Sea
15 May

Year 5 English Journey To The River Sea

Today in our English lesson we discussed the Amazon rainforest setting from our class novel, Journey To The River Sea. The children then listened to Miss Lawson write her version of the setting.

Image of Year 3 English - Identifying a Key Idea in a Paragraph
13 May

Year 3 English - Identifying a Key Idea in a Paragraph

Today in English, Year 3 have been identifying key ideas in paragraphs about the Ancient Egyptians. Each group were given packs containing paragraphs and subheadings. They had to read each paragraph and match it with the correct subheading. Taking it in turns the children then moved around the room to see if the paragraphs had been sorted correctly.

Image of Year 3 English - IdentifyingKey Words in Paragraphs
10 May

Year 3 English - IdentifyingKey Words in Paragraphs

In English today, Year 3 worked in small groups to research facts about Tutankhamun and the Pharaohs. They then shared their facts with rest of the class.

Image of Introducing Recount Letters - Year 2
8 May

Introducing Recount Letters - Year 2

Year 2 have started their English topic on recount letters. We have read a variety of letters developing our reading fluency. Today we investigated different unknown words from the letters we read.

Image of Pre-School- Literacy and Maths- Calendar
8 May

Pre-School- Literacy and Maths- Calendar

Everyday Pre- school children take part in Calendar time. In this short activity we learn the day, date, month and what letter sound they start with. The children learn to recognise their own name card and letter sound. We then count how many children are in our class and put them into groups, recognising which group has more or less.

Image of Year 4 English - Poetry
8 May

Year 4 English - Poetry

We have started a new English Unit this week - based on the poem 'The River' by Valerie Bloom. We have spent the week exploring some of the writing styles, images and also exploring some physical features of rivers.

Image of Year 4 Maths - Money
8 May

Year 4 Maths - Money

This week we have started our new topic of money... whilst discreetly continuing our previous topic of decimals. A important topic in this day of age, especially in a new generation of contactless payments, Apple and Google Pay etc. Had some good fun.

Image of Year 3 English - Ancient Egyptians
3 May

Year 3 English - Ancient Egyptians

As part of their new English topic on the Ancient Egyptians, Year 3 have been exploring and identifying the main and subordinate clauses in complex sentences.

Image of Year 3 - English  Mummies and Their Sarcophagus'
2 May

Year 3 - English Mummies and Their Sarcophagus'

Year 3 started their new topic in English writing a non-chronological report about the Ancient Egyptians. As an introduction to the topic today they made their own Sarcophagus and turned a peg into a mummy.

Image of Pre-school-Literacy-The Giant Jam Sandwich
1 May

Pre-school-Literacy-The Giant Jam Sandwich

Literacy We have started reading the story of 'The Giant Jam Sandwich'. The children have been creating different pictures and learning new words but today we decided to make our own jam sandwiches with different styles and tastes of bread. The children selected which bread they would like and added jam if they wanted to. We discussed the sweet smell and how the wasps were attracted to the town.

Image of Reception and Y1 - Guided Reading
24 Apr

Reception and Y1 - Guided Reading

Reception and Year 1 have been developing their early reading skills. They have been applying their phonetic knowledge to help them decode the words in the book and they have been working on improving their fluency when reading. The children have really enjoyed these interactive reading sessions and have used the Chromebooks to use the ebook feature, this has been a real hit too!

Image of Year 5 English Lesson - Role Play - Fnishing a Piece of Writing
24 Apr

Year 5 English Lesson - Role Play - Fnishing a Piece of Writing

Today in our English lesson we have been reading the story of The Fantastic Flying Book of Mr Morris Lessmore. We role played finishing a piece of writing and notes. How we would finally finish our writing; final full stop, put the pencil down, check over it and then close the book.

Image of Nursery - Communication and Language - Which Animal Made that Sound?
24 Apr

Nursery - Communication and Language - Which Animal Made that Sound?

