Year 4 Times Tables Rockstars
We are times tables rockstars! Year 4 have been working so hard to learn their times tables and to understand their corresponding division facts. Check out these rockstars who have made great progress in just 2 days this week!
Year 5 Maths - Pizza Fractions
To introduce our Fractions topic in Maths, Year 5 enjoyed cutting some tasty pizza into halves, quarters and eighths, and identifying equivalent fractions. We then cut the second pizza into thirds and sixths and could tell that one third is equivalent to two sixths. We then enjoyed eating our pizza fractions!
Reception Maths - Learning About The Composition of Five With The Song "Five Little Speckled Frogs."
Today the children enjoyed using the song "Five Little Speckled Frogs" to learn about the composition of five. With the use of a five frame and frog counters they began to talk about how many were needed to make up the whole.
Nursery - Literacy - 'We're Going on A Leaf Hunt'
The story Nursery class have been enjoying this week has been 'We're going on a leaf hunt'. We used the scenes from the story and a bit of imagination to go on our very own leaf hunt. The children were observant of their surroundings and found areas in the nursery garden that had similarities to our story. The children were encouraged to copy sound effects and positional language used in the story as they made different movements with their bodies. The children climbed to the top of a big hill, walked through the dark dark forest, rowed across the cold cold lake, found a house to hide from the skunk and with a bit of help from Miss Cooney, the children experienced a waterfall!
Reception - Maths - One More Than
Today the children have been looking at one more. We used a number line and blocks to support our work. Our sentence was one more than - is -.
Year 4 Maths - Understanding Area
This week, year 4 have started to look at area. We discussed what area meant, and were impressed with Dylilah's answer of, "It's the whole inside of that board, I would cover the whole board to show the area." We used post it notes as squares to physically construct rectilinear shapes with different areas, before learning how to draw them in our books. Well done year 4!
Year 5 Maths - Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000
In maths we have been learning how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000. We wrote digits from 1-9 on our whiteboards, and then moved the required number of places along a place value chart, making sure we added people with the place holder 0 to the empty places. In these photos we multiplied 58 by 10, 91 by 100, and 45 by 1000.
Nursery - Computing - Can You Fill The Fruit Bowl?
In Nursery class this week we have been reading 'Kitchen disco'. The children have been learning the names and characteristics of the different fruits in the story. During story time the children were tasked with identifying the fruit and drawing their representation on the interactive screen. They thought about the colour they may need to select, the shape of the fruit and the size of the fruit. The children worked together to complete our fruit bowl, great teamwork, Nursery class.
Year 2 Maths Subtracting 10s
In maths we have been learning how to subtract multiples of ten from a two digit number using base 10.
Pre-School-Maths-Joining In With Repeats
In Maths this week the children have been joining in with an arrangement of repeats such as singing nursery rhymes, If you're happy and you know it and five cheeky monkeys. The children also joined in with repeats of body percussion clap, jumps and a body movement of the children's choice.
Year 5 Maths: Square Numbers
In maths, Year 5 are learning about multiplication and division. We have learnt about multiples, factors and prime numbers, and have moved onto understanding square numbers. To help with our understanding, we created square arrays with counters. We discovered that 4 is a square number - because we could create a square shaped array with 4 counters. We also discovered that 6 is not a square number!
Nursery - Maths - Categorising Objects
This week, Nursery class have been reading 'kitchen disco', two of the first fruits we have explored are lemons and oranges. We discussed the size difference, encouraging the verbal use of 'big' and 'small'. The children vocalised the shape of the sliced fruit segments being 'circle' and also used their senses to smell each piece to help differentiate between the lemons and the oranges. We then separated the fruit into piles of oranges and piles of limes, the children used their own methods to do this from their knowledge gained during the adult led part of this activity. Well done Nursery class!
Year 4 Maths - Calculator Work
This week, we learned how to use calculators to mark our own maths work. We really enjoyed doing this! Then, we used dice to generate our own questions, and used the calculator to mark those too!