Nursery class have used their brilliant listening skills to identify which animal from our story 'Where's spot?' made the sound that they could hear. They worked really hard to link the sound with the correct animal picture and then mimicked the animal sound. The children took this new knowledge and found different animals during independent learning and were very excited to voice the correct animal sounds.

Image of Reception Class - Handwriting
22 Apr

Reception Class - Handwriting

Reception Class have been working hard on their letter formation through our Letterjoin scheme. They have been learning the rhymes to help them with their formation and sharing their work with a friend, talking about how their letters look and if they have been formed correctly.

Image of Reception Class - Story Time - Whatever Next!
12 Apr

Reception Class - Story Time - Whatever Next!

Today during story time the children acted out the different parts of our story Whatever Next! baby Bear and Owl met up and flew to the moon on a fantastic adventure! The children had remembered lots of vocabulary from the story and they were able to sequence the different events.

Image of Year One - Guided Reading
26 Mar

Year One - Guided Reading

In Guided Reading, we have been using our pointers to help us track our reading. We also used them to point to tricky words or graphemes too.

Image of Year 6 - English - Persuasive Writing
25 Mar

Year 6 - English - Persuasive Writing

Today in our English lesson we have planning our persuasive writing all about climate change, Greta Thunberg and how we can reduce Carbon emissions.

Image of Year 3 and Year 4 Guided Reading Group
21 Mar

Year 3 and Year 4 Guided Reading Group

This week the year 3 reading group has been reading The Queen's Plan. They have enjoyed reading and talking about the characters and story as well as adding expression. They have been breaking down new words and identifying the sounds ai, ee, igh, oa.

Image of Reception - Literacy - Plot Point 4
15 Mar

Reception - Literacy - Plot Point 4

Today in literacy we have been looking at plot point 4 of our story Pig's Might Fly. In the story, Wilbur pressed the big red button to activate the rocket booster! We were finding things that are red and we had a go at writing a sentence "Wilbur pressed the shiny red button". Some of the children had a go at changing the word shiny to other words, such as ruby and bright.

Image of Year 1 - Phonics - Popcorn Pop!
11 Mar

Year 1 - Phonics - Popcorn Pop!

In phonics this morning, we played 'Popcorn Pop', reading words with the 'ea / e-e' digraph.

Image of Year 1 - English - Ordering a Poem
11 Mar

Year 1 - English - Ordering a Poem

In English this morning, the children thought about the shape of the poem and worked in pairs to put the poem in order.

Image of Year 1 - World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 1 - World Book Day

Year 1 have had a great Book Day afternoon. We read Sloth in The Slow Lane and learned some key facts about sloths. Later, we made a sloth mask and some children did a collage.

Image of Year 2 - World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 2 - World Book Day

Year 2 has had a fantastic World Book Day! They shared stories with Year 6, talked about their teddies and explored the story or Mula and the Unsure Elephant.

Image of Nursery - World Book Day
7 Mar

Nursery - World Book Day

Nursery have had a wonderful day today celebrating World Book Day. They have dressed up, brought in teddies and shared stories!

Image of Year 1 - English - When I am by Myself
7 Mar

Year 1 - English - When I am by Myself

We started our new unit in English today, a poem called 'When I am by Myself'. The children have been learning the shapes for the poem which will help them with the sequence when they are writing their own. We played a game called 'Show me'. After learning the names of the shapes, the children worked with a partner and matched them to the different parts of the poem.

Image of Year 3 - World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 3 - World Book Day

Today for World Book Day Year 3 read Handa's Chicken and learned about Africa. They looked at its different countries and also the different flags. They also enjoyed a visit to nursery, to listen to the story of The Gruffalo read by Miss Lawson.

Image of Reception Class - World Book Day
7 Mar

Reception Class - World Book Day

World book day 2024! Today we have listened to many stories via different methods. First the children shared their guided reading books with their favourite teddies, our reading pals love having stories read to them! Then we enjoyed an exciting dinosaur book together as a class. This afternoon the children gathered on the carpet and we listened to a calming ebook which was a different experience for us, reception class listened very carefully, and were able to recall the characters and retell parts of the story. Then to end the day we were joined by some parents and we partnered up with Year 4. Mr Twist read two books for us all which included actions and the children's participation to help tell the stories. The children have all had a great day!

Image of Year 6 - World Book Day
7 Mar

Year 6 - World Book Day

Year 6 enjoying World Book Day! Reading for pleasure after lunch, and reading with Year 2 children later in the afternoon.

Image of Two’s Room - On the Farm
4 Mar

Two’s Room - On the Farm

We have had lots of fun today looking at our new story all about the farm. We enjoyed playing with the farm and the animals. We created pigs today using paper plates and pink paint.

Image of Two’s Room - Minibeasts
1 Mar

Two’s Room - Minibeasts

We have had a fantastic week in nursery this week. We have been learning all about minibeasts and creating our own bees. We had lots of fun during rhyme time with our family members. We had fun playing in the water with the ducks. We looked at the word sitting and what it means to us. We all practiced doing this and we also showed this with other objects. We enjoyed playing a colour matching game where we had to match the different colours to the different coloured objects. We have spent time exploring the outdoors and we even found some worms.

Image of Year 1 - Little Red Riding Hood
1 Mar

Year 1 - Little Red Riding Hood

Year 1 have been collecting vocabulary to use in their writing about Little Red Riding Hood. They focused on the characters and the woods. The children worked in pairs completing a 'Role on the wall' activity. For this, they had to think about how the wolf felt and what he looked like.

Image of Supporting your Bilingual Child
27 Feb

Supporting your Bilingual Child

Speaking two languages is an amazing skill to have! So if you're raising a bilingual child here are a few ways to support them

Image of Two’s Room - Rhyme Time
27 Feb

Two’s Room - Rhyme Time

The parents and children in the Two’s room had a fantastic time during our rhyme time today. Thank you to all of the parents who could make it. Please don't worry if you couldn't make it this week as it will be running it every week.

Image of Nursery - Story and Rhyme Time
25 Feb

Nursery - Story and Rhyme Time

We are pleased to announce our new story and rhyme time sessions in nursery. Tuesday for the Two's class children Thursday for Pre School children Parents are welcome to come to the session from 11.00 am for morning children. 2.30 pm for afternoon children. In this time we will have a lovely story/ rhyme session and before we finish you will be able to change your child's reading book with them before you go. We will now be changing books on Tuesday for Two's class children and Thursday for Pre School.

Image of Darwen Library Events in March
25 Feb

Darwen Library Events in March

Saturdays in March at Darwen Library.

Image of Reception Class - Group Reading
22 Feb

Reception Class - Group Reading

Reception have been working hard to apply their phonics knowledge to their reading. They have been working on ‘speedy reading’ breaking down the word into sounds and blending together to read the words.

Image of Pre School - Katie’s Sunflowers
22 Feb

Pre School - Katie’s Sunflowers

In literacy this week we have started a new story called Katie and the sunflowers. Katie goes to a gallery and sees a beautiful picture of some sunflowers. We discussed what we would see in a gallery and learnt some new words from Grandma Fantastic. We decided to create our very own sunflowers.

Image of Two’s Room - Dear Zoo
5 Feb

Two’s Room - Dear Zoo

We have had a good week so far in nursery. We have been looking at our story, Dear Zoo. We dressed up like the different animals and moved our bodies and made noises like the animals. We made animal footprints using the different coloured paints. We also made elephants which have long trunks and big ears! In our physical development room we have been practising our crawling and climbing skills. More fun to come!

Image of Pre School - Little Red Riding Hood
26 Jan

Pre School - Little Red Riding Hood

This week the children have been learning about the fairy tale Little Red riding hood. We have developed our fine motor skills using the tweezers to get the pom poms out of the forest. We developed our skills for maths with Grandma's cakes, giving a plate to Red riding hood, Grandma and wood cutter, even though we gave out the cakes the total remained the same. We played a game of hide and seek with Grandma and revisited a lesson on our senses.