Reception Class - Maths - Matching and Making Patterns
The children first found the cards that had the matching pattern on. Then they needed to choose blocks of just 2 colours and make a recurring pattern with them.
Reception Maths: Comparing Capacity.
In Maths, Reception class has been comparing capacity by using different size boxes. They enjoyed using the cuddly toys to find the perfect home to consider which was the right size to fit it in; small, medium or big.
Year 6 Maths
In maths we have been multiplying four digit numbers by two digit numbers.
Year 1 Maths Part Whole Model
Year 1 used counters to split each whole into two parts.
Year 3 - Maths - Adding And Subtracting 1s
In maths, Year 3 have been learning to add and subtract 1 from a 3 digit number using the base 10 equipment.
Nursery - Science - Exploring Shadows
This week Nursery class have accessed our sensory room to explore different shadows. The children used torches to shine light onto different objects, including their hands, balls, cars, animals and other objects from around our classroom. The children made links between the size of the shadows they saw and how far away their torch was, investigating this by moving the torches backwards and forward. The children loved this activity and have continued to develop their understanding of shadows throughout the week, during their independent learning time.
Reception Class - Maths - Sorting Objects By Size
Today in Reception the children have been helping the bears pack their picnic, choosing the correct sizes for the bears.
Nursery - Maths - Capacity
Our maths focus this week in Nursery class has been capacity! The children have been encouraged to use the target language 'empty', 'full' and 'more' and correctly link those words with their experiences while exploring different areas of our classroom. Water play has been one of the main aids in this area of learning, the children have used different jugs, cups and containers to develop their pouring skills, hand eye coordination and also to further support their understanding of capacity.
Year 1 - Maths - Comparing the Amounts of Objects
Year 1 worked really hard in maths this week comparing amounts of objects and using the vocabulary less and more.
Nursery - Maths - Using Language 'Big And Small' And Sorting By Size
This week we have used the resources on our malleable tray to support the children's understanding of big and small. The children were tasked to find big and small pompoms of various colours and were encouraged to repeat and label the pompom 'big' or 'small'. Some children extended their learning and were able to find lots of pompoms of the same size and colour and successfully categorise them. Great job Nursery Class.
Reception Class - Maths - Sorting and Comparing
This week in maths, reception Class have been sorting and comparing different objects. Some had to be sorted by colour, some by shape and some by size.
Year 6 Maths
Working on multiplying by 10, 100 and 1,000 using our place value knowledge.
Maths-counting and Recognising numbers 1 to 5- PreSchool
This week in Maths we have been counting and trying to recognise some numerals 1 to 5, counting objects and match numbers and playing counting games on the interactive board.
Year 5 Maths - Place Value Fun!
In our maths lessons we are learning about Place Value, up to 1,000,000. This activity shows us learning to read and write numbers up to 1,000,000 - using dice to generate 6 digit numbers, before telling our partner what the number says.
Year 2 Maths - Numbers to 100
Year 2 have been developing their knowledge of the value of two digit numbers by using base ten and place value charts.
First maths game in Year 6
On our first day in year 6, we played a maths game. Using the numbers 1-9 we had to roll a dice to generate a total ,applying arithmetic and addition skills to win by eliminating all numbers the fastest.
Reception Class - Maths
The children in reception Class have been consolidating thir mathematical skills today. We worked in teams to order our Numicon sets 1 -10, then we had to sort them into odds and evens. We finished by finding our numberbonds to 5 and theen to 10. The children did a fantastic job and showed lots of sticky knowledge!
Nursery - Maths - Link Octopus
This week the children in Nursery class have been using their fine motor skills to assist them with our maths challenge. Using their knowledge of colour, the little ones were able to select different links and join them to the corresponding coloured tentacle on our octopus. This was very fiddly and needed a lot of perseverance! The children were encouraged to name or repeat the colour of the link they had chosen and some children also correctly identified which tentacle was the longest and which was the shortest. Great work, Nursery!
Reception Maths: Part and Part Make Up A Whole.
By using a hoop and some pompoms Reception class have been thinking about how two parts make up a whole. They threw the pompoms into the hoop but some fell outside. The ones inside the hoop were one part, those outside were another part. Adding the two parts together makes the whole!
Year 2 Computing Repeating Patterns
Year 2 explored the art work of William Morris and then created their own repeating wallpaper patterns using the pattern tool on 2Paint.
Pre School- Computing and Maths- Recognise Numbers
The children have had lots of fun this week developing their knowledge of numbers and counting 1 to 1 correspondence. The children added legs to the octopus and used different colours to add spots as they counted, recognising numbers as they go.
Year 1 - Maths - Money
Year 1 have been learning about money this week. We have been finding amounts using 10p, 5p and 2p.
Nursery - Maths - Sorting By Size
In Nursery class, the children have been using the shells in the sand pit to explore size. We used the target language 'big' and 'small' to describe each shell and also grouped the shells together with others that matched in size.
Year 4 Maths Completing a Symmetric Figure
This week in Maths we have been looking in more depth in to shape and specifically how to complete a symmetric figure. Using a mirror we have been able to check our answers and make symmetric patterns of our own.
Reception Maths: Taking away
Reception class have been learning about taking away in their maths lessons. They are now able to form number sentences that include the "minus" and "equals" symbols.
Year 3 Maths - Solving Problems Using Time
In maths year 3 has been learning about the hours in a day. They were using base 10 to find out how many hours there would be in multiple days and to solve time problems.
Reception Maths: How Many Now?
In Maths today we have been thinking about how we can say number sentences to express how many things we have. The children are getting so much quicker at noticing how many things have been added and counting in their heads.
Nursery - Maths - Capacity
During independent learning this week we have focused on capacity. The children have explored our water area and the mud kitchen outdoors and used the pots, pans and pouring apparatus to explore full and empty. The children have been encouraged to use the language 'full' and 'empty' to describe what they could see.
Reception - Maths - Doubles
Reception class have been busy learning about doubling numbers, we used a tens frame and counters to identify and double numbers 1 - 5.
Pre School- Maths-Number Hunt
The children had a fantastic time searching the classroom for treasure maps with different numbers on. The number was written down on the board and the children went around the room finding them. At each number map the children had a number task to complete, jump 5 times, 7 hops and so on. The children then created their own map adding their own numbers on.
Year 4 Multiplication Check
The day had finally arrived. After weeks of practice... Year 4 completed their government individual multiplications check. I'm super proud of each and every one of them. Well done!
Nursery - Maths - Science - Using Magnets To Create A Caterpillar
The children in Nursery class have really enjoyed using the magnets to create their own caterpillars. During this activity some children noticed that their caterpillar wasn't sticking together, with perseverance and problem solving skills being used, they were able to adjust the magnets accordingly so they would link together. We also discussed the colours used, identified big and small caterpillars and some children joined in with counting the links on their caterpillars.
Reception Class -Maths - Complex Patterns
In Maths, Reception Class has been learning about patterns as part of our topic on shapes. Today the children brightened up the houses of Darwen by drawing complex patterns on their houses!
Year 1 Maths - Fraction Pizzas
Year 1 have been learning about halves and quarters. Today, they made some fraction pizzas, they decorated them with three different toppings to show one half and two quarters.
Year 4 Maths - Hours, Minutes and Seconds
Today in year 4 Maths lesson we looked at analogue and digital clock, and when morning and afternoon starts. We also looked at what 'AM' and 'PM' stand for, AM stands for Ante Meridiem meaning before midday and PM stands for Post Meridiem meaning after midday.
Year 3 Maths Group - Analogue time, o'clock and Half Past
In maths today the boys have been looking at o'clock and half past. They had to say the time on the analogue clocks and then match it to the written time.