Image of Year 1 Guided Reading
24 Jan

Year 1 Guided Reading

Year 1 have enjoyed reading this week! They have worked hard looking at new vocabulary, sounding out, blending and talking about what is happening in the story.

Image of Year One - English
23 Jan

Year One - English

Year 1 have been learning about Toys of the Past in English this term and thoroughly enjoyed our Experience day last week. We made party hats and enjoyed a teddy bears picnic (in class because it was raining) but we didn't let that spoil our fun! We also thought of different adjectives and alliterative words to describe teddy bears. E.g Tiny Teddy, Terrific Teddy, Brown Bear, Beautiful Bear and use these ideas in our writing the following day.

Image of Year 6 - English
23 Jan

Year 6 - English

Over the last two days in our English lesson we have been learning about Mount Everest. We have learned a lot of interesting facts and discussed what we need to take in our rucksack.

Image of Reception Class - English - Writing about Penguins
19 Jan

Reception Class - English - Writing about Penguins

Reception class have been learning all about penguins this half term. During our English lesson the children wrote the sentence ‘the daddy penguin hugs his baby.’ The children applied their phonetic knowledge, identifying tricky words and using their segmenting skills. Great effort everyone!

Image of Reception Class - Phonics and Early Reading
16 Jan

Reception Class - Phonics and Early Reading

Reception Class have been settling into their new routine of guided reading and phonics. We are developing our blending, segmenting and writing skills.

Image of Two’s Room - Kitchen Disco
15 Jan

Two’s Room - Kitchen Disco

We have started looking at our new book, Kitchen disco! It has lots of fruits and vegetables inside the book and so we have been exploring the different kinds of fruits and vegetables today. We touched and smelt the fruits and vegetables and talked about what they were called. We also played with the carrots and the lettuce in the water. We have lots of fun activities planned for this week. Here are some photos of what we have been up to today.

Image of Year 1 - The Queen’s Hat
20 Nov

Year 1 - The Queen’s Hat

In the story, The Queen's Hat, the wind blows her hat off. For today's experience day, the children have been experiencing the impact of a windy day. We watched some windy day clips and thought of some key vocabulary. We then used a hair dryer (wind) to blow their hats off. This was very tricky to catch on camera but the children thoroughly enjoyed it! We then used a tissue paper and explored different ways to make wind (blowing, throwing, dropping...) and watched the affects it had.

Image of Reception Class - Phonics - Popcorn Pop
15 Nov

Reception Class - Phonics - Popcorn Pop

During our phonics lesson today the children were introduced to our phonics game 'popcorn pop'. Inside our popcorn box we have some graphemes, tricky words and some CVC words to help the children with their blending. We really enjoyed this game and we will definitely be playing it again to help us with our phonics knowledge.

Image of Year 6  Drama Techniques
13 Nov

Year 6 Drama Techniques

In English we used drama techniques to 'freeze frame' what our reactions would be if we were told that we were going on a trip around the world, like the main character Michael, in our book Kensuke's Kingdom.

Image of Pre School - Literacy - Where The Wild Things Are
10 Nov

Pre School - Literacy - Where The Wild Things Are

In Literacy this week we have started our new story,' Where the Wild Things Are.' The children went out in the garden to find wild things using our imagination like Max from our story. The children found bears, witches and owls in the forest and loved running away from them and hiding in different places. The children moved their bodies to the action words we have been learning, skipping and marching. We even made some magic wands.

Image of Reception Class -Acting out a Story
9 Nov

Reception Class -Acting out a Story

In Reception Class we have been acting out the story of Owl Babies. The children took on the role of different characters, repeating familiar phrases from the story.

Image of Reception Class - Phonics
6 Nov

Reception Class - Phonics

Today in phonics the children have been practising their blending skills by playing Dragon's Den. The children had to read the words on the egg and decide if they thought the word was real or fake. They voted on this using our coloured fans.

Image of Reception Class Name Writing
16 Oct

Reception Class Name Writing

Reception Class have been working hard on identifying and writing their names. Some of our children are self correcting their pen grip too which is great!