Year 3 Maths - Digital Time
Year 3 has been learning how to tell the time. Today they were looking at reading minutes on a digital clock.
Nursery - Maths. PE. - Building and Throwing
In Nursery class we have been following a pirate theme, linking with this the children used their construction skills to build walls out of our jumbo lego bricks. We discussed the colour and size of the bricks and the children also persevered to get them linked together. They then selected a 'cannon ball' and used a throwing skill to knock over the walls that they had built. The children really enjoyed this activity!
Reception - Maths - Representing 9 and 10.
Reception Class have been busy developing their knowledge of the composition of number. They had to use the different resource savailable to repreent 9 and 10 on their tens frame. The children had to explain how they had composed the number and how many spaces were left on their tens frame.
Year 6 Maths Quiz
Year 6 have been working really hard this week on maths revising and preparing for SATs, so this morning we had a lot of fun testing our knowledge on a Maths quiz on Kahoot.
Pre-School- Literacy and Maths- Calendar
Everyday Pre- school children take part in Calendar time. In this short activity we learn the day, date, month and what letter sound they start with. The children learn to recognise their own name card and letter sound. We then count how many children are in our class and put them into groups, recognising which group has more or less.
Pre-School- Maths-Rocket Shapes
The children have used different materials and shapes to create Rockets. The children recognised squares, rectangles and triangles and we counted how many sides each shape had.
Reception - Maths - Finding 9 and 10
Reception Class have been continuing developing their understanding of number by identifying 9 and not 9 and 10 or not 10. Some of the pictures tried to trick us, so we had to be very careful when subitising and counting!
Year 5 Maths - Measuring Angles
In maths today, the children have been using protractors to draw and measure angles accurately.
Year 6 Maths Measuring And Classifying Angles
Year 6 have been learning how to measure an angle using a protractor. We had a lot of fun finding the origin on the protractor, understanding where to place it on an angle, and also whether to read the outer scale or the inner scale on the protractor to measure the angle. We also learned about angle classification, including acute, obtuse, right, straight and reflex angles.
Year 4 Maths - Finding Fractions as Decimals
Year 4 have been working on decimals this week and finding their fraction equivalent. We have been using place value holders to find tenths and hundredths of an amount.
Year 3 Maths - Division
We were dividing 2 digits by 1 digit finding remainders.
Pre school - Maths
Racing cars The children enjoyed racing different cars down the ramp to see which number it landed on. The children subitise how many cars landed on the same number and recognised numbers 1-5.
Reception - Maths - Number Bonds to 10
Today the children have continued exploring number bonds to 10. We showed the different number bonds using our fingers. We then drew them on to our boards, representing the different numbers.
Two’s Room - Egg Hunt
This afternoon, we went on an egg hunt in the outdoor area. We had to find lots of different coloured eggs. We all worked together as a team and found them all!
Reception - Maths - Using a 10's Frame
Today in maths the children have been exploring a tens frame, representing numbers to 10. The children had to work with a partner to decide which Nuberblock had lost their 10 frame and whether they had represented that correctly on their frame.
Year 1 - Maths - Numbers to 50
In maths we have been learning about numbers to 50. We looked at how to represent numbers using tens and ones. We used a 50 square and found different numbers based on their tens and ones. E.g. I am thinking of a number with 1 ten and 7 ones - The children then had to find and circle my number.
Pre School - Maths - Dinosaurs
In Maths this week we have been counting dinosaurs and learning to give the correct amount asked for. We then sorted the dinosaurs and looked at which had more and less or the same.
Year 1 - Maths - Number Problems
We have been looking at missing number problems in maths today. We had a first, then and now story and the children had to work out how many frogs jumped in the pond. 3+_=8
Year 1 - Maths - Subtraction
In Maths today, we have been subtracting by counting backwards on a number line.
Year 2 Maths - Odd and Even Numbers
Today in year 2 our learning objective is To know odd and even numbers. The children have been using a tens frame and counters to find odds and evens.
Two’s Room - Minibeasts
We have had a fantastic week in nursery this week. We have been learning all about minibeasts and creating our own bees. We had lots of fun during rhyme time with our family members. We had fun playing in the water with the ducks. We looked at the word sitting and what it means to us. We all practiced doing this and we also showed this with other objects. We enjoyed playing a colour matching game where we had to match the different colours to the different coloured objects. We have spent time exploring the outdoors and we even found some worms.
Year 2 - Maths - Halving and Doubling Numbers
Maths- Today's learning objective is: to learn to half a number or double a number. Our unit in Maths this term is multiplication and division.
Pre School - Little Red Riding Hood
This week the children have been learning about the fairy tale Little Red riding hood. We have developed our fine motor skills using the tweezers to get the pom poms out of the forest. We developed our skills for maths with Grandma's cakes, giving a plate to Red riding hood, Grandma and wood cutter, even though we gave out the cakes the total remained the same. We played a game of hide and seek with Grandma and revisited a lesson on our senses.
Year 4 Computing - Spreadsheets
Year 4 have been busy using spreadsheets to create a budget party using formulas and amending their wish list to their given budget.
Reception Class -Maths - Parts That Make a Whole
Tooday the children have been learning how to; Identify the 'whole' when shown 1 part of a familiar object identify that the parts are still visible when they are assembled to make the whole hear the language of 'whole' and 'parts'. I’ve got a basket full of different parts here. Do you think you can help me sort out a problem? In my basket I have collected some things that I found left out, and they need sorting. Do you think you can help me decide which whole thing each part belongs to? We can say that parts can join together to make a whole.
Year 3 Maths - Place Value
This week in maths Year 3 have been using place value charts and counters to spot patterns in numbers.
Pre School - Counting Songs
In maths this week the children have been learning different counting songs. We used the blocks to touch count each object in our songs. We enjoyed singing five little ducks, five cheeky monkeys and five currant buns.
Year 1 Numbers 1-10
In our Mastering Number session today we looked at how we can make our body grow a little bit as we count and say a number from 0-10. We also looked at how we can shrink back down when counting from 10-0. The children then made ‘steps’ with a partner using cubes and thought about how they look like a staircase pattern.
Y1 - Comparing Numbers
Year 1 have been comparing numbers, looking at more and fewer. We have also been looking at the vocabulary more than, less than and equals to. We spent some time today re-capping this vocabulary and used the cubes to help us.
Year 1 - Mastering Number
During our Mastering Number sessions this week Y1 have been looking at the numbers 6-10 and learning about how these numbers are made up of '5 and a bit'. The children have used the dice frames and rekenreks to demonstrate these numbers then completed the sentence stems ___ is the whole, 5 is a part and ___ is a part or 5 needs ___ to make ___ For example 7 is the whole, 5 is a part and 2 is a part. Or 5 needs 2 to make 7. The children have gained a really good understanding of these numbers and have worked hard. Keep up the good work Year 1!
Year 6 - Maths
Year 6 have used cubes to make arrays in maths this morning. The arrays helped us to understand factors!
Year 3 - Maths - Representing Numbers to 1000
In maths this week some of year 3 have been learning different ways to represent numbers to 1000.
Reception Class - Creating Rockets
Reception Class have been creating rockets by cutting out 2D shapes and sticking them together.
Pre School - The 3 Bears
This morning in pre school the children were looking the different sizes of the bears, big, small and medium. They had to place the big, small and medium bears in size order. We created our own bears using paints and paper plates and then we explored the outdoor area.
Year 6 - Maths Treasure Hunt.
Yesterday Year 6 did some maths revision with a difference! We really enjoyed working out maths reasoning questions in a treasure hunt around the UKS2 area. Some of us thought it was better than a maths lesson!