Image of Pre School - Bear Hunt
6 Oct

Pre School - Bear Hunt

In literacy this week we have continued exploring our story of We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We have now reached the dark forest and explored the different sounds we would hear in the forest, selecting pictures of the animals we would find. We used the sensory box to find hidden bugs and twigs. We created forest pictures, painting with twigs and leaves. We then went outside to make a bear cave, collecting twigs, leaves and recalling the story as we worked together to make the cave. I think the bear would be very happy.

Image of Y1 English - Experience Day
2 Oct

Y1 English - Experience Day

For our Experience Day today, the children explored a busy and beautiful forest. In small groups they thought about the birds movements and actions and created a list of verbs including pecking, flying, twirling, gliding... The children then moved like the birds.

Image of Handwriting in Reception
2 Oct

Handwriting in Reception

Reception Class have been busy practicing their handwriting this afternoon. We are working on following a simple pattern on our boards, moving from left to right and holding our pen correctly.

Image of Pre School - Literacy
22 Sep

Pre School - Literacy

In literacy the children in pre-school have been exploring our story; We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We experienced warm and cold water, damp and dripping wet clothes and listened to different sounds of dripping water and splashing. We learnt new words from Grandma Fantastic's basket.

Image of Y2 English - Following Instructions
9 May

Y2 English - Following Instructions

In English this week, Year 2 are learning about instructions. This morning, they followed a set of instructions to make a jam sandwich ... which most of them thoroughly enjoyed eating at the end!

Image of Year 6 - SPAG Afternoon
24 Mar

Year 6 - SPAG Afternoon

Year 6 are having a 'SPAG games' afternoon today, where we are revising our knowledge in alternative ways. These photos show us having fun and working collaboratively to complete a 10 minute SPAG treasure hunt!

Image of Pre-School - Jasper’s Beanstalk
20 Jan

Pre-School - Jasper’s Beanstalk

We have had a very busy week in Pre-School exploring and learning. We have been reading Jasper's Beanstalk and have been taking part in lots of different activities. We even created our very own beanstalk and made our own Jasper the cat masks.

Image of Pre School - Goldilocks and the 3 Bears
13 Jan

Pre School - Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

This week in Pre School we have been looking at Fairy tales, the story we chose was Goldilocks and the three bears. The children came into a crime scene on Monday and had to investigate what had happened. As the week has gone on we have been learning about size and developing our cutting skills.

Image of Reception Class - English Experience Day
9 Jan

Reception Class - English Experience Day

This afternoon Reception watched a video of the Red Arrows as part of our experience day for Pigs Might Fly. We then explored flight by making our own paper aeroplanes and testing how well they flew.

Image of Year 2 - English ‘Shape Days’
9 Jan

Year 2 - English ‘Shape Days’

Year 2 will be completing a non-fiction piece of writing over the next few weeks based on the story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. To begin this unit we have completed 2 ‘shape days’ where we have been looking at our new shape vocabulary that will help us with our writing; see if your child can remember any of the shapes we have learned.

Image of Year 5 - Timeline
4 Jan

Year 5 - Timeline

We have had a very busy week, starting our new topic in English, we also created timelines of significant Kings and Queens in English. The children found this tricky but really tried hard to apply their growth mindsets.

Image of Y2 English Experience Day
11 Nov

Y2 English Experience Day

As part of our English unit, the children enjoyed their campfire experience day. We sang songs, listened to stories and even enjoyed smores and hot chocolate.

Image of Y6 - Collaborative Poem
7 Nov

Y6 - Collaborative Poem

This morning Year 6 wrote a collaborative poem all about a boat on a stormy sea. I think you’ll agree with me that they have used some wonderful vocabulary!

Image of Reading with your Child
13 Oct

Reading with your Child

Kids brains are like sponges, soaking up everything around them. And when you play with them, you give their brains a boost. Get support at Start for Life #ChatPlayRead

Image of Year 4 - National Poetry Day
6 Oct

Year 4 - National Poetry Day

Today for National Poetry Day, we read and performed a poem called The Lifecycle of a Flower. We enjoyed using actions and liked the rhyming words too!

Image of Pre School - Letters to the Bear
5 Oct

Pre School - Letters to the Bear

Pre-School have been reading We’re Going on a Bear Hunt this week. Some of the children created some invitations to give to the bear because he is lonely and the children asked him to come and play at nursery. The children left the invitations in the garden and this morning we had a reply, the bear had left a note and some biscuits to share with the children.

Image of Y1 and Y2 Literature Festival
4 Oct

Y1 and Y2 Literature Festival

Year 1 and 2 had a great time at Darwen Library this morning. We met a real author called Christina Gabittas and listened to her stories. Your child will bring a voucher home today that you can swap for a free book in Darwen library from 10 am to 12 noon on Saturday.

Image of Y2 - Visit to Darwen Library
3 Oct

Y2 - Visit to Darwen Library

Y2 had a wonderful time exploring Darwen library this morning. The children thought of some fantastic vocabulary that will help them with their writing this week.

Image of Reception - Phonics
26 Sep

Reception - Phonics

This afternoon in phonics Reception have been practising writing their graphemes and names, this is something they will do every day. They will be talking about print going from left to right, using the dot on our board to help them. They will also be looking at holding their pens properly.

Image of Reception Class Phonics
21 Sep

Reception Class Phonics

This week in Reception the children have been introduced to Phonics Bug. We have started learning about different phonemes, so far we have worked on 's' and 'a' sounds.

Image of Y2 English
20 Sep

Y2 English

Year 2 started their new unit in English today ‘Little Red Reading Hood’. The first lesson was an experience day. They went for a walk around school looking for different places they would like to read.

Image of Y5 - Reading Wish List
6 Sep

Y5 - Reading Wish List

This afternoon we have been transported to a cafe whereby we are tasting a selection of different books. We are exploring lots of different genres and making a reading wish list for the year!

Image of Help us Win £1000 for our School’s Library!
2 Jul

Help us Win £1000 for our School’s Library!

*** We need your help! *** This would be a fantastic prize for our children. Please could you spare 30 seconds, follow the link, click enter now and vote for Darwen St James CE Primary Academy. Thank you!

Image of Year 2 - English
24 Feb

Year 2 - English

In English, we have been sorting facts about Neil Armstrong. The children enjoyed learning about him and over the next few weeks they will write a non-chronological report about his life and the when he landed on the moon.

Image of Y3 - Adventure Stories.
26 Nov

Y3 - Adventure Stories.

Year 3 have been writing their own adventure stories and sharing them with thier classmates.

Image of Year 2 - Re-Telling a Story.
26 Nov

Year 2 - Re-Telling a Story.

The children began the week re-telling the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ to a partner. They then planned their own story on a story map, changing the name of the main character (e.g Little Pink Riding Hood), who she met in the woods (e.g a bear) and then thought about what the new character said to her (e.g ‘Oh Granny, what big paws you have’. The children will use this plan to help them write their own story. We look forward to reading them next week.

Image of Year 6 - Writing a New Chapter for the Wizard of Oz.
19 Nov

Year 6 - Writing a New Chapter for the Wizard of Oz.

We have had a lot of fun this morning making a new chapter for the Wizard of Oz story come to life with role plays and freeze frames in Year 6!

Image of Reception Class - Name Writing
9 Nov

Reception Class - Name Writing

Reception Class have been working hard to write their names, including forming their letters correctly.

Image of Library Visit - Y4
2 Nov

Library Visit - Y4

We loved our visit to Darwen Library today! We learned all about how a library works and enjoyed looking at all the different books. We all borrowed a book to keep at school. Those who brought back their form to become members will get their library cards by the end of the week so you can go back and choose a book to enjoy at home.

Image of Blending CVC Words
20 Oct

Blending CVC Words

Today the children in Reception have been working hard with their blending skills in phonics. Great job everyone!

Image of Year 3's Library Visit.
18 Oct

Year 3's Library Visit.

Year 3 have been selecting books from our school library to take home.